Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 259 Resentment hits the bell

The man in the T-shirt reassured me that I didn’t need to worry, as the Yin Corpse had the magic technique he used to knead it, so it would be absolutely fine.

After hearing what the man in the T-shirt said, I felt a lot more at ease.

At this moment, the T-shirt man's cell phone rang. The T-shirt man took a look and said it was a customer.

It turned out that the patron didn't come back after looking at the man in the T-shirt all night, so he called worriedly to ask.

The man in the T-shirt comforted the other party and said that the souls had been found and were safe. However, he unexpectedly harvested more than 20 souls. They should be from nearby communities. He asked him to help find out whose children had the same symptoms.

When the other party heard this, he immediately became a little unhappy and said that I paid for the money. You just have to do your best to protect my son. Why should you meddle in other people's business? It's okay if something happens to them. My son still has good grades in the college entrance examination. There are fewer competitors.

The man in the T-shirt said coldly: "People are anxious, and others are as anxious as you are, so you don't need to be so mean, right?"

But the other party's attitude is still tough, and they even threaten the T-shirt man that if he meddles in his own business, he will not give the T-shirt man any commission.

Is the man in the t-shirt willing to give in to three buckets of rice? Of course not, so he hung up the phone without hesitation.

The other party called the T-shirt man several times, but the T-shirt man always hung up.

By the time the other party called him for the tenth time, the man in the T-shirt had already worn him out of his temper, so he had no choice but to agree to the man in the T-shirt's terms and say that he would send someone to inquire.

Not everyone is like this customer, who has money and power and can find a man in a T-shirt to do business. Most people can only watch their children going crazy and crazy, but there is nothing they can do.

The T-shirt man asked me to tell him all the clues I knew. So I told the man in the T-shirt everything.

Among them, I focused on the red damask. The person who bought twenty-four red damasks must be the culprit! The man in the T-shirt nodded in agreement and said that we must find the person who bought the twenty-four red damasks, and the old woman who sold the red damasks might not be a good person.

The man in the T-shirt asked to see the old woman, so I immediately agreed and took the man in the T-shirt to see the old woman.

However, we searched around the area several times, but could not find the old woman. I inquired at the community guard office, but was told that the old woman had stopped coming since yesterday.

The man in the T-shirt frowned and immediately asked the doorman if he knew the old woman and if she was a nearby resident.

But the guard shook his head vigorously and said that he had never seen that old woman before, and that she was suddenly selling red damask here these days, and the business was very good. He said that the red damask could help children get ideal scores in the exam.

The man in the T-shirt frowned suddenly and asked me quickly if I had ever touched that red damask?

I said I had been in contact with him. Yesterday I came over to see it. What happened?

The man in the T-shirt immediately raised his head and stared into my eyes, which made me feel guilty and I always felt that something was wrong.

I looked at the man in the T-shirt tremblingly: "What...what's wrong? What's the problem?"

The man in the T-shirt stared at me carefully for a while, seeming a little distracted, but in the end he shook his head and said there was no problem. Let's go back first. It's most important to send those lonely souls back tonight.

Seeing that the man in the T-shirt refused to say anything, I thought it wasn't a big problem, so I didn't ask any more questions and followed the man in the T-shirt back.

After returning, the man in the T-shirt began to walk around the room, seemingly looking for something.

I thought the man in the T-shirt was looking for something vaginal, so I told the man in the T-shirt that I looked for it yesterday and asked Ms. Wu. Ms. Wu told me that she didn’t have any antiques at home.

The man in the T-shirt nodded thoughtfully, but did not continue searching. He lay on the sofa to recuperate.

At this moment, Xiaoqing walked out of the room, so I immediately called Xiaoqing over and asked Xiaoqing if she had bought a red damask from downstairs?

Xiaoqing said she bought it, and many classmates bought it, saying it could improve learning efficiency and ensure good scores in the college entrance examination.

I felt helpless for a while, wondering what on earth these proud men were thinking, pinning their lifelong happiness on a red silk ribbon.

So I asked Xiaoqing, can I still find the red damask now?

Xiaoqing shook her head and said helplessly that she didn't know what happened. The red damask disappeared inexplicably a few days ago, and she didn't know where it went. By the way, does that red damask have anything to do with me?

I quickly shook my head and said it's okay, just don't worry about it and concentrate on facing the college entrance examination.

Xiaoqing nodded and glanced at the man in the T-shirt again, with an expression that he was hesitant to speak. I knew that Xiaoqing probably wanted the man in the T-shirt's phone number, but she was too embarrassed and didn't ask in the end.

This T-shirt man is really charming.

In this era where young people are rampant, it is a pity that T-shirt men do not develop into the entertainment industry.

Night fell quickly, and I followed the man in the T-shirt out.

Senior Rat had already left during the day. As a reward, the man in the T-shirt gave Senior Rat two medium-sized talismans. Senior Rat was so happy that he told him to come directly to him if there was any trouble next time.

I followed the man in the T-shirt and finally came to a sewer located in the green belt of the park.

The man in the T-shirt pinched a spell on the sewer and threw a black charm, and there was movement from the manhole cover of the sewer.

It seemed like someone was banging on the manhole cover. The man in the T-shirt gritted his teeth and shouted "open", and the manhole cover immediately bounced up.

Then a figure flew up from below, it was the dead man holding the lantern.

The dead body was dirty, the shroud was stained with garbage and swill, and the stench was overwhelming.

The cheeks covered with foundation also turned black and purple. I knew this was a symptom of the corpse transformation. It seemed that even though the man in the T-shirt had blessed it with powerful magic, he still couldn't suppress so many lonely souls. The collision.

The man in the T-shirt took out the bell from his arms and said that the body might not be able to bear the impact of so many souls. Now he must separate some of his soul and seal it in the bell. He and I divided our forces into two groups to send these dead souls home.

I immediately nodded in agreement.

The man in the T-shirt called the customer and asked him to report all the home addresses he found. I immediately took out paper and pen and wrote them down one by one.

Next, it’s time to ‘split the soul’. The man in the T-shirt and I are half together.

Every time the man in the T-shirt read a name, a black shadow would float out of the mouth of the Inferi and then crash into the bell. And the bell will make a crisp ringing sound every time.

After the souls were divided, the T-shirt man and I separated. I sent these souls home according to the address provided by the other party.

Most of the souls assigned to me by the man in the T-shirt are quite strong. As long as I give them guidance, they will return to the physical body on their own initiative.

In addition, some of them were relatively weak, and they had to rely on the powerful magic power of the T-shirt man to guide them back to their physical bodies. My magic power was far inferior, so the T-shirt man took the initiative to take them over.

These souls are all children of ordinary people. Most of the places I went to were in various remote communities and villages in the city.

These places are relatively chaotic, and there are many lonely souls and wild ghosts, but because of the peach soul flowers, no ghosts dare to provoke me. It didn't take long for me to successfully send these souls back home.

Next, I went to the address the man in the T-shirt left for me to meet him.

Unexpectedly, my cell phone rang suddenly on the way. I took it out and found that it was the old woman selling red silk calling me.

Why is this old woman calling me? Could it be that you discovered the person who bought twenty-four red damasks?

I couldn't wait to get on the phone.

But then I thought about it, the man in the T-shirt told me during the day that the old woman was not normal. After learning that I had been in contact with Hong Ling, she stared at my eyes with an incomprehensible look, so I immediately questioned the old woman. , you must not trust her easily, you must be careful.

So I took a deep breath, forced myself to calm down, and answered the old woman's call.

"Young man." The old woman's voice over there was hoarse and dull, which made me feel chilly in my heart: "Didn't you ask me to find the person who bought twenty-four red damasks? He just came to my place again, and now he is here I’m eating right across from my house.”

I immediately asked: "Grandma, please tell me your address, I will go there now."

"Okay, okay, No. 18 Huangpu Road, remember to bring money. You promise grandma, you will give me more money if you find the person."

"Okay." I agreed immediately. After hanging up the phone, I immediately called the man in the T-shirt and asked for his opinion.

But for some reason, I called the man in the T-shirt three or four times, but no one answered.

I was anxious and didn't want to let go of such an important clue. If it were a little later, the person might leave.

So after much thought, I finally decided to go first. So I sent a text message to the man in the T-shirt, telling the man in the T-shirt to go to No. 18 Huangpu Road to find me and call me after seeing the text message.

After sending the text message, I hurriedly went to No. 18 Huangpu Road!

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