Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 245 Trip to Sanya

For the next period of time, I didn't encounter any dangerous business again, and it was like this until the end of July.

When Li Xiaomeng was on vacation, Li Mazi came to me and said that I had nothing to do, so why not go on vacation with him?

I called Yin Xinyue and asked for Yin Xinyue's opinion.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the call was connected and before the vacation was mentioned, Yin Xinyue asked me to quickly pack my bags and go to Sanya, Hainan together.

I asked Yin Xinyue in surprise what happened?

Yin Xinyue told me that it was Li Mazi and Ruxue who invited us to go together. The company is currently in the off-season and not very busy, so Yin Xinyue agreed.

I am very happy. Has Li Mazi finally let go of Chu Chu? Come out of Chu Chu's shadow and slowly accept Ruxue?

I am sincerely happy for Li Mazi.

I had nothing to pack, so I brought cash and bank cards and met at Li Mazi’s house. Five people just packed into Li Mazi’s car, and we headed towards Sanya in a mighty manner...

Thinking of the cool sea water and the charming bikini, my heart was full of yearning, and I couldn't wait to appear on the Sanya beach right away.

After two days and two nights of traveling, we finally entered Hainan.

However, after traveling and traveling all the way, my original desire has weakened a lot. I just want to find a hotel and have a good rest for a day before going to Sanya.

I booked a hotel on my phone and used GPS navigation to go to that hotel.

However, when he was still two kilometers away from the hotel, Li Mazi suddenly made an oversight and rear-ended the car in front of him.

My head suddenly felt dizzy, and it seemed that I was in big trouble again.

I got out of the car in a hurry, wanting to see if the collision was serious. Unexpectedly, a man got out of the Passat in front of me. Without looking, he just yelled: "Damn, why are you driving!" With such a wide road, why did you hit me, was it intentional?"

Being scolded by the other party, I immediately became angry. Why is this person so incompetent? No one wants to have a car accident. Isn't this purely an accident?

I'm just going to have a few words with the other party.

Unexpectedly, before I opened my mouth, Li Mazi suddenly shouted in surprise: "Qin Yu, damn, why is it you?"

The two actually knew each other.

The man named Qin Yu also looked up at Li Mazi inexplicably, and finally recognized Li Mazi: "Li Goudan, you are Li Goudan!"

I was stunned for a moment. I didn't expect Li Mazi to have such a nickname.

Li Mazi laughed heartily: "It's damn fate. On such a wide road, I wouldn't bump into anyone else, but I just bumped into you. If I hadn't bumped into you, I guess we would never meet again in this life. Do you think it’s fate?”

"Fate?" Qin Yu suddenly thought of something and asked: "Um...Li Goudan, do you still have contact with Sanpao?"

"Sanpao? Oh, you contacted me on WeChat and you want to invite me to the class reunion. What's wrong?"

Unexpectedly, after hearing Li Mazi's words, Qin Yu's expression suddenly changed, and the surprise of meeting his old classmate disappeared without a trace. He pointed angrily at Li Mazi's nose and cursed: "What a coincidence, I bumped into your car here. I dare you to join in with that bastard San Pao. You are no longer the old classmate you were before."

After saying that, Qin Yu jumped into the car, angrily stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

We were left with confused faces, standing there with our eyes wide open and silent for a long time.

I couldn't laugh or cry and asked Li Mazi, is there something wrong with your old classmate's brain? What's going on?

Li Mazi also looked confused and looked at me inexplicably: "I don't know, this kid used to be quite normal..."

"Who are those three guns?" I asked.

"Qin Yu's best friend." Li Mazi said: "How good is it? The two of them have been sitting at the same table since elementary school. Even if they go to the toilet, they have to go shoulder to shoulder. After graduation, they started a business together I joined an advertising agency and our relationship has become even closer. Let me tell you this, I suspect that the two of them are gay. But judging from Qin Yu's behavior just now, I feel like the two of them are divorced..."

I was amused by Li Mazi: "Forget it, don't worry about them for now, let's go to the hotel to rest first."

In the car, I briefly asked about Qin Yu.

It turns out that Li Mazi and Qin Yu are college classmates. They live in the same dormitory as Sanpao and have a good relationship in college. But after graduation, we never contacted him again. Today we met, we should have a few drinks and talk about the friendship between classmates, but who knew that Qin Yu would become like this?

Li Mazi was very angry and asked, "Isn't that boy looking down on others?" I feel like I’m looking down on myself if I drive a pickup truck.

I quickly reassured Li Mazi that it was nothing and asked him not to think too much. However, Li Mazi thought about it and finally decided to change to a better car. After all, he was considered middle class now, and it was inappropriate to drive such a car anymore.

Unexpectedly, we met Qin Yu again in the hotel where we stayed!

When I went to the front desk to ask for the wifi password, I happened to meet Qin Yu who looked tired.

Before I even saw him, Qin Yu recognized me at first sight. After seeing me, Qin Yu suddenly became furious and yelled and cursed at me: "Damn it, I knew it wasn't such a coincidence! You must be here for my money, right? Okay, Li Goudan, Thanks to me treating you as a buddy and a brother, you actually joined forces with San Pao to harm me. I’m blind, how could I have known you as a bastard?”

Hearing Qin Yu's yelling, Li Mazi also walked out of the room and looked at Qin Yu inexplicably: "Qin Yu, are you sick? I won't say anything against me. You are yelling at my friend. What."

Qin Yu glared at Li Mazi angrily: "Li Mazi, tell Sanpao to stop worrying about my money! I will sever ties with him from now on, and I will stay away from wherever he is."

After saying that, Qin Yu left angrily.

Is Li Mazi the kind of person who can be wronged? of course not. Being scolded by Qin Yu, he immediately became angry and went up to get entangled with Qin Yu without hesitation.

If the security guards hadn't stopped them, the two would have fought.

Qin Yu checked out of the hotel, gave Li Mazi one last hard look, and then left.

Li Mazi looked helpless and said what was wrong with this guy, it was so disgusting.

The good vacation mood was ruined, and Li Mazi was very angry. I had to advise Li Mazi not to think too much, because it is not worth it for such a person. After our persuasion, Li Mazi's mood finally improved.

In Sanya these days, we have almost gone crazy playing, and gradually forgot about Qin Yu...

That day, a few of us went to the beach to surf. After surfing the waves, we were still not satisfied, so Li Mazi proposed to spend the night on the beach tonight.

We immediately nodded in agreement, and with that, I went to buy two tents. Li Mazi, Li Xiaomeng and I used one tent, and Yin Xinyue and Ruxue used one tent.

After having dinner on the beach, we went to the beach, enjoying the cool sea breeze, looking at the stars above our heads, and all the worries in our hearts drifted away with the wind. We really wanted to stay like this forever.

But while we were enjoying this moment of peace, there was suddenly a quarrel on the beach.

Moreover, the quarrel sounded very familiar, and I immediately recognized that the voice belonged to none other than Qin Yu.

Damn it, why do you keep running into Qin Yu? I couldn't help but curse the bad luck in my heart and decided not to care about it.

Fortunately, we are not in the mood to look at the stars anymore. I always feel that this Qin Yu is a mad dog, haunting and biting people everywhere!

Li Mazi was not sarcastic because of this, but kept sighing, saying that when Qin Yu was in school, he was the most loyal and the most manly person. How did he become like this now?

In order to prove Qin Yu's loyalty, Li Mazi also told me a story, saying that he was not sensible at the time and fell in love with a gangster. As a result, he was surrounded by gangsters in a small garden. Li Mazi was so frightened that he called for help again and again, but no one he called was willing to come. In the end, it was Qin Yu who came with two knives and killed him fiercely.

Of course, he didn't pretend, and both of them got beaten. However, after this incident, the relationship between Qin Yu and Li Mazi became even stronger.

I am also very surprised. No matter how much society changes people, it is impossible to change their personality from one extreme to another? I vaguely feel that there must be something wrong with Qin Yu.

Forget it, don’t think about it so much.

I patted Li Mazi on the shoulder and comforted him, saying that people change. This Qin Yu might have experienced too many things, so he had a mental problem.

Li Mazi sighed, still a little unconvinced.

I saw that he was about to make a move, as if he wanted to persuade Qin Yu, so I had to warn him that we were traveling to Sanya this time, so we should not cause any complications.

Li Mazi smiled hard at me and said don't worry! I'm not that ignorant yet.

But after we entered the tent, Li Mazi was tossing and turning and couldn't sleep. I knew that Li Mazi was still thinking about Qin Yu.

Half an hour later, seeing Qin Yu still arguing with people outside, Li Mazi finally couldn't sit still: "No, I have to take care of this matter!"

I quickly asked Li Mazi why he was so crazy and could you control it? Qin Yu now treats you as an enemy, but you still treat him as a buddy.

Li Mazi said: "No, the one who quarreled with Qin Yu seems to be the school belle of our university in the past! I have to figure out what's going on. Why did Qin Yu suddenly disown his relatives?"

With that said, Li Mazi ran out of the tent in a hurry, regardless of my obstruction.

I had no choice but to follow him. If a fight broke out, I could still stop Li Mazi.

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