Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 265 Enlightenment in Dreams

The uncle couldn't control that much anymore, so he immediately ordered the workers to lift the broken coffin and throw it aside.

Someone asked Uncle Teng to open the coffin and see who was inside? If it's a zombie, it's best to burn the body.

Because there is a rumor in their village that there are some zombies who are about to become sperms and have the ability to move coffins. They will bring the coffin to find other families' Feng Shui treasures and absorb that family's luck, which will speed up their transformation into spirits.

And once the zombie in the coffin becomes a spirit, it will never-endingly absorb the luck of that family's descendants, and that family will be restless and impoverished from now on.

The uncle has a son and a daughter, so he thought for a long time, weighed the pros and cons, and finally decided to take the risk and pry open the broken coffin!

But when the broken coffin was pried open, the scene inside surprised everyone.

Inside the coffin, there was a stunning beauty lying quietly. The beauty had a beautiful appearance, light makeup on her face, she was completely naked, and her figure was even better. Judging from the delicateness of the skin, he should be from the city, and his appearance should be that he died not long ago...

If this beauty hadn't appeared in the coffin, the uncle would have even doubted whether the other party was asleep.

Everyone was frightened and unanimously concluded that this woman was a pervert zombie who was about to become a sperm. They advised the uncle to burn the body so as not to keep it.

The uncle naturally knew that the woman's body could not be kept, so he had people find dry firewood and pile it up like a mountain. Then he put the beauty on the dry firewood and lit a raging fire to burn it.

Seeing the fire surrounding the female corpse, the uncle also breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that there should be no problem this time.

But soon, the uncle's son hurriedly ran from the village. When he saw the uncle burning the corpse, he was sweating profusely. He quickly called out to the uncle, and without any explanation, he broke into the fire and took out the body.

In such a blink of an eye, the uncle's son's hair had been singed by the powerful fire, and his clothes were ruined. He ran out in pain and threw the female body on the ground, rolling around.

And looking at the female corpse, there was nothing strange about her body even after lying in the fire for two full minutes. His skin was still as white as snow, and even his hair was not singed, unscathed.

This strange scene frightened everyone, and they all shouted that the female corpse had become a spirit and that the fire could not burn it.

The uncle was furious, rushed to his son, and yelled: "What are you doing here? Why did you take the body out?"

His son ignored the wounds on his body, swallowed and said, "Don't burn it, don't burn it. Grandma said, never burn it."

"What?" The uncle suddenly had goosebumps all over his body. Isn't his son's grandmother his own mother?

My mother was obviously dead, so why did she say she couldn't be burned?

"Just now when I was guarding the coffin, I suddenly heard a sound of banging on the coffin." His son gasped and said, "Several relatives who were watching the coffin were scared away. But I feel sorry for grandma, and I think grandma should There were some last words that I didn't explain, so I took it upon myself to open the coffin."

"As soon as I opened the coffin, grandma sat up from the coffin. There was drool at the corner of grandma's mouth, and her eyes had no pupils, which was very scary. She just stared at me and called my name. "

"She almost roared and shouted at me, don't burn her to death, don't burn her to death, she's going to eat me, you unfilial people."

After saying that, grandma lay down again, her expression turned extremely painful and fierce.

Although the uncle's son didn't know what grandma wanted to express, since grandma said so, she must have a reason. So the uncle's son didn't care too much and ran out of the village in a hurry. As soon as he came here, he saw his father burning something. He immediately concluded that the thing must be something that grandma didn't allow to be burned, so he ran up. He took the female body out of the fire.

The uncle was dumbfounded. Was his mother a corpse?

He immediately took the people back home. After returning home, he was shocked to find that many people had gathered in the yard, all pointing and talking. The uncle finally squeezed in and saw his mother's body lying in his yard.

The weather was too hot, and the body was exposed to the sun. The mother's body had swelled, and the skin and flesh even began to rot in some places. The state of death was horrific.

The body was exposed to the sun, which was absolutely disrespectful to the deceased. The uncle almost fainted without feeling distressed, and quickly sent someone to put the body back into the coffin.

The uncle was very angry and asked who carried the body out?

Finally, a wakeman told the uncle that the corpse crawled out of the coffin on his own. Fortunately, they ran fast, otherwise grandma would have caught them and eaten them, because grandma had eaten all the tributes on the table. .

The uncle immediately looked at the immortal table and found that the tributes on the immortal table had indeed been eaten, and there were actually some food residues in the mother's mouth.

The uncle was dumbfounded, knowing that this matter was not something he could handle at all. There was a naked female corpse outside, and his mother's corpse at home. The only thing he could do was to ask Mr.

And strangely enough, just last night, my mother actually gave her a dream, telling him to come to the antique store to find me, saying that I was in the business of selling femininity, and if I could handle this matter, I would tell my family then. There is something yinsome making a fuss.

The uncle woke up after that, thinking about this over and over again in his mind. Although I thought it might just be a dream, the uncle was really desperate now. In the end, he had no choice but to follow the directions given by his mother and inquire in many ways, and he actually found me.

In other words, yesterday's dream was really entrusted to him by his mother, because the contact address and boss's name provided in the dream were absolutely accurate.

He came here after a whole night. This night, I don't know if anything happened again at home!

I was startled by the uncle's description and got goosebumps all over my body. I have never heard of such a situation. Why is there a naked female corpse lying in another family's grave?

Even if you want to steal other people's Feng Shui luck, you won't steal it so blatantly. I don't think things will be that simple.

Li Mazi was also a little scared. Seeing how confused I was, he knew that I might not be able to handle this matter, so he said, "Sorry, we really can't solve this matter. You'd better hire someone else."

Unexpectedly, the uncle knelt down to us with a grunt: "Master, you can't just ignore death. Since my mother asked me to come to you, it means that you can definitely solve this matter. This is all destined by God. My fate, Master, help me!"

And now my mind is filled with the incident that the uncle told me in his dream. In my opinion, there should be two possibilities.

The first possibility is that the uncle is talking nonsense. I don’t know any old lady, and even if that old lady has heard about me, the memory of the soul will be severely lost after death. How could she still remember me? And it's so detailed.

The second possibility is that some people, such as my enemies, have manipulated the soul of the old woman to give the uncle a dream and ask him to come here to find me?

The more I think about it, the more I feel that the second possibility is more likely. If it is really the second possibility, then maybe the death of the old lady has something to do with my enemies? This is like a trap. The other party has already set it up, just waiting for me to get into it.

I suddenly got goosebumps all over my body and didn't want to care about it.

But no matter what we said, the uncle just knelt on the ground and refused to get up. He just begged us.

I am a soft-hearted person, and many people of my age have kowtowed to me. If I refuse again, I am afraid it will be a bit unkind.

After thinking about it, I finally had no choice but to grit my teeth and say, "Okay, I can go take a look, but I can't guarantee whether it can be done!"

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