Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 258 Twenty-four red damasks

After entering the room, I immediately asked Ms. Wu to help Xiaoqing out, then tied the red rope on the soul-calling flag to Xiaoqing, and reintroduced the soul riding on the big rooster into Xiaoqing's body, and finally in it A requiem was affixed to his forehead.

Not long after, Xiaoqing woke up and looked at us with a confused expression: "Mom, what on earth... happened? I feel... I seem to have had a nightmare."

Xiaoqing finally regained her consciousness, she was much clearer than before, and her face looked much better. Ms. Wu cried with joy and hugged her daughter to comfort her.

Xiaoqing told us that she had a strange dream, as if she was wandering around aimlessly in the middle of the night and could not find her way home at all.

She was anxious, and at the same time she felt very uncomfortable and light, as if she might break apart at any time.

At this moment, a handsome older brother suddenly called her name, grabbed Xiaoqing's hand, and said he wanted to take her home.

When Xiaoqing came into contact with that person, she felt very comfortable, and the feeling of division was gone. She felt much more at ease and followed her handsome big brother home.

While walking on the road, Xiaoqing actually fell asleep. When she woke up, she found that she was still at home, as if she had had a dream, but that dream was so real.

Ms. Wu cried and hugged her daughter, saying it was okay, it was okay, it was just a dream.

I walked to the window and looked outside, waiting for the man in the T-shirt to arrive.

About an hour later, the man in the T-shirt finally arrived. He looked tired, his eyes were dull, and he was nervous. I immediately ran to open the door and invited the man in the T-shirt to come in.

The man in the T-shirt seemed to be in a state of collapse, and there were actually injuries on his body. His snow-white sweatshirt was torn in several places, and there were blood marks.

I immediately brought the man in the T-shirt a cup of hot water and applied medicine to the man in the T-shirt. Only then did the man in the T-shirt finally return to normal.

I breathed a sigh of relief and quickly asked the man in the T-shirt what was going on and who hurt him? Why did that body appear in the park?

The man in the T-shirt first scanned the room, and finally his eyes fell on Xiaoqing. Xiaoqing looked at the man in the T-shirt with a little fear, with a hint of admiration in her eyes.

Yes, aren't these extremely handsome young men in T-shirts what these female students are after?

The man in the T-shirt didn't answer me. He just took out two charms from his arms and asked me to stick them on the windows and doors.

After I posted it, I turned back and the man in the T-shirt had fallen asleep. It seemed that he was really tired, so I didn’t disturb him anymore. Instead, I found a blanket and covered the man in the T-shirt.

Ms. Wu also looked at the man in the T-shirt curiously, and finally asked me who he was. He seemed to be very capable.

I smiled and said: "He is much more capable than me. You should go back and rest! Don't disturb him, he is too tired."

Ms. Wu immediately took her daughter into the bedroom, while I sat down on the sofa next to her and kept vigil.

The man in the T-shirt slept for more than two hours before slowly opening his eyes. Realizing that I had been guarding him, I actually smiled a little sheepishly.

I immediately ran up and asked the man in the T-shirt how his wound was and if he wanted to be bandaged?

The man in the T-shirt shook his head and said that he was poisoned by corpse poison, and ordinary medicine could not remove the corpse poison at all.

I was shocked. I was infected with corpse poison. If this was not handled well, the man in the T-shirt might turn into a zombie.

But the man in the T-shirt immediately comforted me and told me not to be nervous. He had already found someone to help.

Just when I was wondering who was coming to help, my phone suddenly rang. I picked it up and took a look and found that it was Senior Shu.

As soon as the call was connected, Senior Shu started cursing: "You little bastard, you still know how to answer the phone. I've been wandering downstairs for more than an hour. Why didn't you answer the call?"

Only then did I notice that there were more than thirty missed calls on my mobile phone, all from Senior Rat.

I immediately apologized profusely and explained to Senior Rat that in order to avoid disturbing the T-shirt man’s rest, I had switched to silent mode.

Senior Shu cursed and said to come down quickly to pick me up, because I was about to freeze to death.

I smiled helplessly, hung up the phone quickly, and hurried down to pick up Senior Shu.

Senior Rat was huddled next to a trash can, shivering from the cold. After seeing me, he quickly ran up to me, took off my shirt, put it on himself, and asked me to compensate for mental damages.

I smiled bitterly and said now is not the time to pay compensation, so I should save the man in the T-shirt first!

Senior Shu then rolled his eyes at me and followed me upstairs.

Senior Mouse just glanced at the man in the T-shirt and was stunned: "I'll choke you, who is so cruel and can hurt you like this."

After finishing speaking, he didn't have time to say more, found an empty bowl, and took out the antidote from his arms.

He poured some turbid yellow liquid into the empty bowl, ground some black stuff into powder, soaked it in the turbid liquid, sprinkled a large amount of salt and dry flour, and stirred it into a paste. , and then told me to cook some glutinous rice.

Ms. Wu heard the noise and came out. I immediately asked Ms. Wu if she had any glutinous rice at home. After receiving a positive answer, I asked Ms. Wu to cook some glutinous rice and bring it back.

Senior Mouse carefully applied the paste on the T-shirt man's wound.

I clearly saw that there were many small bugs squirming in the clumps of paste, the size of ants, which was very strange.

After the paste was applied, Ms. Wu almost finished cooking the glutinous rice.

So Senior Shu sprinkled the glutinous rice water on the wound again, dissolving the paste bit by bit. After doing this, Senior Mouse finally breathed a sigh of relief and lay down on the sofa: "Okay, it will be safe after a few hours of rest."

The man in the T-shirt nodded, looking sleepy again.

I didn't bother the man in the t-shirt, but asked Senior Rat what the thing that pulled out the corpse poison was?

Senior Shu was still annoyed that I didn't answer the phone in time. He gave me a fierce look and said angrily that he didn't know.

I couldn't help laughing, so I had to apologize to Senior Shu, and promised him to take him to a nightclub to find a Russian girl after this matter was resolved. Only then did Senior Shu tell me.

The turbid liquid is ordinary mouse urine, and the black stuff is naturally mouse droppings. Of course, the rat excrement was not an ordinary rat excrement, but a rat excrement that was connected to the fate of the senior rat and had eaten the corpse.

Rats are known to be carrion eaters and even eat dead bodies. As long as a rat eats a corpse, it will be attacked by corpse poison. However, mice have very strong adaptability, so they will develop an immune response to corpse poison and secrete immune cells!

After the corpse poison is eliminated, some of these immune cells will remain in the body, and some will be excreted through feces. For men in T-shirts, they are mouse droppings containing immune cells.

In order to get this rat excrement, Senior Rat went through a lot of trouble, found a corpse containing corpse poison, fed it to the rat, and finally pulled it out...

After listening to this, I just felt sick to my stomach. I'm afraid only Senior Shu can do such a disgusting thing.

I burst out laughing, feeling that this kind of thing was really speechless.

After dawn, the face of the man in the T-shirt had almost recovered. After taking a shower, I bought a pair of brand-name clothes for the T-shirt man. After putting them on, the T-shirt man’s temperament burst out like an erupting volcano, making it irresistible.

Compared with the popular young man and the man in the T-shirt, they are much inferior... It can be seen from the nymphomaniac eyes of Ms. Wu and Xiaoqing.

Senior Shu even half-jokingly said that the junior high school leader really caters to both young and old, and he has the same demeanor as when he was young.

Ms. Wu and Xiaoqing blushed at the words.

The man in the t-shirt seemed to have completely recovered, and still regained his previous aloofness. After checking Xiaoqing's body, he nodded thoughtfully.

So I immediately asked the man in the T-shirt if Xiaoqing was okay?

But the man in the T-shirt shook his head, sighed and said that although her soul had returned to its original place, she still had a strong yin energy on her body. This yin energy was very strange. It should have been deliberately given by some people. If it can't be solved, Well, I'm afraid I will still be disappointed in the future.

Ms. Wu urgently begged the man in the T-shirt.

The man in the T-shirt sighed and said that it was not Xiaoqing alone who had a problem, but twenty-four boys and girls who had a problem together.

I was shocked and immediately thought of the guy who bought Hong Ling.

Didn't that guy buy twenty-four red damasks at once? This coincidence is really amazing.

I quickly asked the man in the T-shirt the whole story.

The man in the T-shirt told me that he was also entrusted by someone to help a student who was about to take the college entrance examination to "call out the soul."

The customer the T-shirt man met had exactly the same situation as Xiaoqing. The first thing the man in the T-shirt did was, of course, call the spirits.

It’s just that the way the man in the t-shirt summons souls is very special. He knows that the other person’s soul is already very weak. Even something with a weak impact on the soul, such as the big rooster, may hurt the other person’s soul. That’s why the man in the t-shirt thought of it. He found a way to use the infernal corpse to summon souls.

The Inferi can be said to be the best destination for the soul, and it has almost no side effects on the soul.

But when the man in the T-shirt was summoning the souls, he was horrified to find that there was more than one soul floating here!

The T-shirt man communicated with those wandering souls through the method of "crossing the underworld" and learned that what happened to them was very similar to his customers. Only then did the T-shirt man realize that this might be carefully planned by someone. A big conspiracy!

It was impossible for the man in the T-shirt to ignore death, so in the end he resolutely recruited all the ghosts he encountered into the corpse.

After collecting the twenty-four Inferi, the man in the T-shirt was ready to summon the Inferi back. But at this moment, the man in the T-shirt clearly sensed through the Inferi that a soul was trying to break out of the Inferi's mouth, as if someone else was summoning it.

The man in the T-shirt immediately established a spiritual connection with the Inferi and sensed my breath. The man in the T-shirt knew that I was summoning spirits in the park in the middle of the night, so there must be something fishy, ​​so he immediately called me through the Inferi.

I nodded immediately.

There are a total of twenty-four souls, but now only one has returned to his place. There are still twenty-three souls residing in the same Infernal Corpse. Can the Infernal Corpse bear it?

Just like a wooden barrel, the standard load capacity is 20 kilograms, but dozens of times the weight are put inside. Can the wooden barrel not be able to carry it?

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