Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 256 The old woman selling red silk

The old woman was over eighty years old. She was riding a tricycle filled with red damask. A loudspeaker was shouting: "Knitting technology passed down from our ancestors, a century-old history..."

I took a deep breath, walked up to the old woman, and asked with a smile: "Grandma, how do you sell this red damask?"

The old lady grinned at me and said, "Young man, buy one for your girlfriend. Recently, many people have bought my red damask, and they all say that the effect is good."

After saying that, the old lady took the initiative to hand one to me.

I smiled and asked: "Grandma, there are many people buying your red silk recently? Who are they?"

The old lady said proudly: "There are everyone there, including white-collar workers, students and even big bosses. Once, a boss bought twenty-four red damasks at once."

I frowned immediately, and I suddenly realized that there was probably something wrong with the person who bought twenty-four red damasks at once.

I immediately asked: "Do you still know the person who bought you twenty-four red damasks? Why did he buy so many red damasks?"

The old woman said: "I don't know, but it seems to be given to his students."

I nodded thoughtfully, then took out a hundred yuan and gave it to the old woman: "Grandma, let's do this. If that person comes to buy your red damask next time, can you give me a call? Then? I’ll give you another hundred dollars.”

The old woman was immediately happy: "Why are you looking for him? Besides, I don't know how to make calls. My mobile phone can only answer calls so that the children can find me at any time."

I said this is simple. So I stored my mobile phone number in the old woman's phone, and then set up "speed dial". As long as the old woman long presses the "2" button, she can call me.

After teaching the old woman, I took Ms. Wu away.

Ms. Wu looked at me inexplicably and asked me whether the person who bought twenty-four red damasks was the culprit? Why did he buy so much red silk? Could it be that her daughter is not the only victim?

I said: "I can't decide yet. But be prepared, and it's better to believe it or not. Just wait for the call from the old woman! If you find the other party, you may be able to understand."

Ms. Wu nodded thoughtfully.

I asked Ms. Wu if she had offended anyone recently, or if her daughter had offended anyone recently. However, Ms. Wu shook her head like a rattle and said that her neighbors and friends got along very well with her, and she knew that it was hard to raise a child by herself. , and often help themselves.

As for the daughter, it is even more impossible. The daughter has always been cowardly and fearful, and it is impossible to offend anyone.

I asked where the child's father was? Even if they are divorced, they should not ignore it when their daughter encounters this kind of thing.

Ms. Wu suddenly burst into tears and sighed helplessly, saying that her husband was absolutely a cruel person. Since the divorce, not only had he transferred all the family's assets away, leaving her with only this undecorated house, He never even comes to see his daughter, and he doesn't care about her life or death.

I was angry in my heart, how could there be such a heartless man in the world? But it’s not easy for me to evaluate other people’s husbands. I can only be regarded as an outsider. Every family has its own problems. Before I understand the situation, I will not judge someone at will.

Soon, the sky became dark. I read the Tao Te Ching once to calm myself down, and then asked Ms. Wu if she was ready? We are going to call the spirits now.

Ms. Wu nodded and said she was ready.

So I found a red rope, soaked it in white wine and salt, and then used the red rope to tie the soul-calling flag and the big rooster together.

The po is too unstable, not to mention that it has been so long. If I take the po all the way home, I'm afraid the po will dissipate on its own. That's why I bought this big cock.

Don't underestimate this big rooster, this big rooster determines whether Ms. Wu's daughter's soul will die or remain intact. When the time comes, after I recruit Po, I will let Po ride on the back of the big rooster and go home!

The big rooster is originally a yin. Not only will it not disturb the soul, it can even have a warming effect.

After making these preparations, I immediately asked Ms. Wu to draw a few places where her daughter often went, and asked her to hold the soul-calling flag and go to these places to search. While searching, I shouted her daughter's name in her mouth. There can be no pauses.

Ms. Wu agreed without hesitation, and then took me around the neighborhood.

I followed Ms. Wu closely, fearing that Ms. Wu would make a mistake.

We went downstairs and walked around the neighborhood. Several people working the night shift were frightened when they saw Ms. Wu's strange appearance and hid far away. Ms. Wu didn't bother to pay attention to them and just did what I said.

Ms. Wu first came to the square in front of the community. On weekdays, her daughter would run and exercise in the square before going to school. This is where her daughter spends the most time, right?

Ms. Wu held up the soul-calling flag and led the big rooster around the square, but nothing happened.

There was no wind tonight, the soul-calling flag drooped down, and the big rooster followed Ms. Wu obediently, walking forward in an orderly manner.

Then Ms. Wu ran around the community again, but she didn't encounter anything unusual after running around.

I was disappointed for a moment, thinking that her daughter's spirit was really attached to Hong Ling, and that Hong Ling had been taken away by someone with ulterior motives?

After searching around the community, she couldn't find her daughter's body. Ms. Wu cried anxiously and cried pitifully.

I immediately comforted Ms. Wu not to cry, and then thought about it carefully, where else could my daughter go most often?

After thinking about it, Ms. Wu suddenly said that there is a park around the lake behind the community, and her daughter often goes there to relax. I immediately asked Ms. Wu to go to that place and look for it again.

It was already early in the morning, so there was no one around, and the sparse starlight was hidden in the dark clouds, looming. The cool breeze blew the branches, making a rustling sound, and the moonlight shone through the dry branches on the ground, casting mottled shadows.

Ms. Wu held up a white soul-calling flag with a rooster tied to it. This scene was really eye-catching.

However, Ms. Wu seemed to have focused all her attention on finding her daughter, so she did not notice the strange surroundings.

This seems to be a path that people take. It is surrounded by jungles and weeds and is inaccessible. I really don’t understand why Ms. Wu would choose to take this path.

Moreover, this path seemed to be very long. We walked for a long time but could not get out of this place. If Ms. Wu hadn't led the way, I even doubted that we had encountered a ghost and would never be able to get out.

After walking on this road for about ten minutes, I suddenly noticed something strange!

Not far ahead, there were waves of gentle calls, which sounded like a woman's weak shouts. Husky, mechanical, just like rude electronic sounds, unpopular.

The other party seemed to be calling a certain name, but the specific name was unknown. I frowned and immediately became very energetic!

It must be abnormal to hear such a strange sound in such a remote place in the early morning.

Originally, I wanted to stop Ms. Wu, but Ms. Wu didn't seem to hear the strange sound and continued walking forward. I shouted twice in succession, but failed to stop Ms. Wu. She was probably too eager for her daughter to recover, right? All the energy was focused on my daughter’s soul, so it was normal that I didn’t hear it.

After thinking about it again and again, I finally decided not to stop Ms. Wu. This sound is weird, and may even be dangerous, but the more dangerous and weird the place, the more likely there are clues to the missing soul of Ms. Wu's daughter.

Even if there is danger, it is necessary to take risks! Even if you can't defeat the other party by then, you can still run away.

I still have the peach soul flower on me. After calculating the time, Peach Soul Flower has gathered enough Yin Qi, and it should be no problem to save us from danger.

The other party was approaching us, and as the distance between us got closer and closer, I clearly saw a lone lamp swinging back and forth in mid-air. The solitary lamp emits a weak white light, and behind the solitary lamp, there is a black shadow.

This reminded me of "Ghost Lighting a Lantern".

When a ghost lights a lamp, it means that the ghost holds the sun fire and 'crashes the soul' on the road. In layman's terms, it means looking for a scapegoat. If anyone without eyesight, especially a drunk and unconscious guy, bumps into him, he will definitely die.

After thinking about this, I got a headache. Why did I encounter such a thing in the middle of the night?

It was really unjustifiable for me to sit back and watch any longer, so I quickly ran over, patted Ms. Wu on the shoulder, and warned Ms. Wu in a low voice: "Did you see that white light in front of you? When you get closer later, it may deliberately hit you. Damn, you must avoid it, you must avoid it no matter what, do you understand?"

Ms. Wu was shocked and quickly looked forward, and then she noticed the white light.

She looked at me with fear on her face: "What is that white light...?"

I took a deep breath and said: "Remember what I said, just don't bump into them later. Okay, now keep moving forward. Don't provoke the other party."

Although Ms. Wu was scared, thinking about the inhuman torture her daughter was suffering, she finally nodded resolutely and walked forward step by step.

I hid in the small forest and stared at that thing.

As long as there is any trouble with that thing, I will immediately jump out to protect Ms. Wu.

Soon, Ms. Wu approached the white light. When I got closer, I took a closer look and was so frightened that I felt chills all over.

Ms. Wu was so frightened that she opened her mouth wide and even forgot to move forward. She just stood there holding the soul-calling flag in a daze. If it weren't for the obsession to save her daughter that supported her, Ms. Wu might have fled long ago!

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