Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 257: Midnight Calling

The person holding the lantern was actually a man wearing a shroud.

The man's face was covered with thick white foundation, his cheeks and lips were also painted bright red, his eyes were tightly closed, he wore a landlord's hat on his head and held a lone lamp in his hand.

How to describe it? This man looked like a paper man from a ghost shop.

His face was pale and his movements were stiff, jumping step by step like a zombie. He looked very scary and terrifying!

I took a deep breath and felt my scalp numb. Although I had previously speculated that it might be a 'ghost lighting a lantern', when I actually faced this ghost lighting a lantern, I still couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in my heart!

Even I was scared, let alone Ms. Wu.

Ms. Wu looked at me tremblingly and asked for my opinion. I asked Ms. Wu to ignore the other party and go around directly without touching the other party at all.

Ms. Wu nodded and continued to move forward cautiously. I walked around the woods little by little.

When I walked around the other party, I discovered that the other party's hands were nailed to the handle of the lantern by two coffin nails. He didn't seem to notice us, maybe he didn't even bother to pay attention, and walked directly past Ms. Wu. passed.

Soon, we put some distance away from each other. I breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat on my forehead, and signaled Ms. Wu to continue walking forward.

But we had just taken two steps forward when we suddenly heard a jumping sound behind us.

I was shocked and turned my head quickly, but I was horrified to find that the man holding the lantern had come around behind me at some point. At this moment, he was less than one meter away from me. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, as if he was smiling, and his eyes were Closed and motionless. A strange gust of wind blew, shaking his body.

Damn it, why is he following me? I immediately prepared to run away from this guy.

This guy looked dead at first glance. There was blood flowing out of the corners of his mouth and nostrils, leaving a trace of the foundation on his face.

"Stop!" Unexpectedly, the dead man actually spoke, his voice still mechanical and cold.

I was frightened and asked dumbfounded: "Who are you?"

"Wait for me." He suddenly said: "Wait for me."

"Damn it, who the hell are you?" I summoned up the courage and yelled angrily.

"Wait for me, wait for me." He kept making this weird sound in his throat, which made my scalp numb and I didn't know whether I should leave or stay.

Ms. Wu called me in a low voice: "Master, what should I do? Who is this person?"

I thought for a moment and said, "You find a corner to hide in, and I'll meet him for a while."

Ms. Wu nodded immediately and found a corner to hide. And I took out the Peach Soul Flower and looked at the other person eagerly: "Have you ever seen a little girl's soul? The loss of her soul must have something to do with you."

The other party did not answer me, but still whispered: "Wait for me, wait for me..."

Although he said this, the other party stood motionless holding the lantern, not knowing what he was waiting for.

"Damn it." I cursed viciously, "Who the hell are you? Don't blame me for being rude if you don't say anything."

As I said that, I lifted the Peach Soul Flower and made a gesture of throwing it out.

But the other party remained motionless, just repeating those words.

I really don’t understand what the other party is going to do. He is motionless, stuck in place like a wooden pole. There is no attack, no danger...

In the end, my patience was finally worn out by him, and I felt that the other party was probably delaying time and did not want us to move forward and discover some truth.

So I decided to ignore him and let Ms. Wu continue to move forward.

I just took a step forward when I suddenly heard a woman's voice coming from the corpse's mouth: "Mom!"

The sound was vague, like the sound made by a girl who drank two pounds of Erguotou, but she could still identify the two syllables as "mother".

Hearing this voice, Ms. Wu trembled all over, and the soul-calling flag in her hand fell to the ground with a clatter. Tears filled her eyes with excitement: "Daughter, it's my daughter. Daughter, where are you? Where are you?"

"What?" I suddenly felt dizzy. I didn't expect that the soul of Ms. Wu's daughter was actually inside this dead body. Damn it, who sealed her soul?

Ms. Wu was already kneeling in front of me: "Master, please save my daughter! Please get my daughter's soul out of this dead body."

I quickly pulled Ms. Wu up and told her not to panic, I would think of a solution.

In fact, I am a little at a loss now. What can I think of? If I were to simply deal with this corpse, I would still be confident with the Peach Soul Flower. However, the soul of Ms. Wu’s daughter is sealed in this corpse. I don’t dare to take action at all... Because the soul of Ms. Wu’s daughter is too unstable now, and it may be dispersed by the slightest collision of yang energy.

There is no way, all I can do is negotiate.

Of course, the object of negotiation cannot be this corpse. I know that this corpse is just a puppet. The owner of this corpse must be found.

I know the corpse control technique. Generally, the person who controls the corpse cannot leave the body for more than 300 meters, so I immediately shouted and asked the person who used the corpse control technique to come out and let's talk.

I called two or three times in succession, but no one answered. When I was wondering what to do next, my phone suddenly rang.

I immediately took out my phone and found that it was the man in the T-shirt calling me.

T-Shirt Man is always there when I need it most!

I was so happy that I immediately answered the phone.

"You stay where you are and don't move. I'll rush over immediately." The man in the T-shirt said.

"Where are you?" I was shocked, how did the man in the T-shirt know where I was.

But the man in the T-shirt had already hung up the phone. When I called him again, he was prompted to shut down his phone.

Ms. Wu looked at me eagerly, hoping that I could come up with a plan.

Since the T-shirt man asked me to wait where I am, then let’s wait! I immediately took Ms. Wu to find a bush to hide in, and at the same time carefully observed the body.

The corpse froze in place, motionless, with its face turned in our direction. Although its eyes are closed, I can still feel that he seems to be looking at us!

I started to think about it. The man in the T-shirt asked us to wait here, and the corpse just kept repeating "Wait for me, wait for me."

Could it be that it is conveying the meaning of T-shirt man to me? In other words, this corpse is controlled by the man in the T-shirt, and the man in the T-shirt is the master of this puppet?

So the question is, why does the T-shirt man do this? I was horrified, could the man in the T-shirt be the one who harmed Ms. Wu? Why did he do this?

I have extremely mixed emotions. What should I do if things are really as I thought? Should you listen to the man in the T-shirt, or help Ms. Wu?

Everything happens for a reason. The man in the t-shirt must have had his own reasons for doing this. Let’s talk about it later when the man in the t-shirt comes.

Ms. Wu was really scared and asked me tremblingly what was going on.

I took a deep breath and told her not to speak, just to wait patiently.

Not long after, a person came from a distance. The man was slender and had a hurried appearance. He came closer soon. I took a closer look and saw who he was if he wasn't the man in the T-shirt.

When I saw the man in the T-shirt, I ran out immediately.

"Are you summoning spirits?" The man in the T-shirt picked up the soul-awakening flag that Ms. Wu dropped on the ground and asked me.

I immediately nodded and asked Ms. Wu to come out too.

The man in the T-shirt asked: "Is there the soul you are looking for sealed in this puppet?"

I nodded immediately: "Yes, did you control this corpse?"

The man in the T-shirt nodded and snapped his fingers. The puppet corpse immediately walked to the man in the T-shirt, obedient like a robot, waiting for the next instruction from the man in the T-shirt.

"You take the soul away first, write a requiem charm and stick it on the other person's body. I will come to you later." The man in the T-shirt spoke hastily, and I seemed to feel a hint of danger in his tone.

So he nodded immediately.

What we didn't expect was that there was not just one soul in this puppet, but more than a dozen souls. The man in the T-shirt asked us to judge based on the sound which one we were looking for, and sealed the soul inside. The soul-calling banners let us leave.

Ms. Wu picked up the soul-calling flag again, chanting her daughter's name, Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing, and finally came to her home.

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