Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 260 Taishan Stone Gandang

Huangpu Road is very remote. It is a road used for stalls in the urban-rural integration area.

No one was out in the middle of the night, and professional sanitation workers cleaned the place every day. The road was very clean, but the smell of swill could not be removed.

I searched all the way for No. 18 Huangpu Road, and finally found it at the end of the street, so I immediately ran up and knocked on the door.

However, I kept knocking for three or four minutes and no one came to open the door.

Could it be that the old woman is not at home?

Finally, I couldn't wait any longer, so I kicked the door open.

The moment the door was kicked open, I clearly saw a dark shadow slamming towards me, and at the same time a bright light flashed in front of my eyes...

what's the situation!

I was shocked and quickly backed up. But that bright light had already come to my eyes. Through the dim street light, I was horrified to find that it was actually a machete.

Damn it.

I was dumbfounded. If this machete fell, I would definitely die...

Seeing that the machete was about to land on my forehead, I had no time to avoid it. I could only stretch out my two arms to subconsciously block it, hoping that my two arms could protect my life.

I could clearly feel that my arms were touched by something cold and hard. I was in despair. The strong wind carried by the machete was too strong and it might cut off my arms...

However, while I was desperately waiting for the machete to continue to penetrate deeper, I suddenly heard a piercing scream.

I looked up in surprise.

A long blue sword was blocking the machete. There was even blood dripping on the machete, which was shocking!

But the one holding the knife was actually the old woman selling red silk. Grandma's eyes were wide open and bloodshot, and she was still muttering something.

Looking next to me, the owner of the blue sword is clearly the man in the T-shirt. Fortunately, he appeared in time, otherwise I would not be able to see the sun tomorrow.

The man in the T-shirt snorted coldly: "You're still seductive, you're not overestimating your abilities!"

After saying that, the man in the T-shirt raised his sword hard and overthrew the old woman holding the machete. Then the man in the T-shirt used the sword as a knife and struck straight at the old woman.

The old woman turned pale, screamed, and quickly blocked herself with a machete, finally barely blocking the long sword of the man in the T-shirt.

Even so, the old lady was still mumbling words. Although I couldn't understand what she was mumbling and her voice was very small, the small voice seemed to resonate with my brain. My brain was buzzing, like countless mosquitoes flying and wreaking havoc, and my consciousness was getting more and more comatose.

"Damn it!" The man in the T-shirt's eyes flashed coldly, and he pressed down the long sword with all his strength. Now the old lady couldn't take it anymore, the machete fell to the ground, and the long sword fell directly on the old lady's throat.

However, the old woman did not stop at all, and was still mumbling something.

The man in the T-shirt was angry and thrust the sword directly into the old woman's mouth, but it didn't go deep, he just pried open her teeth to make her stop chanting the curse.

Strangely enough, as soon as her voice stopped, my brain immediately became clear and the pain disappeared, but the dazed feeling of dizziness still remained.

"Gag her mouth!" the man in the T-shirt ordered me.

Even a fool knows what's going on. The old woman just used a spell to confuse me. That's why my soul was unstable, dizzy, and unable to resist at all.

If she continues to read, I'm afraid my soul will really be drawn out by her.

I was so angry that I never expected that this seemingly harmless old woman could be so vicious-hearted.

Without saying a word, I walked up to her, pulled off a piece of cloth, and was about to gag her mouth.

But the old woman was very stubborn. She gave me a fierce look and shook her head vigorously, trying to break free from the shackles of the long sword.

The man in the T-shirt shouted: "Don't move, if you move again I will stab you to death."

"Death." The old woman shouted in despair, and suddenly raised her head. The man in the T-shirt was caught off guard. Before he could retract his sword, the tip of the sword penetrated the old woman's throat and came out from the back of her head.

Blood, like blooming roses, surrounded the old woman's body.


I took a deep breath and froze in place, my hand holding the cloth trembling.

Why on earth does this old woman prefer to die rather than tell us the truth?

The man in the T-shirt sighed helplessly, took back the sword, wiped it on the old woman's body, and then turned to look at me: "Are you okay?"

I nodded and looked at the old woman with horrified eyes: "Why did she do this?"

The man in the T-shirt shook his head and said he didn't know either.

Suddenly, my head started hurting again, my body was so dizzy, and I was a little unsteady.

The man in the T-shirt was shocked and immediately looked around.

I immediately grabbed the peach soul flower in my hand.

I know that my soul is unstable, as if someone is trying to take my soul away! I didn't care too much and directly activated the Peach Soul Flower, using the strong yang energy of the Peach Soul Flower to protect my soul.

The Peach Soul Flower is very powerful. The moment it was activated, I obviously felt that my soul was much more stable, but the headache caused by the resonance and trembling in my mind was still strong.

At this moment, the man in the T-shirt finally found the culprit, roared "Stop", and then chased after him with his long sword.

I looked carefully and found a man hiding in the building opposite. The light was dim, and I could only vaguely see a figure. The man in the T-shirt noticed him. He no longer seduced my soul, but turned around and disappeared into the darkness, disappearing.

My soul finally stabilized gradually, but my head still hurt badly, so I simply sat next to the old grandma's body and waited for the man in the T-shirt to come back.

It didn't take long for the man in the T-shirt to return. From his disappointed expression, we knew that the man in the T-shirt must have failed to track the other party.

I looked at the man in the T-shirt with some lingering fear: "These people are so powerful, they can actually pull people's souls out of their bodies..."

The man in the T-shirt shook his head disapprovingly: "Actually, you have been hit by the other party's soul-removing curse a long time ago. The soul-removing curse has corroded your soul, and you can lure it out with a little temptation."

I was shocked: "When did I fall under the Soul-Removing Curse?"

The man in the T-shirt said: "Didn't you touch that red damask? That red damask was actually cursed. If you touched it, the soul-removing curse would naturally act on you. From your eyes, I I’ve seen it a long time ago.”

I was shocked. No wonder the man in the T-shirt had been staring at my eyes. He was probably looking at the Soul Leaving Curse.

The man in the T-shirt told me that the reason he didn’t remind me was because he wanted to follow the clues and find the person who wanted to suck my soul.

So today's plan was also deliberately arranged by the man in the T-shirt.

The man in the T-shirt and I split up to create opportunities for each other. Then I called him but didn't answer, just to avoid alerting him.

In fact, the man in the T-shirt has been following me secretly, and only jumped out when he showed up and threatened my life.

Fortunately, I kicked the door open just now. If I hadn't kicked the door open, the old woman would have been silently reciting the soul-leaving curse in the room. Once the Soul Leaving Curse occurs, I'm afraid my soul will leave my body. Even if the man in the T-shirt had great power and could barely force my soul back, he would still be disabled if he wasn't crazy.

This matter is no joke, and it can be over if you don't pay attention.

I felt horrified in my heart, and suddenly I missed Yin Xinyue very much. Thinking about how I was almost separated from Yin Xinyue and how she cried every day, I felt heartbroken.

This time I really regretted entering the world of femininity. This kind of life is not what I want.

But it’s too late to regret it now. If I forcefully quit, I’m afraid I’ll be punished by God. I can’t bear the punishment of God no matter what. This is why many Taoists, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, prefer to go to the tiger mountain.

My biggest headache now is that the culprit ran away, and we are now facing charges of murder... Although there is surveillance video to prove that we were just self-defense, but we killed the other party, at least it must have been self-defense. Sure, you'll have to spend a few years in jail.

I want to call Fengshen Nana and ask Fengshen Nana if she can hide this matter from the public.

Little did they know that the man in the T-shirt had already taken out his mobile phone and dialed a number. He seemed to be talking to a powerful official and hung up after a few words.

I heard the other party repeatedly telling the man in the T-shirt to rest assured that he would not be held responsible.

I suddenly felt that I had underestimated the T-shirt man. The T-shirt man’s network of contacts was much wider than mine.

"Let's go!" The man in the T-shirt looked at me and said.

I stood up from the ground with difficulty, covering my head. My head still hurts, and I feel my head pounding every time I take a step.

The man in the T-shirt took out a pill and asked me to swallow it, and I felt much better. Later I learned that it was called Anshen Pill, which can be bought in big hospitals, and it was not a panacea.

On the way, I asked the man in the T-shirt helplessly what should I do about this? This time we have alerted the enemy. The other party must be hiding more secretly. It is difficult to find the other party.

But the man in the T-shirt told me that we just need to wait and see. He already knew what to do next.

I was shocked and asked the man in the T-shirt what he could do.

The man in the T-shirt suddenly stopped, glanced around, and asked me: "You must have been to this place just now."

I nodded immediately and said: "Yes, I have indeed been here. One of the souls I sent just now lives here. By the way, it's the family next door."

The man in the T-shirt nodded and led me straight over.

Finally, the man in the T-shirt stopped at the southwest corner of the room and pointed me to a stone embedded in the wall.

There is a line of words carved on the stone: Taishan stone dares to be used.

The man in the T-shirt said: "That's the problem!"

Inlaying a piece of "Taishan Stone Gandang" on the wall has long been a strange thing. This is a kind of folk culture among Chinese people. According to legend, Shi Gandang is a mountain god from Mount Tai. He has infinite magic power and abhors evil. He inlays the Taishan stone with the words "Taishan Shi Gandang" carved on the house to ensure peace and drive away evil spirits, so many rural areas do this. The country has also listed it as an intangible cultural heritage.

But how could such a small Tarzan stone cause such a big mess? I quite don't understand.

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