Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 261 Beautiful Female Corpse

The man in the T-shirt said: "When I was chasing that person just now, I found these words embroidered on the other person's back. And I found them at my customer's house, Ms. Wu's house, and even the old woman's house. The stone with the words 'Taishan Shigandang' engraved on it is not just a coincidence."

The T-shirt man's analysis is very reasonable. In today's society, especially in cities, it is basically rare to see this kind of stone. It is definitely not normal for such a large number of Taishan stones to appear.

If your guess is correct, other lost high school students must also have this kind of Taishan stone in their homes, right?

There happened to be several residents nearby who I had given their souls to, so I took the man in the t-shirt to check it carefully, and the results of the inspection were as I expected. As expected, almost everyone had a Tarzan stone like this!

I was depressed. This Taishan stone was originally a mountain god that deterred evil spirits. How could it now become something harmful to people?

The man in the T-shirt didn't say much, and just asked me to take him to Ms. Wu's home.

After returning home, I asked Ms. Wu if she had such a Taishan stone at home. Ms. Wu immediately nodded and said yes. When she first bought this house, the Taishan stone already existed, and many residents had such a stone in their homes, embedded outside the building.

The man in the T-shirt and I climbed out of the window to take a look, and sure enough we found that not only Ms. Wu’s house had it, but many other people also had this kind of Taishan stone.

That's strange. Since so many families have Taishan stones, why did something happen to only Ms. Wu's family?

The man in the T-shirt was in a daze for a long time, and then he said: "It's true!"

The man in the t-shirt must have discovered something fishy about Taishan Stone, so I immediately asked the man in the t-shirt what was going on.

The man in the T-shirt said thoughtfully: "Look carefully at the upper right corner of this Taishan stone."

I took a closer look and found that there seemed to be a very narrow gap in the upper right corner of the square Taishan stone. It seemed that the Taishan stone was cracked...

The man in the T-shirt used scissors and carefully followed the cracks, and easily pulled out the broken stone.

The man in the T-shirt motioned for me to get a magnifying glass and take a closer look. I found that where was the stone? It's clearly just a handful of clay embryos, but the surface has been fired into the color of Taishan stone. If you don't look carefully, you really can't tell the difference.

The man in the t-shirt said: "The Taishan stone can certainly ward off demons, but if a corner of the Tarzan stone is missing, it will turn from a sacred object into a vicious one. Moreover, the missing corner will cause different side effects to the family." It’s different.”

"Situations like this where the upper right corner is missing will be detrimental to the children in the family. The most obvious manifestation is that the career of the children in the family is not smooth. The Xiaoqing college entrance examination is naturally considered a part of the career. This is because some people do not want these twenty-four high schools to Good luck with your student exam!"

After listening to this, I was filled with hatred. Who was so despicable that he wanted to ruin the future of these twenty-four high school students? What kind of hatred did they have?

The man in the T-shirt didn't say much. He used scissors to completely cut out the Taishan Stone. Then he found a piece of cloth and covered the wall. After that, he carefully placed the Taishan Stone on the coffee table and told Ms. Wu to watch it carefully and not to touch the Taishan Stone or let anyone touch it. He wanted to go out and prepare some things.

Ms. Wu was very scared and asked the man in the T-shirt tremblingly, what was so strange about this Taishan stone?

Most of the residents in this residential building have it at home. Why did this happen to my own home?

The man in the T-shirt didn't elaborate, he just said that the Taishan Stone had missing corners and its magic power was greatly reduced. The fierce spirit dared not enter other homes, so it was natural for him to enter Ms. Wu's home.

Ms. Wu became even more frightened and became suspicious. She always felt that there might be dirty things hidden in any corner of the room, and she was determined not to let us leave her alone at home.

In the end, the man in the T-shirt had no choice but to reason with her. She refused to listen and even insisted on preparing things with us.

The man in the T-shirt had no choice but to give Ms. Wu two talismans and ask her to stick them on the door and window. These talismans were more intimidating than the Taishan stone, so dirty things would naturally not dare to come in.

Ms. Wu was relieved a lot.

After we left, the sun had risen hazily, probably around five or six o'clock. So I asked the man in the T-shirt what should we prepare? It's better to wait until it gets brighter before going. We won't need those things during the day anyway.

The man in the T-shirt said: "Collect corpse wax. Corpse wax will only be produced at this time."

"Corpse wax?" I couldn't help but shiver all over and asked the man in the T-shirt what he was doing collecting corpse wax?

The so-called corpse wax is actually the fat in the body of the corpse. It exudes from the skin due to the high temperature and condenses into a layer of wax on the skin. Just listening to the origin of this thing, you will know how this kind of thing penetrates people. Basically, this kind of corpse wax has no other use except attracting evil spirits. Why does the man in the T-shirt still collect corpse wax?

I asked a few more questions, but the man in the T-shirt just said it was useful, and I was too lazy to ask any more questions.

The man in the T-shirt finally took me to a mass grave. I walked around the mass grave twice and finally found a fresh grave. Judging from the color of the surface soil, it should have been buried for less than three days.

Three days is the time when corpse wax is produced most intensively!

After all, digging graves is a very unethical thing. In order to reduce the guilt and guilt in his heart, the man in the T-shirt first burned incense and paper to purify the souls of the dead. After getting the other party's "agree", he joined me to dig up the grave. Digged up.

We quickly dug up a coffin. The coffin was very old and thin. It should be the cheapest coffin.

Most of the dead buried here were outsiders who couldn't afford to buy a cemetery or even be cremated, so this thin coffin was not surprising.

But when I opened the coffin lid and saw the owner of the coffin, I was completely shocked...

Lying inside was a beautiful girl with a beautiful face and precious gold and silver jewelry. Although this girl has been dead for three days, her appearance has not changed much. Her face is pale and her expression is peaceful. If her stomach wasn't bulging with corpse gas, it would even be mistaken for sleeping.

This looks like a rich girl. Why did she die at such a young age? And he was buried in a place like this?

This reminds me of a recent kidnapping case. The daughter of a cement factory owner in this city was kidnapped and disappeared for several days... Could this girl be the kidnapped girl?

It's just pitiful that such a beautiful girl died like this... I have seen photos of her during her lifetime, and she was much more beautiful and fashionable than some internet celebrities.

"Hurry up and do it!" the man in the T-shirt urged. "Help me carry her out and scrape off the wax."

I sighed, feeling sorry for the girl.

After saying that, the man in the T-shirt and I carried the girl out, and the man in the T-shirt asked me to strip her upper body...

I was depressed. Desecrating corpses was the thing I hated the most. I never thought that one day I would do the same thing.

Following the instructions of the man in the T-shirt, I quickly stripped the girl's upper body clean.

Her skin had long since lost its color and was dull, but her exquisite curves were still very attractive and uneven.

Damn it, I cursed myself, after all this time, I can still admire corpses!

The man in the T-shirt and I used daggers to carefully collect the corpse wax condensed on her body in a plastic bag. After a while, we collected a small bag.

Then I put the girl's clothes back on, put her into the coffin, closed the coffin lid again, and filled the grave with soil.

Although the sun has risen, there is still a layer of gloom here, which is hazy and makes it difficult to see clearly.

As I was walking back, I accidentally felt someone behind me crying softly. When I turned around, I was so scared that my scalp went numb.

Near the grave, a young girl was kneeling. The girl was dressed very gorgeously, and was sobbing sadly, with a layer of black mist covering her body.

That was clearly the corpse lying in the coffin just now.

I couldn't help but tremble all over.

But the man in the T-shirt explained to me that he had released the girl’s ghost. He had just reached an agreement with the girl, and the man in the T-shirt could ask for the corpse wax from her body. In return, the girl's soul must be unlocked and she must be released to seek revenge on the murderer...

I know, some people may be out of luck!

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