Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 248 Broken Friendship

When we contacted the hotel management and checked the surveillance, we were all dumbfounded.

A strong man with the brim of his hat lowered sneakily entered the hotel, went straight to the room we were in, and then took out some small tools to pick the lock.

All hotel doors are card-operated. The other party seemed to have used an electronic device to interfere with the sensor, and then used a bank card to open the door easily.

After opening the door a crack, he blew some white powder inside without anyone noticing, and after a short wait, he entered our room.

When the man came out again, he actually carried Li Xiaomeng out.

He ran to Yin Xinyue's room next door and tried to open the door, but at this moment, two security guards appeared, and the man immediately ran away in panic. And the two stupid security guards didn't even suspect this guy.

I suddenly became furious because that figure clearly looked like Qin Yu!

I said angrily: "What can be tolerated is unbearable. Call the police. You must call the police."

But Li Mazi immediately begged: "Don't call the police, don't call the police. You know that Qin Yu is confused by that thing now, and he doesn't want to."

"You are stupid." I was so angry that my veins popped out: "He stole your son away, and you can still tolerate it."

Li Mazi took a deep breath and said with a solemn expression: "You know? When I was in college, my tuition fees were stolen and my family was poor. I didn't dare to tell my family, so I just thought about going out to work to make some money. But I still I didn't go out to work, but the thief unexpectedly sent my tuition back to me. But I knew that it was not sent back by the thief, but Qin Yu secretly put it under my pillow. Because my tuition fees were all fifty-five-five. It was only ten pieces of money, but what Qin Yu gave me was a hundred-yuan bill. He shared his money with me, but naturally it was not enough. As a result, in the second half of the month, we ate five yuan worth of noodles and instant noodles every day, which made me miserable. It was disgusting to eat, and Qin Yu also suffered from stomach problems because of that incident."

"I swore back then that if Qin Yu was in trouble, I would spare no effort to help him!"

Speaking of the emotional part, Li Mazi still had tears in his eyes.

I shook my head helplessly, knowing that it would be useless to say anything more, so I could only nod with difficulty: "Forget it, I'll listen to you."

After returning, Li Mazi immediately called Qin Yu, but Qin Yu still refused to answer.

Li Mazi was anxious.

Only then did I remember that we had made an appointment to meet at the hotel at three o'clock in the afternoon. Why hasn't this guy contacted us yet? Could it be that he was also plotted against?

I immediately reminded Li Mazi. Li Mazi slapped his head hard and said how could I have forgotten this incident, so he immediately called Sanpao.

However, Sanpao's phone prompted to shut down.

Just when we were desperately trying to contact Sanpao, the hotel's internal phone rang.

I immediately went to answer the phone, and the voice from the front desk came over there: "Is this Mr. Li Mazi? There is someone looking for you."

"I am." Li Mazi grabbed the phone and said, "Just let him in."

But when I saw Sanpao, I was immediately struck by the weird shape of Sanpao.

His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he was beaten into a pig-headed shape.

"Damn it." Li Mazi jumped up immediately: "Sanpao, have you gained weight?"

"Eat that fat ass." Although Sanpao wore glasses and looked quite polite, when he opened his mouth, his temperament of a rough man was clearly revealed: "I was beaten by someone, and my face was swollen. ”

Li Mazi suddenly became happy: "Are you teasing someone's older girl and younger wife again? You should do it, you said. Why do you always like to take advantage of someone else's younger girl? What if your wife is raped? If you touch it, will you be happy?"

Sanpao rolled his eyes at Li Mazi and said, "Why are you still the same as before, with such a wicked mouth? Be careful of someone shutting your mouth one day."

Yin Xinyue quickly brought ice cubes to Sanpao to apply on his face, while Li Mazi asked Sanpao what was going on.

"What else could it be? Of course it's Qin Yu's wicked grandson. Damn, he's so heartless." Sanpao said sadly: "

Before I even entered the hotel, I was blocked by Qin Yu, who asked me directly if I was here to join forces with you to plot against him? If they don't agree, they'll start fighting. If it weren't for taking care of his heart disease, that boy would probably be the one with a bruised nose and a swollen face. "

"Then why didn't you call me?"

"My phone was broken and my money was taken away by that guy. Oh, why did I make such a friend? It's a shame that I treat him as my best buddy." Sanpao said.

Li Mazi quickly comforted Sanpao. Seeing that Sanpao had finally calmed down, he said to Sanpao seriously: "I'd better tell you the truth! In fact, Qin Yu was entangled with dirty things, so he had a bad temper. Big change. Haven’t you noticed that Qin Yu is weird and beyond the scope of normal people? "

When Li Mazi said this, Sanpao immediately became excited: "I have guessed it a long time ago. It must be the jade belt. I have long advised Qin Yu to throw away the jade belt, but Qin Yu just refused to listen. It's okay now. Something happened! Oh, what can we do? By the way, Li Mazi, do you know a master in this field? No matter how much money you pay, you must get rid of that dirty thing from Qin Yu. "

Li Mazi immediately became happy: "Do you still need to look for it? We have one ready-made right here."

As he said that, Li Mazi pointed at me.

San Pao looked me up and down in surprise: "He? Is he the master? I think he is young..."

"Don't look down on others." Li Mazi said with a smile: "Brother Zhang, let's not be humble now."

I said: "Okay, don't make me sound so mysterious. This matter is a bit tricky, but I will try my best. Now I just want to see that jade belt. Only by discovering the real strangeness of the jade belt can I Help Qin Yu."

Sanpao slapped his thigh: "The jade belt has disappeared a long time ago. Where do you want me to find it? Qin Yu is really a headache."

While we were discussing countermeasures, Li Mazi's cell phone suddenly rang.

Li Mazi immediately took out his cell phone to look at it, and asked Sanpao suspiciously if he recognized the number.

After Sanpao carefully identified it for a moment, he suddenly said with enlightenment: "Well, I can see it. This is the person who sold Qin Yu the jade belt. Ever since Qin Yu got the jade belt, he has not believed anyone but trust." This guy. But why is he calling you?"

Out of professional sensitivity, I immediately realized that this phone call was very important, and immediately asked Li Mazi to record the conversation.

Li Mazi nodded, pressed the record button, and then connected.

"Hello, who are you?" Li Mazi asked.

"Sanpao is at your place." The other party said coldly: "Let Sanpao answer the phone."

Li Mazi glanced at Sanpao suspiciously, and Sanpao immediately took the call. The man who had the air of hanging silk before was sitting upright in the blink of an eye, and his voice became majestic, as if he was a mature boss: "Haha, Boss Ma, long time no see! I didn’t expect you to be able to find me even if my phone was broken.”

"Stop talking nonsense." A sneer came from the other end of the nod: "I'm calling you because I want to do a business with you. How about it? Are you interested?"

"Haha." Sanpao said sarcastically: "Boss Ma, I'm the first to say something ugly. I won't do unfair business."

"Don't worry, it's very fair." Boss Ma said: "Transfer all your shares in Dahe Group to me!"

"Dahe Group, I don't want to continue cleaning up that mess. As long as the price you give is right, I will naturally transfer it to you." Sanpao thought for a while and said.

"As for the price, do you think two lives are enough?"

Two lives... I couldn't help but take a breath, what does this mean?

San Pao's composure suddenly fell apart: "Boss Ma, what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting." Boss Ma smiled and said, "Isn't Qin Yu close to me now? You should know better than anyone how much he trusts me now. He has transferred all his shares in Dahe Group Give it to me. If you say I asked him to kill the child named Li Xiaomeng and then commit suicide, would he listen to me? Haha, to be honest, I can’t wait to verify it."

"You bastard." Sanpao was furious: "Ma, if you let me know that you dare to touch a hair on these two people, I will definitely kill you. Do you believe it?"

"Believe it, of course I believe it." Boss Ma smiled triumphantly: "If you can bring two people to be buried with me, I will definitely make a profit. Haha, you should think about it carefully! Give it to me after you think about it carefully. Call up."

After that, the other party hung up the phone.

Li Mazi and Sanpao were so angry that they were trembling all over. Li Mazi yelled: "Damn it, is this Qin Yu stupid? Boss Ma is clearly deceiving him, but he still believes it. We have no doubts about it." He rips his heart out, he actually treats us as enemies, oh, it makes me so angry, if you make me angry, I won’t let him go."

San Pao also beat his chest angrily.

I was the only one who was calm at the scene: "Okay, let's stop talking nonsense. The top priority now is to find Qin Yu first and find the jade belt. Sanpao, call Boss Ma immediately and agree to all his requests. Don't anger him for the time being." , lest he instigate Qin Yu to do something stupid again."

Although San Pao was unwilling to do so, he had no choice but to fight Boss Ma obediently.

Boss Ma said that he would sign the share transfer contract tonight. As for the time and place, he would call again later.

I said: "Everyone is ready. It seems that we have to fight a tough battle tonight. If we want to solve the Jade Belt, we must first make Qin Yu trust us."

Li Mazi said helplessly: "But the biggest trouble now is that Qin Yu doesn't trust us."

I smiled and said, "I will have my own solution then."

Time passed by, and the three of us were in the living room, discussing the rescue plan in detail.

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