Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 252 Xiao He chases Han Xin under the moon

The original owner of this jade belt was Han Xin, the number one general of the Han Dynasty who was known as the 'Unparalleled Scholar'!

Back then, Han Xin defeated Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, for Liu Bang and conquered the Han Dynasty. Liu Bang was very grateful to him. After Liu Bang ascended the throne, he named Han Xin the "King of Three Qi" and promised him "five immortality".

The meaning of the Three Qi Kings is to be in harmony with the sky, the earth, and the king.

Han Xin's status is comparable to that of heaven and earth and the emperor.

The five immortals are immortality when you see the sky, immortality when you see the earth, immortality when you see the king, immortality when you see iron, and immortality when you see copper.

This was an awesome existence at the time. It could be said that one person was inferior to ten thousand people.

However, as the Han Dynasty's political power became more stable, Liu Bang began to commit the common problem of all kings again. He was worried that his old brothers who conquered the world with him would rebel. So I decided to do the surgery on Han Xin first!

At that time, Han Xin already had 100,000 elite soldiers and generals, and Han Xin was a generous man. Many generals were willing to go through fire and water for Han Xin.

Liu Bang and Empress Lu were thinking about killing Han Xin, but Han Xin was like a god of war. If they really wanted to fight a war, they might not be able to defeat it with all the strength of the country. Moreover, Liu Bang himself made a promise to Han Xin and granted Han Xin "five immortals", so he was even more embarrassed to kill Han Xin openly! So he called Xiao He and asked Xiao He to help him think of a solution.

It should be said that Xiao He and Han Xin are the strongest brothers. Han Xin was able to be reused by Liu Bang and even worshiped as a general, all because of Xiao He's recommendation. Xiao He was kind to Han Xin.

To this day, there is a beautiful story about "Xiao He chasing Han Xin under the moon".

But at this time, Xiao He still knew who should be offended and who should not be offended. So in order to continue to get promoted and make a fortune, he sold his good brother Han Xin without even thinking about it!

Xiao He personally went out and said that Empress Lu had summoned Han Xin to the palace to discuss national affairs.

At that time, Han Xin had already sensed the danger and felt that if Empress Lu suddenly summoned one of his generals to the palace, it would be a disaster, so he refused to go.

However, Xiao He used his years of friendship with Han Xin as a guarantee and lied to Han Xin that it would be absolutely fine and that Empress Lu would never harm him.

Out of trust in his friend Xiao He, Han Xin finally entered the palace.

However, after entering the palace, Empress Lu sentenced Han Xin to death for "rebellion".

Han Xin was shocked, and then realized that he had been deceived by Xiao He, and was heartbroken.

Before Han Xin died, he struggled and said: "The emperor promised me that I would be immortal for five years. Now that you have broken your promise, wouldn't you be breaking your promise? If you kill me, it will be difficult to silence the world!"

Xiao He sneered: "Boy, look where you are standing now."

Han Xin looked up and then down, feeling frightened.

The top of his head was covered tightly by black cloth. Where could he see the sky? The ground is also covered with thick blankets, where else can it touch the ground?

Xiao He continued: "Today Empress Lu wants to kill you, and the emperor is not here, so this 'don't kill when you see the king' should be avoided. As for 'don't kill when you see iron' and 'don't kill when you see copper', it doesn't matter, we don't need to Kill you with the sword!"

After saying that, Xiao He waved his hand, and the palace maid who had been standing by for a long time raised the long bamboo stick in her hand and stabbed Han Xin to death!

Han Xin was naturally unwilling to die in the hands of his most trusted friend, and the last trace of his soul was attached to the blood-stained belt.

The irony is that the jade belt was Xiao He's gift to Han Xin as a bond of friendship.

So this jade belt has some kind of supernatural magic power. As long as someone ties it around the waist, it will affect people's minds and make people start to doubt all the friends around them and whether they are sincere to themselves?

Qin Yu was influenced by the jade belt, so he began to doubt the people around him.

After listening, Li Mazi cursed Boss Ma for being evil-minded and actually wanted to kill Qin Yu in this way.

Boss Ma knew he was in the wrong and said nothing.

Finally Sanpao asked me, is there any way to break the magic power on the jade belt?

I smiled and said: "It's easy to say it's easy, but it's difficult to say it's difficult. Since we can make Boss Ma repent, we should be able to use the same method to let the undead in the jade belt know that there are still true friends in this world, right? Everyone in the world is Xiao He."

Sanpao nodded immediately and asked me how to convince the undead in the jade belt?

I said: "This is simple. We can use the ancient method to prove our friendship for Qin Yu."

Everyone immediately asked, what is the method?

"Throwing swords at both sides are brothers. The generals of the ancients liked to prove themselves by cutting at each other's sides to prove themselves. It seems that tonight, we will have to use this method too..."

My words instantly frightened Li Mazi and Sanpao: "Brother, are you kidding me? If the knife in your ribs pierces your heart or other organs, you will die."

I said helplessly: "Then I have no choice. This is the only way I can think of."

"Damn it, done it." Sanpao and Li Mazi said almost in unison: "Isn't it just a stab in the neck for my brother?"

I smiled happily: "We can find a doctor to mark which place is safe so that a stabbing can cause the least damage."

San Pao nodded immediately: "Don't worry, I have been studying as a doctor for a while."

Then, there is a series of preparations. If I want to make Han Xin believe that there are true friends in this world, the prerequisite is for Han Xin to show up first, so I immediately ran to prepare.

Three thousand yuan, a rope for tying the body, and several coffin boards were obtained. After getting them back, Li Mazi was asked to saw the coffin boards open and use

The rope used to bind the body was made into a simple stool.

As for the money worth ten thousand, it was placed on the stool.

I simply set up an altar, and tonight, I will invite General Han Xin out!

After doing this, we waited patiently at the hotel for midnight.

Yin Xinyue and Ruxue were both worried. After all, there was going to be bloodshed tonight and asked if there was anyone who needed their help.

I thought about it again and again, and finally decided that it would be best for them not to be present, so as not to affect the two of them.

In ancient times, women were men's playthings, they could be given to brothers to play with, they could be sent around as slaves, and they could even serve as food and drinks when they were hungry.

It would be troublesome if Han Xin made trouble for the two girls again. I am really not generous enough to sacrifice Yin Xinyue and Ruxue for Qin Yu's life, so I let the two of them stay in their own room and don't come out if nothing happens. Don't come out if something happens!

Both girls nodded and went back to the room to rest.

Now, there are only four people left in our room, Qin Yu, me, Sanpao and Li Mazi.

A jade belt and a dagger lay quietly next to Qin Yu, who also fell into a coma.

I sprinkled a handful of refined salt on Qin Yu's face, and the salt melted quickly. Knowing that this was due to the heavy yin energy, I couldn't help but feel a little worried about Qin Yu.

If we can't rescue Qin Yu tonight, I'm afraid Qin Yu won't survive the next few days.

I asked Li Mazi and Sanpao to sleep first, and I would naturally wake them up when the time came.

The two of them were resting on the sofa, while I stared at Qin Yu, waiting for Qin Yu's movement.

The clock was ticking, and time passed very slowly. Although I was extremely tired, I didn't dare to rest, for fear that Qin Yu would suddenly wake up and do something excessive.

Just as I was thinking about it, Qin Yu suddenly took a breath, as if an asthma patient couldn't breathe, and made a strange sound in his throat!

My nerves immediately became tense. Li Mazi and Sanpao also jumped up from the sofa and stared at Qin Yu nervously.

It seems that the two of them are not asleep. Who can sleep in this environment?

Qin Yu sat up straight from the bed and staggered towards the window step by step. His feet were actually pointed outwards, and the angle was very large, almost forming a straight line. It made my scalp go numb and I was really worried that Qin Yu's feet would be twisted and broken.

His eyes were dull, and he walked stiffly to the window, looking out of the window in despair. He couldn't help but feel sad, and roared with a cry: "Han Xin's military skills are unparalleled in the world, and he can destroy millions of soldiers with just a wave of his hand! I can't bear to betray Xiao He. The palace is stained with blood and no one knows it.”

This is a poem that later generations used to praise Han Xin.

After he finished yelling, Qin Yu looked out the window motionless, with a sad expression and a lonely back. It seemed that he was indeed deeply hurt.

I took a deep breath, grabbed the copper coin on the coffin board, and bounced it gently, making a crisp sound.

The ancients had entertainment methods such as playing swords, singing songs, and touching money and drinking. The sound of these ten thousand dollars is even more attractive to Han Xin.

Sure enough, the other party heard the sound of touching money and turned to look at me suspiciously.

Those strange eyes were infinitely deep, as if they contained a powerful aura, which made me tremble.

I took a deep breath, quickly poured three large bowls of rice wine on the table, and threw the copper coins in.

Ten thousand dollars is like wicker, full of yin energy, and can make ghosts drink the wine in the bowl.

The undead spirit in Qin Yu's body was finally overcome by the wine. He walked out of Qin Yu's body, sat on the chair made of coffin boards, and drank hard from the three bowls.

I saw a wisp of white mist, slowly steaming up from the bowl, and finally got into Han Xin's mouth.

The black shadow seemed to become much clearer after drinking. I can see that he is wearing armor, is seven feet tall, has a handsome face, but his expression is infinitely desolate.

I knew this was General Han Xin, and I couldn't help but feel awe in my heart: "Greetings, General!"

Li Mazi and Sanpao were stunned when they saw me saluting the empty chair and shouting "General".

In order to avoid scaring the two of them and disturbing Han Xin, I did not open my eyes to them.

Han Xin found out that I could see him, and he was also surprised, but then he became furious and gave me a fierce look. Those deep pupils contained strong resentment, and soon they were about to re-enter Qin Yu's body.

"General, wait!" I immediately stopped Han Xin: "My friend has no enmity with you, why are you pestering my friend?"

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