Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 262 Tarzan Ghost

After we went back, Ms. Wu was curled up on the sofa, staring at the Taishan Stone.

I asked Ms. Wu if anyone had been here. Ms. Wu said that someone had just knocked on the door. She looked through the peephole and found that it was a strange man.

Ms. Wu kept our teachings in mind and did not open the door, but the man refused to leave. In the end, Ms. Wu notified the security of the community and finally drove the man away.

The man in the T-shirt immediately said that Ms. Wu did the right thing. If the door was opened, the consequences would be disastrous!

Ms. Wu went to the kitchen to make breakfast for us, while the man in the T-shirt took out the collected corpse wax and asked me to find some pieces of cardboard. He rolled the cardboard into a long tube, about the thickness of a candle, then stuffed the corpse wax into the tube with his bare hands and started rubbing it.

Soon, five or six pieces of corpse wax were rubbed out by us. Just at this time, Ms. Wu also brought breakfast, which was a hamburger and hot dog... Looking at the hot dog, which was similar in color and shape to corpse wax, I suddenly lost my appetite.

I went to the bathroom and rubbed it again and again, but I still felt a strong corpse smell on my arms, which was disgusting.

Next, it’s time to wait for night to come.

The T-shirt man’s plan is to wait and see!

Since the other party is using the Taishan Stone to do this, as long as we threaten the souls in the Taishan Stone tonight, the souls will naturally bite the other party. As long as we threaten the other party's life, we are not afraid that the other party will not come to beg for mercy.

While I was waiting during the day, I discovered that a garbage collection station not far from the school district house was on fire. The fire was soaring into the sky, and thick smoke was billowing. The smoke even filled the community where we were, and there was a burning smell in the air.

Later, we learned from the community security guard that the fire killed four or five workers at the garbage collection station. Coincidentally, the police found some women's jewelry in the garbage collection station. The jewelry of the daughter of the cement factory owner who was kidnapped and disappeared a few days ago! It was really interesting to accidentally start a fire and solve a kidnapping case.

I'm afraid only the guy in the T-shirt and I know that this unknown fire was started by the girl's ghost, right? These people really deserved to die.

Vaguely, I saw the figure of a girl floating in the billowing smoke, smiling at me, and then disappeared along the billowing smoke. Before disappearing, she bowed to me.

So I asked the man in the T-shirt if there is heaven and hell. If the girl kills someone, will she go to heaven or hell?

The man in the T-shirt said with emotion: "God knows this kind of thing."

Night fell quickly, and the man in the T-shirt told Ms. Wu and Xiaoqing to hide in the bedroom and not to come out no matter what they heard.

The man in the T-shirt used a big stone to hold down the Taishan Stone. Near the stone, he lit four or five pieces of corpse wax one after another, and put a big black pot on top. Then he turned off all the lights in the living room, leaving only a night light.

The light of the night light was very weak, and I could only vaguely see the big black pot.

The man in the T-shirt stood next to the black pot, put one hand on the black pot, and muttered something.

I held the Sirius Whip in my hand and waited quietly. As long as there was any abnormality in this big black pot and the man in the T-shirt couldn't control it, I would step forward to help.

Our enemy is very powerful this time, otherwise the man in the T-shirt wouldn't have been injured before.

The dark room, the depressing atmosphere, the sealed space, and the faint smell of corpses that filled the room made me nervous.

At first, there was only the sound of the man in the T-shirt mumbling words in the room, but soon, strange noises began to be heard. The rattling sound was the sound of the big black pot shaking and colliding with the glass coffee table.

My eyes widened with anger, staring at the big black pot!

The trembling of the big black pot became more and more intense. I felt as if there was a person inside who was going crazy against the big black pot. The candlelight of corpse wax came out through the gaps between the black pots. I could clearly see shadows in the black pots. It keeps drifting back and forth.

The hand of the man in the T-shirt pressed Hei Guo up and down as Hei Guo trembled, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"Come here, help me." As the trembling of the black pot became more and more intense, the man in the T-shirt was obviously struggling a lot, and the veins on his face were protruding, and it seemed that he could no longer hold on.

So I immediately ran up and pressed both hands on the black pot.

But the moment my arm touched the black pot, I clearly felt a powerful force of shock being released from the black pot. The black pot seemed to be a high-voltage electricity of 100,000 volts. The electricity hit my arm and made my arm numb.

At the same time, the out-of-body feeling invaded me again, making me a little uncontrollable. My brain was extremely dizzy and I had a splitting headache.

This scapegoat brought me not only physical attacks, but also the most terrible mental attacks!

I had no choice but to bite the tip of my tongue and spit the blood from the tip of my tongue onto my palm to soften the opponent's attack, but the effect was not obvious. I had no choice but to wrap the Sirius Whip around my neck and bite it hard. Only then did the impact on my spirit finally ease.

But I am too weak after all. Even with the help of Sirius Whip and Tongue Blood, my strength is quickly exhausted, and I can no longer hold on.

Looking at the man in the T-shirt, he was also a little uncontrollable, his face was pale, and he was so weak that he didn't even have the strength to open his eyes.

"Broken!" Just when I felt like I couldn't hold on any longer, the man in the T-shirt suddenly roared angrily. Immediately afterwards, the black pot was smashed into pieces by the man in the T-shirt, like a rice cooker.

The moment the big black pot shattered, I clearly saw a black shadow ejecting from the big black pot and standing in the corner.

The corpse wax also stopped burning. The room that was bustling just now became quiet in the blink of an eye. The only sound was the heavy breathing of the man in the T-shirt and I.

Although I had a splitting headache, I didn't have time to pay attention to the headache. Instead, I looked in the direction of the black shadow.

The crouched body of the black shadow slowly unfolded, and I was startled by it.

This is indeed a human figure, but its size is several times larger than that of a normal person. At this moment, his head is on the ceiling, his feet are on the ground, and his red eyes are staring at us...

I gasped, what the hell is this? Why are you so tall?

I grabbed the Sirius Whip, knowing that this battle was inevitable, so I simply raised the Sirius Whip and prepared to fight the black shadow to the death.

But the man in the T-shirt stopped me and sat on the ground in a meditative posture, mumbling something.

The huge creature actually began to mutter words and uttered some strange syllables. The sound was as loud as an animal roaring.

After a while, the man in the T-shirt opened his eyes, asked me to open the door, and took off the evil charm on the door.

I was shocked. Is the man in the T-shirt planning to send this undead away? The man in the T-shirt glanced at me, but told me to just do what he said.

In the end, I had no choice but to run and remove the evil charm and open the door.

The black shadow immediately rushed out of the door, bringing out a strong cold wind, and disappeared from the corridor in the blink of an eye.

The man in the T-shirt immediately took out his compass, shouted "Follow me", and ran out as fast as lightning.

I immediately shouted into Ms. Wu’s room: “Close the doors and windows, put the exorcism charms on them, and don’t come out!”

Then he followed closely.

I caught up with the man in the T-shirt and asked him why he let the ghost go.

The man in the T-shirt said: "That is the Tarzan ghost. Without the Tarzan stone, you and I are no match for him. It was forcibly sealed in the Tarzan stone. Now that it has finally come out, it must be backlash against the person who sealed it. As long as we follow it, we will definitely find the guy who sealed it."

I was shocked, nodded repeatedly, and followed the man in the T-shirt out of the community.

The compass has been guiding us into the uninhabited grove behind the community. Not long after entering the woods, we saw a burst of red light not far away, and there seemed to be tragic sounds of animals, as well as the sounds of people screaming and fearing. Come.

If you guessed correctly, the culprit should be there, and the Tarzan ghost should be attacking the opponent at this moment.

The man in the T-shirt quickly put away the compass and rushed forward with me.

When we got closer, we found a young man fighting with the huge black shadow. Although the man tried his best, he was still forced back step by step by the Tarzan ghost, and he was about to lose his strength.

How could the ferocity of Taishan Ghost be something that an ordinary warlock like him could do? So not long after, the man was pressed to the ground by Tarzan Ghost.

The Tarzan ghost was as ferocious as a tiger, constantly hitting the opponent with its body. Although the man had no wounds on the surface, the man's consciousness became weaker and weaker, and his body began to become uncoordinated.

I know this is because the Tarzan ghost is about to knock his soul out of the body.

Finally, the other party couldn't hold on anymore and started shouting for help.

The man in the T-shirt jumped out without saying a word.

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