Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 249 Soul-Suppressing Technique

After we discussed it and had nothing to do, I asked Li Mazi to tell me about Qin Yu's past.

The relationship between the three people is really strong.

Spending money together, hanging out with girls, having fights together, etc., of course, it's not a problem.

Qin Yu's family conditions are pretty good, at least much better than Li Mazi and Sanpao. When they were in college, Qin Yu's parents asked Qin Yu to break off diplomatic relations with the two of them more than once. They felt that the two of them had no future, but Qin Yu disagreed every time. Blackmail by severing ties!

From this little thing, we can see Qin Yu's true friendship for the two of them.

Now that Boss Ma is playing Qin Yu to death, Sanpao and Li Mazi are naturally heartbroken.

Time passed quickly, and after dinner, we went to the appointment.

The place Boss Ma agreed on was in a high-end hotel. Maybe he was worried about us using force, so he chose a place with a lot of people, right?

After arriving at the hotel, we waited for more than an hour before Boss Ma was finally late.

Boss Ma is a bit rich, with a smile on his harmless face. He doesn't seem hostile at all, and he even greeted us warmly.

However, Qin Yu, who came in with Boss Ma, was in stark contrast to Boss Ma. His eyes were full of hatred. He rolled his eyes at Li Mazi and San Pao and stopped looking at us.

"Qin Yu, have all your shares been transferred to Boss Ma? How much did Boss Ma pay for it?" Sanpao followed my instructions and took the initiative to talk to Qin Yu.

Qin Yu sneered: "Sanpao, haven't you always coveted my shares? You even hooked up with my wife and tried to trick me into getting my shares. Humph, you can dream! All my shares will be given to Boss Ma for free. Now, if you have the guts, continue to lie."

Sanpao took a deep breath and looked at Boss Ma fiercely: "Boss Ma is really good, he can talk eloquently."

Boss Ma said righteously: "Sanpao, what do you mean? Mr. Qin's shares are in his hands. Something happened to him recently. I'm just helping him take care of it. Besides, I checked the company's accounts. You have embezzled a lot of the company's money over the years."

"You fart!" San Pao said angrily.

"You're the one who farted." Qin Yu snapped: "Sanpao, don't think that I don't know that you have tampered with the company's bills. In fact, I have suspected you for a long time, but I just didn't tell you." Who knew you were so dissatisfied that you even resorted to such despicable methods? "

Sanpao said dumbly: "It's really hopeless."

"Qin Yu, do you really believe in Boss Ma?" Li Mazi asked.

Qin Yu rolled his eyes at Li Mazi: "At least he's better than you. What benefits did San Pao promise to give you to make you work so hard for him?"

"Promise, you big-headed devil." Li Mazi scolded: "I'm here to help you."

Over there, Li Mazi Sanpao was arguing with Qin Yu, while I was secretly and urgently implementing my plan.

I hold the dagger used for peeling fish scales, and I make out a few soul-suppressing spells, and use them in conjunction with the soul-suppressing spell. I want to suppress the evil spirit in Qin Yu temporarily. I must first ask about Li Xiaomeng's whereabouts, and then I can find out. Qin Yu's idea can make it easier to prescribe the right medicine.

Sanpao and Qin Yu's quibbles were just stalling for time.

However, our delaying tactics were still seen through by Boss Ma. Boss Ma was a tactful person. He interrupted Li Mazi and Sanpao in a few words and asked them to sign the contract quickly. He would have to attend a big meeting later.

Li Mazi gently poked my body with his hand: "Hey, are you okay? Brother Zhang, Boss Ma is about to sign the contract."

This matter cannot be urgent. The more impatient I am, the less effective the suppressive effect of the Soul-Calming Curse will be, so I ignore Li Mazi at all.

"Hmph!" Just when I was about to succeed, Boss Ma suddenly burst into action and said angrily: "Qin Yu, Qin Yu, I feel really sad for you! Not only do these people want to take away your property, they even want to harm you. Your life."

Qin Yu was shocked and looked at the other party quickly: "Boss Ma, how did you know?"

"Look what he is doing." Boss Ma pointed at me: "He has a knife secretly hidden in his hand and is ready to silence you at any time."

Oops, my heart sank instantly.

Qin Yu immediately ran up and stared at me with hatred: "Okay, okay, you have the guts, don't you want to kill me? Come on, come on, kill me if you can."

Seeing Qin Yu trying to snatch my dagger, I knew there was no point in continuing, so I jumped up suddenly, kicked Qin Yu to the ground, and then quickly rode on Qin Yu, using the handle of the dagger, Pressed against Qin Yu's forehead.

Qin Yu turned pale with fright, and stretched out his hands with claws and teeth to grab my body.

I snorted coldly and hit the hand formulas and mantras one after another. I didn't believe that I couldn't suppress the Yin Qi in Qin Yu's body!

"You asked for this." Boss Ma sneered, took out his mobile phone, and made a call: "Hey, let's do it. It seems that the negotiation failed."

"Wait a minute." Li Mazi was shocked: "If you dare to touch a hair of my son, I will let your whole family be buried with you."

"Haha, don't threaten me with this. I am alone and have nothing to be afraid of. Now I give you two choices, either sign the contract or everyone will die together."

Even at this critical moment, Boss Ma is still smiling. It seems that he is quite sure of this plan.

Just as Qin Yu's evil spirit was about to be suppressed, Boss Ma's countdown started ringing.

I was shocked. This was related to Li Xiaomeng’s life and safety. What should I do? what to do? I hesitated.

"I sign, I sign." Sanpao finally compromised helplessly.

As soon as Sanpao gave up, I felt powerless. The strong Yin Qi in Qin Yu's body rebounded and pushed me hard to the side. The force was so huge that I felt numb and couldn't even hold the dagger.

Qin Yu stretched out his finger and started yelling at us.

I smiled bitterly, thanks to the friendship between Li Mazi and Zhang Sanpao. If I had been so angry, I would have been half-dead!

He was thankless for his efforts, but instead helped the people who really harmed him to deal with us together...

I didn't say anything, I just watched Qin Yu jumping up and down and cursing. And this Qin Yu is really good at scolding people, from his ancestors to his children and grandchildren for eighteen generations...

Boss Ma collected the signed contract, laughed and left.

Qin Yu hurriedly wanted to follow Boss Ma.

But Boss Ma raised his leg and kicked Qin Yu back: "Why are you still following me? You are no longer of use to me."

The power of this kick was really huge. Qin Yu was kicked to the ground and couldn't move for a long time. He just held his stomach and looked in pain.

Li Mazi immediately ran up and held Qin Yu in his arms with difficulty: "Qin Yu, are you okay?"

Qin Yu opened his eyes and looked at Li Mazi with cold eyes: "I don't want you to worry about it. You and Boss Ma are in collusion, right? Haha, haha, I didn't expect that Boss Ma is also on the same team as you. Okay, okay, OK."

Qin Yu shouted three times in succession, and then he couldn't hold on any longer, his vision went dark, and he collapsed on the ground.

"I'll go." Sanpao was furious: "This guy is really funny. How long has it been, yet he still believes in Boss Ma so much."

Li Mazi said helplessly: "Forget it, don't be familiar with him. He is not Qin Yu now."

Sanpao said, "I'm just talking casually, how can I really ignore Qin Yu?"

While talking, the two of them carried Qin Yu to the car.

"You guys go back first." Li Mazi said, "I'll follow Boss Ma."

I know Li Mazi is worried about his son. But it was really dangerous for Li Mazi to go alone, and Boss Ma was not a simple person.

So after much deliberation, I asked Sanpao to take Qin Yu back to the hotel first so that Qin Yu could have a good rest, while Li Mazi and I went to track Boss Ma's whereabouts.

Just now I secretly placed a bit of aura on Boss Ma. With this aura, I can track Boss Ma's whereabouts!

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