Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 264 Naihe Bridge

The next business was not the scariest one I have ever encountered in my career, but it was the one that impressed me the most.

Not for anything else, just because the evil thing I encountered this time was closely related to my grandfather!

That should have been three months later. I remember that Li Xiaomeng was on summer vacation that day, and the weather was unbearably hot. I rarely went out all day long, and basically stayed in the store to blow on the air conditioner.

The hot air outside made the cement floor in my shop scorch to the point of scalding my feet.

When Yin Xinyue went to work at noon, she casually placed a raw egg outside, and then let me know how long it would take for the raw egg to mature.

I really admire myself. I actually stared at the eggs for more than ten minutes. In just a quarter of an hour, the raw eggs were really cooked. I'm thinking about bringing some chili powder and seasoning with me when I go out in the future. If I grill a piece of meat while walking on the street, I can have a Korean barbecue on the spot...

Whenever Li Mazi has something to do, he likes to bring Li Xiaomeng to my store to enjoy the air conditioning. I was confused, Li Mazi also had some savings in his hand, how could he still worry about the electricity bill? Later I found out that Li Mazi brought his son to my house to use the Internet. I asked Li Mazi why he didn’t install broadband by himself? Li Mazi said with a painful look on his face that the people who installed broadband refused to install it because they thought the poles were too hot.

Anyway, I am bored looking at the store alone, so I can just chat with Li Mazi and play cards.

And on the third day of Li Xiaomeng's summer vacation, Li Mazi and Li Xiaomeng arrived as scheduled. Li Mazi and I played poker, while Li Xiaomeng was playing League of Legends enthusiastically, but there was a knock on the door of the antique shop.

I then asked Li Mazi to open the door. When he opened the door, what he saw was an uncle in white mourning clothes, dripping with sweat. As soon as the door opened, the man shouted for help.

I have a headache. If I go out to deal with vaginal objects at this time, why should I be heated to death? Although I was completely reluctant, since someone came to the door, it would be a bad idea to turn them away. You can't be picky in this business, so out of politeness, I still invited the uncle in.

From the other person’s clothes, rough hands, and dark skin, I judged that he should be a farmer.

He seemed to be in a hurry, and I didn't know if it was because he was hot or if something really happened to him.

"Master, please come with me!" After entering the room, the uncle said to Li Mazi in an almost pleading tone.

Li Mazi pointed at me: "I am not a master. I am the master's errand boy. That one is the master."

He smiled awkwardly, then turned and looked at me: "Master, help me."

I opened a bottle of ice-cold Sprite for my uncle and said, "If you have anything to do, drink some water first and then talk slowly."

The uncle said anxiously: "Come back with me and have a look! My mother is dead, but there is no way to bury her. I suspect there is something hidden in our house."

"Huh?" I frowned: "What do you mean you can't bury me?"

"Oh, you don't know something." The uncle said with an embarrassed look on his face: "Although my mother is a birthday girl, she is very angry. This time she was angry to death because of a trivial conflict with a neighbor. I think my mother is unwilling to be buried like this. We tried every means, but we just couldn’t get the coffin off, and what’s even weirder is..."

At this point, the uncle suddenly stopped talking, but a thick layer of fear began to spread on his face, and he didn't know if he thought of something terrible.

"Tell me." Li Mazi urged, "What's the weirder thing?"

The uncle looked up at me: "Master, you'd better come with me. There are some things I can't talk about. Please don't embarrass me..."

What's wrong with this uncle? I smiled bitterly: "If you don't tell me clearly, I don't know anything. How can I help you solve the problem?"

In the end, the uncle had no choice but to grit his teeth and said, "Well, I'll tell you the truth! We have a custom there. Only after crossing the Naihe Bridge can the deceased have fulfilled his wish and agree to be buried."

"Wait, Naihe Bridge?" Li Mazi immediately interrupted the uncle's speech.

The uncle explained: "It's not the Naihe Bridge you think of, but the Naihe Bridge in our village. Every time there is a funeral, you have to cross that bridge, so we all call that bridge: Naihe Bridge."

The uncle paused and continued: "But today I was attending my mother's funeral. When I was crossing the Naihe Bridge, every time I got to the middle of the bridge, I always felt that my legs were weak and sometimes cramped. I couldn't walk at all. .”

"I forced myself to move forward, but I could always hear my mother crying from under the bridge. She was crying so miserably. She even scolded me for being unfilial and letting people occupy her mansion, but she did nothing. Alas."

"I know my mother told me this, and she must have her reasons. Even if we force the funeral, my mother will definitely die without peace. So after thinking about it, I can only come to you for help..."

I looked at the uncle thoughtfully: "Uncle, there is something you haven't explained clearly yet. What is the weirder thing you are talking about?"

Seeing me asking this, the uncle trembled all over. It seemed that he didn't want to tell "something weirder".

However, my aggressive questioning left the uncle unable to resist. In the end, he had no choice but to take a sip of Sprite before talking to us.

What happened on the bridge was no small matter, and the uncle took it very seriously.

He has been guessing what happened when his mother said the mansion was occupied.

This so-called mansion is definitely not the room where my mother lived during her lifetime. It is most likely her ghost house, that is, her tomb.

The uncle had no choice but to suspend the funeral plan, and instead took two bold young people from the village to take a look at the grave that had just been dug for his mother.

But when he saw it like this, the uncle was immediately dumbfounded.

In that newly dug grave, there was a coffin lying quietly.

The coffin was in dilapidated condition, with the paint peeling off the surface and rotting in many places. There was still fresh soil on it, and it looked as if it had just been unearthed.

The uncle was furious and immediately called in the worker responsible for digging the hole. When the workers saw the old coffin, they were stunned on the spot. They all said that they had not seen this coffin when they were digging today.

The uncle knew that this was something unusual. The person my mother said had taken over her mansion must be this coffin!

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