Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 255 Lost Soul

Ms. Wu's daughter woke up from her sleep in the middle of the night and shouted: I don't want to go, I don't want to go!

Ms. Wu was frightened and hurried to her daughter's room.

But what Ms. Wu saw next made her tremble with fear!

The daughter was standing upright in the room at this moment, with her legs stretched straight and her toes gently raised. What was in front of her was a three-foot red silk hanging from the lamp.

As my daughter walked forward, she shook her head in pain and shouted at me not to go, but her body seemed to be out of control, and she finally walked up to Hong Ling and tried to put her head in.

Once she is trapped, the daughter will be hanged alive! Ms. Wu screamed and rushed up to hug her daughter without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, at this time, my daughter's body was as strong as a rock and she was very strong. How could Ms. Wu, a female prostitute, be able to stop her. In the end, she watched helplessly as her daughter put her neck around Hong Ling. Hong Ling shrank and strangled her daughter's neck tightly. The daughter suffocated, rolled her eyes, and made a hoarse sound in her throat.

Ms. Wu was frightened and tried to hug her daughter again, but it was of no use. In the end, Ms. Wu had to find scissors and cut off the red damask. Then her daughter fell off the red damask and luckily survived.

After her daughter woke up, she burst into tears. Ms. Wu quickly asked her daughter what was going on and why she wanted to hang herself.

The daughter told Ms. Wu that she heard someone calling her name in her sleep. When she opened her eyes, she found a tall man standing in front of her. The man was tall and tall, and the sound just came from his mouth.

He kept calling Ms. Wu's daughter's name and asked her to follow him. At that time, Ms. Wu's daughter didn't know what was going on. She felt out of control, as if another person was controlling her body.

She was dumbfounded and struggled angrily, but she couldn't break away at all.

Vaguely, she heard more voices calling her, but the voices came from outside the window. She turned around and glanced, and found that there were many children of her own age hanging outside the window, looking at her with strange smiles on their faces.

She clearly discovered that several of those people were her classmates!

"Come to us. If you die on that red silk ribbon, you will find us..." they kept saying.

Ms. Wu's daughter naturally refused and struggled violently, but in the end she hung herself on the red damask and was dying.

If Ms. Wu hadn't cut off the red silk ribbon in the end, her daughter would have died by now.

After listening to her daughter's words, Ms. Wu realized that this might not be an ordinary disease and that it might be causing something weird. So Ms. Wu tried her best to find out about me and came to me for help.

I took a deep breath and became nervous. Because according to Ms. Wu's description, her daughter was probably in disgrace, which is why her body was so weak.

If you are really embarrassed, I'm afraid things will be very difficult!

So I immediately asked Ms. Wu to find some candles. After soaking them in castor oil, I lit ten candles around her daughter.

People have three souls and seven souls. These ten candles represent her daughter's three souls and seven souls. I want to determine which soul her daughter has lost.

After the candle was lit, I asked her to sit there quietly and never move. I ordered Ms. Wu to lock the doors and windows at home and draw the curtains to prevent any wind from blowing in, so as not to affect the effect, while I carefully observed the changes in candlelight.

The candle burned slowly, and the candlelight gradually rose from small to large. The sizes were different, but they were almost the same, and they burned slowly.

But soon, I discovered something unusual. The flame from the candle in the southeast corner of Ms. Wu’s daughter actually drifted towards her body. The light of the candle gradually changed from light yellow to blood red, and The blood color is getting thicker and thicker!

I immediately ran over to check, and after confirming that there was no wind around, I blew out all the candles and said, "Ms. Wu, one of your daughter's souls was shocked out of the body. The human soul is the most important of the three souls and seven souls. She can survive for up to ten days after that. How long has it been since your daughter had this symptom?

Ms. Wu was shocked and turned pale. She quickly counted on her fingers, and finally looked at me with a horrified expression: "It's been about seven or eight days. Master, please save my daughter, please!"

Ms. Wu's pleading shocked my daughters, and I quickly comforted them not to panic.

I said: "It seems that we have to find your daughter's soul tonight. We will act after dark. There is not much time left for us. I have to go back and prepare now. You wait for me at home!"

As if she was afraid that I would run away, Ms. Wu knelt down before I left and told me not to ignore her. If my daughter had any shortcomings, she would not survive.

As long as I can save her daughter, she will agree to any conditions for me, even if she and her daughter serve me together in the next life. There seemed to be ambiguity in the words, and Ms. Wu was really helpless.

I nodded and reassured Ms. Wu that since she decided to take care of it, she would definitely do her best to solve the matter.

After returning to the antique store, I immediately found the soul-calling flag from the old box left by my grandfather, and bought a big red-crowned rooster from the nearby market.

After I returned again, Ms. Wu immediately asked me respectfully if I had found anything I needed.

I nodded and said I found it, then placed the summoning flag and the big rooster on the ground.

Ms. Wu immediately asked me in confusion how to use this thing.

I looked at the sky and said it was still early. If I tell you now, you will have forgotten by then. I will tell you later! You may waste a lot of energy tonight, so go to bed early.

Ms. Wu nodded and motioned for me to go to her room to rest while she stayed with her daughter.

The widow had a lot of troubles before. Although she asked me to go, I know she just wanted to please me. She must be very resistant to this kind of thing in her heart, right?

So I smiled and said it was okay, I would just make do on the sofa.

Ms. Wu glanced at me gratefully, smiled reluctantly, and took her daughter back to her room.

But I was lying on the sofa tossing and turning and couldn't sleep. The feng shui of Ms. Wu's house looked pretty good, and I didn't notice any imbalance of yin and yang. In addition, the things in the house are all modern high-tech gadgets. Where can there be any evil things causing trouble?

I walked back and forth in the room, and Ms. Wu quietly walked out of the bedroom. After closing the door softly, she looked at me awkwardly and said she couldn't sleep.

I smiled and said, let’s sit down and chat for a while. I have a few questions I want to ask you.

Ms. Wu nodded immediately and sat down opposite me.

"Let me ask you, do you have any old objects in your home? Anything over a hundred years old counts."

Ms. Wu thought about it carefully, and finally shook her head vigorously: "No, the things in my house were all recently added."

"Then where did the red silk that your daughter hung herself from come from?"

Ms. Wu thought for a moment, and her expression suddenly turned frightened: "Yes, Hong Ling, where did that red damask come from? We don't have any red damask at home. And my daughter hasn't been out for a while, how could there be one?" Hong Ling?"

I immediately realized that there might be something wrong with the red damask: "Where is the red damask now?"

Ms. Wu said anxiously: "I didn't pay attention! I was only thinking about my daughter at that time and didn't think about the red silk. It seemed that after I cut the red silk, I threw it on the ground casually. Since then, I haven't seen it again. It’s time to arrive at Hong Ling…”

I immediately said: "Go and look for it quickly! It's best to find it. I suspect that your daughter lost her soul on that red damask, and your daughter's soul is likely to be attached to the red damask."

Ms. Wu immediately nodded and asked me to wait in the living room while she rummaged through the boxes and started looking for it.

However, after searching and searching, Ms. Wu couldn't find the red damask, and her face turned pale in worry: "It shouldn't be, why can't you find it? How could you not find it? I just put the red damask there." on the floor."

Seeing Ms. Wu's frightened look, I felt a little sad and told her not to look for her anymore. Someone might have taken Hong Ling away. Let me ask you, does that red damask look like an antique?

Ms. Wu shook her head like a rattle: "No, no, that red damask is definitely not an antique. I have seen that red damask, which is sold in a neighborhood near us. It was sold by an old woman who set up a stall."

"Huh? Besides her, is there anyone else selling that kind of red silk?"

"No more, no more." Ms. Wu said without hesitation: "Who needs that kind of red silk now?"

I nodded thoughtfully and asked Ms. Wu to take me to see the old woman quickly, hoping to find out some secrets from the old woman.

Ms. Wu immediately took me downstairs. At the door of the community, I saw the old woman.

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