Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 250: Tooth for Tooth

Finally we found Boss Ma in a watermelon field.

I found that Boss Ma sneaked into a melon shed and left again after a while.

After Boss Ma left, I immediately rushed in with Li Mazi.

As expected, Li Xiaomeng was imprisoned in the melon shed, her hands and feet were tied tightly, and she fell into a coma.

Seeing Li Xiaomeng's appearance, Li Mazi felt heartbroken. He rushed forward, hugged Li Xiaomeng and called out softly.

Li Xiaomeng quickly opened her eyes, her consciousness was a little cloudy, and after shouting "Dad", she passed out again.

I frowned and quickly asked Li Mazi to carry Li Xiaomeng back.

Qin Yu had already woken up and was imprisoned in the hotel room by San Pao.

I asked Sanpao, how is Qin Yu now? Sanpao looked helpless: "I didn't eat, drink or sleep, and tried to commit suicide in despair. But luckily I stopped me, otherwise I would have been dead by now..."

I glanced at Qin Yu through the crack in the door. Qin Yu's face was pale and his body was as weak as a puddle of mud. He was curled up in the corner motionless, crying silently.

"You all betrayed me, you all betrayed me, my God, are there any friends in this world?"

Qin Yu whispered softly in despair.

Sanpao immediately asked me what I could do?

I was silent for a moment and thought about it carefully. In fact, there was no good solution. The only thing I could do now was to retaliate in kind.

"Everyone, please rest!" I said, "I'll think about it again."

After saying that, without giving them a chance to speak, I went directly into the room, closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, I was shaken awake by Li Mazi.

I opened my eyes immediately, and Li Mazi looked at me anxiously: "It's not good, quickly look and see if you have lost anything?"

I smiled and said, "Did your son take your money away?"

Li Mazi was shocked: "How did you know?"

I said: "You can predict things like a god, don't panic, my Sirius Whip and Fish Scale Dagger were also stolen by Li Xiaomeng."

Li Mazi was shocked, his eyes widened: "Did you see my son stealing your things? Why didn't you stop him?"

"No need." I smiled: "Don't worry, everything is according to my plan."

Li Mazi looked at me even more surprised: "Oh, tell me then, what is your so-called plan? Will my son be in danger?"

"Don't worry." I comforted, "In a few days, your things and your son will be back. All we have to do now is wait."

Li Mazi looked at me with a questioning expression, but I just smiled: "Okay, don't think about it too much. I'll go catch up on my sleep."

After saying that, I climbed into bed again and went to sleep. Li Mazi stayed at the door for a long time, and finally had no choice but to go out.

At night, there was still no news from Li Xiaomeng. Li Mazi had been anxious all day, unable to eat or drink, and seemed to have aged a lot overnight.

I don't know how to comfort Li Mazi. Although it hurts me to see him so anxious, but for the sake of the big plan, I can only let Li Mazi endure it.

At nine o'clock in the evening, I let Qin Yu go.

Qin Yu hates us very much. If he could beat us, he would probably kill us long ago.

I haven't gone out these days and have been waiting for news at home. Three days passed like this, but there was still no movement at all. My heart also became uneasy, wondering if the plan failed?

But on the fourth day, things took a turn for the worse.

After I answered the mysterious phone call, I immediately said to Li Mazi and Sanpao: "You come with me, I will take you to a place."

Li Mazi had been tired of waiting for a long time. Now that I finally spoke, Li Mazi couldn't wait to follow me out of the hotel.

We arrived at the CBD area of ​​the city and finally stopped in front of a villa in a pretty good location.

I walked up and knocked on the door. The door was quickly opened, and it was Boss Ma standing at the door.

Boss Ma was very surprised when he saw us: "Why are you here?"

I smiled and said, "It's okay, let's see how many days you have left to live."

"What do you mean?" Boss Ma was irritated by me and looked at me angrily.

"It's not interesting. You'll know later." I couldn't help but burst into Boss Ma's villa.

Not to mention, Boss Ma's villa is really a paradise for the rich. It is magnificently decorated, like a luxurious palace, and is extremely majestic. Walking among them, I actually developed a sense of inferiority...

I quickly comforted myself and said that there was nothing to feel inferior to. This magnificent villa might not have been earned by Boss Ma. It was probably bought by Boss Ma with ill-gotten gains obtained through fraud. Regardless of the temporary glory now, he will definitely lose all his money in the future, and may even lose his life.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Boss Ma gritted his teeth and glared at me: "Get out of here quickly, or I will call the police!"

"Oh, it's nothing. I just want you to taste what it feels like to be betrayed by a friend. Let you see what kind of pain Qin Yu spent these days."

Qin Yu's subconscious told him that he had been betrayed, betrayed by everyone around him. He lost his friends, lost his brother, and was even so desperate that he wanted to commit suicide. The pain was simply beyond the limit that humans could bear.

Boss Ma frowned: "What on earth do you mean?"

"Come out." I smiled and snapped my fingers.

Soon, two people walked in outside the door, one was Li Xiaomeng, and the other was Qin Yu's wife Ayan.

When Boss Ma saw the two of them, he was immediately surprised: "Xiaomeng, Ayan, you go back first, I have something to solve here."

"Get out!" Ayan and Li Mazi cursed almost in unison.

Boss Ma suddenly panicked and looked at the two of them dumbfounded: "What's wrong with you? We are best friends."

"Don't waste your efforts." I said with a smile: "Do you really think they are willing to do anything if you rely on some side tactics? They are just following my instructions to win your trust."

"What?" Boss Ma vomited blood angrily: "Is this a divorce plan?"

"Of course not." I smiled and said, "They have never been committed to you in the first place, so how could they plan to alienate you."

Ayan smiled and said: "Boss Ma, you have hurt my husband like this, I can't just sit back and wait for death, right? So I prepared a small gift for you."

With that said, Ayan threw a bill to Boss Ma.

Boss Ma glanced at the bill with suspicious eyes, and then picked it up carefully.

When Boss Ma saw clearly what was on the bill, his blood boiled with anger and his whole body trembled: "Damn it, damn it, where did you transfer all my money?"

"30 million for poverty-stricken areas, 20 million for One Foundation, 20 million for AIDS rehabilitation centers..." Ayan casually reported a series of accounts to Boss Ma: "Now you still have three million in your account."

"What." Boss Ma suddenly became furious: "Ayan, I trust you so much and leave my account to you..."

"I can't help it, you were the one who dealt with me first." Ayan said angrily.

Boss Ma closed his eyes in despair and lost control, spitting out a mouthful of blood: " dare to betray me..."

Ayan shrugged helplessly: "Boss Ma, let's do an experiment! Let's see now how many friends you have."

As she said that, Ayan carried a suitcase from outside the door and came in: "Here is your last three million. Look how many friends this three million can win for you."

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, Boss Ma. I just lost 3.1 million to your best friend Alai in your name. You'd better call now. I'll let you Look at the faces of your friends."

Boss Ma roared angrily: "You crazy people, I'm calling the police now, I want the police to arrest you!"

"Okay." Ayanjiao smiled and said, "The police have been very strict about drugs recently. I don't believe there are no drugs in your villa."

"Okay, now let me tell you the rules of our game." I sat on the sofa very comfortably and said: "You still have three million in hand, and the gambling money you owe Alai is 3.1 million. If you can borrow 100,000 yuan from a friend, then we will not pursue this matter. If you can't borrow it, huh, just wait for Alai to tear you into pieces."

"Haha." Boss Ma laughed arrogantly: "You look down on me too much. Isn't it just one hundred thousand yuan? With my surnamed Ma's connections, I can still borrow it."

After saying that, Boss Ma first called Alai and asked him to collect the gambling money.

As soon as Alai heard that he was collecting money, he immediately agreed with a smile and came over in less than ten minutes.

"Boss Ma, you haven't been to our place for a long time. Have you been very busy recently?" Alai walked up with a smile on his face and greeted Boss Ma enthusiastically.

Boss Ma smiled lightly and said, "Well, I'm a little busy."

"Yes, Boss Ma has a lot of things to do every day, so of course he is busy. By the way, we just got some new goods here recently, and I brought some specially to you."

"Really?" Boss Ma smiled and said, "Thank you very much."

"Thank you. We are friends." Ah Lai said and handed Boss Ma a small sealed bag with some white crystals in it.

"Boss." At this time, Li Mazi came out of the bathroom and said deliberately: "Now the company can only file for bankruptcy. With only these three million working capital, the one hundred thousand yuan in gambling capital cannot be withdrawn."

Boss Ma glared at Li Mazi: "I will find a way!"

Most of Alai's enthusiasm disappeared immediately, and he looked at Boss Ma with a worried look: "Boss Ma, what is... going on?"

Boss Ma said dejectedly: "The financial pressure is a bit heavy these days, but don't worry, I will definitely not owe you money. Otherwise, I will use the three million for emergency relief first."

"That is to say, Boss Ma, you may go bankrupt, and then the police may find you guilty of some crime. The money will never be repaid, right?" Alai immediately asked.

Boss Ma blushed: "Probably not..."

"You won't be paralyzed." Alai suddenly became furious, completely different from his previous enthusiasm: "You are treating me like a monkey. Don't think that I don't know about your surname Ma. I have already looked at you. The company is in jeopardy. This time I’m really done with it! Pay back the money, pay back the money quickly.”

Boss Ma was stunned for a while: "Alai, we are friends..."

"Whoever is your fucking friend, the money you owe me must be paid back!"

"These three million..."

"What the hell, three million, three million and one million, still less than one hundred thousand, not even a dime, hurry up, damn it." Alai said angrily, and took back the drugs that were originally intended to be given to Boss Ma. .

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