Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 251 True love exists in the world

"Alai, don't go too far." Boss Ma said desperately: "Isn't it just one hundred thousand yuan? I used to tip you more than that."

"Fuck you uncle, the tip is a tip, I deserve it. Stop playing the family card with me. I'm telling you, I'm just looking down on you for the sake of your money. Now that you have no money, it's bullshit." No, pay back the money quickly."

"Don't force me, I said, I only have so much money..."

"You don't have money, right? If you don't have money, use this villa to pay off your debts." Alai said, "Hurry up, don't make silly comparisons."

Boss Ma said with red eyes: "You are driving me to a dead end."

"Forced to a dead end? How can this be considered pushed to a dead end? It's good that I didn't call those loan shark brothers here."

With that said, Alai took out his mobile phone and called a group of big men. Their shoulders were covered with tattoos, which looked like they were black.

Alai said coldly: "Either save 100,000 yuan quickly, or mortgage the villa to me."

"I see you are clearly here for my villa!" Boss Ma was furious.

Alai smiled and said, "Don't say it so harshly. If you can pay back the money, can I still have your villa?"

"Okay, you wait for me, I will borrow the money now. Isn't it just one hundred thousand yuan? I have many friends." After Boss Ma said that, he dialed a phone number.

"Hey, Xiao Liu, what are you busy with?"

"Well, there's nothing wrong. I'm just a little short of money. I want to get a hundred thousand yuan from you to spend."

"Sigh, isn't it because the market has been down recently? The company's business is not doing well, and there is a problem with liquidity."

"Ah, don't worry, I will never go bankrupt and I will definitely pay you back!"

"What do you mean? Do you consider me a friend? Think about the past times when your company had financial problems. I didn't help you with the turnover..."

"Hey, hey..."

It seemed that the other party hung up the phone.

Boss Ma sat slumped in his chair, staring at the phone with dull eyes, and muttered in frustration: "How is it possible? How is it possible?"

Alai smiled and said: "Boss Ma, oh, I should call you bankrupt Ma now. To be honest with you, you are the most unsuitable person for being a friend. If it weren't for the two stinky money in your hand, you wouldn't be a friend." People want to stick to you.”

"Fart." Boss Ma scolded: "I have seen through the ingratitude of Liu."

"Birds of a feather flock together, and for people like you who only care about money and not friendship, the people around you will also be interested in money. Without monetary benefits, no one will be willing to help you."

Boss Ma ignored Alai and made another call.

Boss Ma chatted with the other party on the phone for a while, as close as if they were biological brothers.

However, as soon as Boss Ma mentioned his predicament and the matter of borrowing money, the other party's attitude suddenly changed: "Boss Ma, what's going on? Your company is bankrupt?"

Boss Ma said helplessly: "Yes, the company's capital turnover has been difficult recently, and I want to borrow 100,000 yuan from you for turnover."

"Boss Ma, it's like this. My company has been short of funds recently. By the way, you are bankrupt and the police may investigate you. When the time comes, don't tell the police about the little thing between you and me. , I'm thinking of your kindness. If it involves me, I can't guarantee that I will do anything extraordinary."

After finishing speaking, the other party hung up the phone.

Boss Ma desperately called several other friends. Finally, he found that the other friends said the same thing, and they all refused to lend money to Boss Ma.

Boss Ma is no longer in glory and cannot bring benefits to those friends and friends. Naturally, they have no need to please Boss Ma anymore. Several of them even scolded Boss Ma on the phone. Finally, Boss Ma couldn't bear the blow and vomited blood.

"What, what do you want to do, you old man?" Alai immediately stared at Boss Ma nervously: "Do you want to rely on me? I tell you, even if you die, I will take your human body The organs are sold, and you can’t even think of defaulting on the payment for one hundred thousand yuan.”

After that, Alai took out an IOU, wrote a line of words in duplicate, and made a fingerprint with Boss Ma's blood: "I will come back to pick it up at this time tomorrow. If there is no money, this villa It belongs to me! Don’t say that I, Alai, don’t give you face. If I don’t force you to death, I will give you a huge face.”

After that, Alai picked up the box and left triumphantly.

After Alai left, Boss Ma slumped on his chair in despair and cried loudly: "What a sin, what a sin, how did I get to know such a bunch of bad friends? In their eyes, they only have interests and not even the most basic friendship. Go to Die, all die to me."

I smiled meaningfully and said, "Okay, Boss Ma, don't be so pessimistic. Humans are social animals. It's impossible not to have a true friend. Try calling again."

With trembling hands, Boss Ma flipped through the address book. There were probably hundreds of mobile phone numbers from beginning to end, but in the end, no one was trustworthy at all.

Boss Ma smiled bitterly and said: "I finally understand that the world of dogs is the world of money. I knew it a long time ago, I should have known it a long time ago."

"That's not necessarily true." I said, "At least Sanpao and Li Mazi's friendship with Qin Yu is not based on any interests."

"Haha." Boss Ma smiled sadly: "I suddenly feel a little envious of that coward Qin Yu! At this point, I still lost to Qin Yu."

It was really a penny that stumped the heroic man. Boss Ma sat idle in his chair all morning. This morning, many debtors came, but Boss Ma remained silent and motionless from beginning to end. He should be as desperate as Qin Yu and want to commit suicide, right?

At night, the quiet villa was suddenly broken by a rapid knock on the door. Boss Ma said desperately: "I'm here to ask for debt again..."

The door was opened, and a tall, thin man walked in from the door. He looked at Boss Ma with a sad face: "Boss."

Boss Ma glanced at the other party and waved helplessly: "Secretary Zhang, are you here to ask for your salary? I gave you my car, which can be worth your salary for these few months."

"No, boss." Secretary Zhang said, "I heard that the company is in trouble now and urgently needs 100,000 yuan, so I brought all the deposits. You can use it first."

Boss Ma was immediately dumbfounded and looked at Secretary Zhang dumbfounded: "Xiao Zhang, you..."

"Boss, please use it first. I won't need it for the time being anyway." With that, Secretary Zhang brought up the snakeskin bag he was carrying and placed it in front of Boss Ma: "Boss Ma, if it's not enough, I'll help you again." You sell that car and take it easy for now."

"Xiao Zhang..." My heart had been cold all morning, and someone finally brought me warmth. Boss Ma was so excited that tears filled his eyes: "Why did you do this?"

"This is what I should do." Secretary Zhang said: "When I came to the city from the countryside, I was penniless and had problems eating. It was you who took me in and gave me a job. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I'm on the road to breaking the law now. Now that you're in trouble, it's only right for me to help you."

Boss Ma took a deep breath and cried bitterly: "Xiao Zhang, I'm sorry for you. I think you are a weakling who can't get on the stage, and I have been unwilling to reuse you. I didn't expect that in the end, you were the only one willing to help me. It turned out to be you... Xiao Zhang, don't worry, I, surnamed Ma, are capable and will make a comeback one day. When the time comes, I will be able to make a living, and you will definitely be indispensable."

Secretary Zhang smiled honestly: "Boss Ma, I want to go home to farm. I miss my friends in my hometown. No matter what problems I encounter, my friends in the village will help me. But here, I can't find anything at all." Less than one friend…”

Boss Ma sighed helplessly: "You should go back and have a rest first! That car is given to you."

Secretary Zhang refused to accept it, but Boss Ma firmly gave the key to Secretary Zhang.

After Secretary Zhang left, Boss Ma's desperate mood finally improved.

I said, "Boss Ma, do you believe that true love exists in the world now? You should be able to understand the worries that a few of us have about Qin Yu, right?"

Boss Ma nodded with difficulty: "Speaking of which, I would also like to thank you for teaching me such an important lesson. Now, my friends should all be ready to swallow up my only company shares, right? To say they are friends is better to say they are business rivals, haha.”

I smiled: "Not necessarily. Although we are not friends, we will not push you to a dead end. When we did this, we left you a way out. You can donate all your property at once If you go out, you will become a famous person in the future. With the celebrity effect, your words, deeds, and everything you encounter will cause an uproar in society. They don't dare to go too far towards you."

Boss Ma smiled miserably: "That's all, my life has been ruined in the hands of those gangsters. I'll hand over the things and you can figure it out on your own!"

With that said, Boss Ma walked into the bedroom and took out a green belt from the safe.

This should be the jade belt Qin Yu has been talking about, right?

I carefully held the jade belt in my hand. It was heavy, weighing at least seven or eight kilograms. It was beautifully shaped and antique.

The exquisite animal skin is inlaid with long pieces of ancient jade. Under the illumination of the light, it reflects the green light. There seemed to be blood stains on the animal skin.

The jade belt is beautiful. The only flaw is that several pieces of jade are broken. I don’t know what happened.

I immediately asked Boss Ma: "Boss Ma, do you know the origin of this jade belt?"

Boss Ma stared at the jade belt in trance for a few minutes, and then he finally came up with the answer.

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