Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 266: Baby crying at night

The uncle said anxiously: "Okay, everything is up to you."

I nodded: "Well, let's go and have a look!"

The reason why I went there was, on the one hand, to see if I could help them solve this problem. On the other hand, I also wanted to find out whether the dream the uncle said was true or false?

I really doubt that you can find my antique shop just by relying on a ghost’s dream?

We took a long-distance bus ride all day long, during which we had to transfer several times, until it was dark before we finally arrived at a nearby town.

When we arrived in town, my uncle called his family again and asked them to drive a tractor to pick us up. After another two or three hours of bumpy driving on the rugged mountain road, we finally arrived at the mountain village where my uncle was.

It is already ten o'clock in the evening. The village is lifeless and unusually quiet. From time to time there are frogs chirping amidst the chirping of cicadas. In the pond not far away, fish come out for air from time to time. Although the wind blows down from the mountain, But even this wind is so hot that it almost cooks people.

Almost all the villagers were asleep. Only the lights of one house were still on, and a sound of a baby crying as big as a head came from that house one after another.

The uncle quickly said: "This is my home, Boss Zhang, Boss Li, please come in quickly!"

As soon as I walked into this house, a strong yin energy hit my face, and I couldn't help but take a breath. This yin energy was so strong that the chill hit my heart, and I couldn't help but shiver from the cold.

And the continuous crying of babies makes people's already fearful heart even more annoying. I seemed to be able to hear a woman crying and a man cursing.

Needless to say, it must be the uncle's son and daughter-in-law who are troubled by the crying child.

A simple pergola was set up in the yard, and under the pergola was the coffin. The coffin was lying peacefully on the ground, and there was no abnormality at all, but I could still feel the billowing yin energy coming from the coffin!

This old woman really went to the funeral with a breath of resentment, otherwise she wouldn't have been so violent.

I walked over to the coffin and tapped it with my fingers, trying to hear what was going on inside. The uncle was worried that the child's crying would affect me, so he asked his son and daughter-in-law to take the child outside first.

I took a special look at the child. The baby was crying at night and was out of breath, which was a bit abnormal in itself. Maybe the child will cry out a little bit of Yang Qi that was originally deficient, and then go into shock or even die. Then I would be guilty of a serious crime.

I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me. This debt will also be counted on me.

I immediately called to the little wife and asked her to come over and let me see the child.

She hesitated for a moment and finally shook her head resolutely: "It's okay. My child just has a stomachache. I'll just go to the health center to get him some medicine..."

I know she can't believe me. There are not many young people who believe in these ghosts and gods nowadays. Moreover, this little daughter-in-law is well dressed, and she is holding a smartphone in her hand. It is natural that she does not believe in evil.

I smiled helplessly, but still glanced at the child from a distance. But I saw that the child's face was blue, and his crying sound seemed to come from his abdomen. This was caused by a blockage of Yin Qi in his throat.

For a normal person, a piece of Yin Qi is stuck in the throat, as if it is stuck in the throat, which is naturally uncomfortable, let alone a child?

The uncle said angrily: "Come and show Master, how long has it been and you still insist on your scientific and unscientific ideas?"

Although the young wife was angry, she did not dare to go against the uncle's wishes, so she reluctantly walked up with the child in her arms.

I took out the peach soul flower from my pocket, tied it with a red rope, and then tied it around the child's neck. The Yang Qi of Peach Soul Flower is strong, which can force the Yin Qi out of the child's throat, and the effect is immediate.

As soon as I put the peach soul flower on it, the child immediately burped and stopped crying immediately. His watery eyes were even looking at me and smiling.

The little daughter-in-law was so overjoyed that she knelt down to me with her baby in her arms and cried excitedly: "It's amazing, Master is really amazing! Master, you don't know, I went to several health centers to treat the child." I’ve had several injections with no effect, and I don’t even know what to do..."

I couldn't laugh or cry. It's really not that the whole family doesn't come into the house, so why do they kneel down at every turn?

I quickly helped her up and said there was no need to thank me, it was what I should do to save lives and heal the wounded. This Peach Soul Flower can temporarily protect you from being invaded by Yin Qi, but for safety reasons, you'd better leave here and go back to your parents' home.

The little daughter-in-law was so grateful that she thanked me repeatedly, and finally left with the child in her arms.

The uncle was also surprised. He probably didn’t expect my spells to be so powerful, right? He begged me again to help him.

I nodded and told the uncle that if I could help, I would definitely help, leaving the uncle speechless.

After walking around the coffin, I discovered that although the thick Yin Qi in the room was released from the coffin, when I got closer to the coffin, I could no longer feel the Yin Qi on the coffin. This was really disturbing. People feel strange. I checked up and down and couldn't find the reason.

In the end, I had no choice but to ask my uncle to open the coffin lid and take a look.

The uncle was a little embarrassed. I asked him what he had to worry about. I couldn't find out the actual situation without opening the coffin lid.

The uncle repeatedly explained that this was not the case, but that every time the coffin was opened, supernatural events would happen. He wanted to invite all the big men in the village to add a little yang energy and shock the coffin.

I shook my head repeatedly and explained to the uncle: "A few days after the death of the body, a large amount of yin energy leaked out. If it is hit by strong yang energy again, I am afraid that the soul will fly away directly, which is not good for the old lady."

The uncle was still a little worried, saying that if something happened to us...

Li Mazi became a little impatient and said: "You can drive if you are told. Where is all the nonsense? Since we are here, we must have the means to protect ourselves."

With that said, Li Mazi took the initiative to lift the coffin.

The uncle had no choice but to take two quick steps and work together with Li Mazi to lift the lid of the coffin.

Strangely enough, the moment the coffin lid was lifted, the uncle's dog tied at the door started barking wildly.

With this barking, the dogs in the whole village began to bark wildly.

As soon as the dog barked, the neighbor's baby also began to cry, with a sharp voice and a sad tone...

I immediately stopped Li Mazi and the uncle and asked them not to continue opening the coffin. A gap was enough.

The uncle looked at me tremblingly: "Is this... does this mean something?"

I know what the uncle is talking about is the whole village of dogs barking and babies crying.

I nodded and said, "Dogs bark and babies cry in the middle of the night. This is the rhythm of the ghost king's soul."

"Ghost King!" Although the uncle didn't know what the Ghost King was, the name was so lofty that it frightened him immediately. The uncle looked at me tremblingly: "What is the Ghost King? Is he the King of Ghosts? ?”

I shook my head. The Ghost King is just a more powerful ghost. Generally speaking, it is a higher level than the Li Ghost.

However, generally ghost kings rarely act in the human world, and most of them work as "errands" below. Generally, only in troubled times, one or two ghost kings will come out to disturb the situation.

Unexpectedly, we also encountered the Ghost King, which made me feel uneasy.

Li Mazi also turned pale: "What should we do?"

"The top priority is to prevent the Ghost King from merging his soul." I immediately said, "If the Ghost King fuses his soul, then the old lady's soul will really be scattered. By then, the Ghost King will be even more powerful, and..."

At this point, I didn't continue talking. The uncle urged me, but I didn't say more... If I said it, I'm afraid the uncle would be even more frightened.

The Ghost King has fused a soul of this family, so he will definitely not let this family go. I am afraid that this family will all become victims.

"Uncle, go and prepare a few things for me, the sooner the better!"

After saying that, I quickly made a list for my uncle, and wrote down a few things I wanted on the list.

"The blood of a big rooster, the blood of a black dog, a liter of ink, plus an old ink fountain."

When the uncle got the list to prepare, Li Mazi immediately asked me if I was ready to take care of this matter?

I nodded: "I have to take care of this matter."

"Why?" Li Mazi was shocked and frightened by my firm attitude.

I said, "Because this matter may involve my grandfather."

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