Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 267 The old coffin of the Zhang family

"What?" Li Mazi was shocked and looked at me with suspicion: "How do you know? Your grandfather died at the age of seventy. How could this matter have anything to do with him?"

I said: "Although I don't know the real cause of grandpa's death. But I have heard people say that a very strange thing happened on the day grandpa died. Many people witnessed a man wearing a yellow robe and covered in red. People wrapped in flames were coming in and out of my house."

"Later I found out that it was the legendary Ghost King! The Ghost King rarely appears in the human world, but when my grandfather died, the Ghost King appeared. I have some doubts that my grandfather was killed by the Ghost King's soul."

"Ghost kings are extremely rare in the world, and my uncle told me before that when his mother gave him a dream, she told him to find me no matter what. So now I seriously suspect that it may be a trace of my grandfather's remnant soul that is guiding me. Uncle’s mother!”

At this point, I gritted my teeth with hatred: "So what about the Ghost King? Humph, once you let me know that grandpa's death is related to you, I will definitely send you to the eighteenth level of hell, and you will never be reincarnated."

Li Mazi quickly grabbed my shoulder and said: "Brother Zhang, listen to me, this matter is of great importance. After all, the other party is a powerful ghost king. Promise me that no matter what happens, you must keep a cool head. , don't act out of anger, okay? You promise me."

I nodded: "Well, don't worry, I have my own sense of discretion."

Soon, the uncle followed my instructions and found the materials I asked for.

So I immediately found a stainless steel aluminum basin, put it on the gas stove and burned it. After the stainless steel aluminum basin was completely heated, I poured all the slightly coagulated blood and ink into it, and asked Li Mazi to stir it clockwise forty-nine times with chopsticks, and then stir it counterclockwise thirty-six times.

Li Mazi didn't question it and immediately followed my instructions.

And I stayed by the coffin, alert to the surroundings. I am about to arrange five thunder lines on the coffin. The five thunder lines can prevent the body's Yin Qi from leaking out. I am afraid that it will anger the ghost king and let the ghost king come to seek revenge.

At the same time, I was observing things in the room. Generally speaking, if a ghost king level wants to survive in the world, he must find a powerful ghost as a shelter, otherwise he will definitely end up in a state of despair.

However, I searched around my uncle's house and didn't find any decent antiques. Forget it, let’s ask the uncle later!

Since the uncle's late mother told him that it was evil things causing trouble, then there must be something evil.

Soon, Li Mazi followed my instructions and finished stirring. At this moment, the ink and blood mixed together, showing a dark red color, as thick as a paste.

I used a towel as a cushion and poured the liquid in the stainless steel basin into the ink fountain. Then Li Mazi and I each held one end and flicked the blood on the coffin like a carpenter's elastic rope. Soon, the dense black threads intertwined into a large net.

Then I put three sticks of incense in the cracks of the coffin and gave them to the old lady to give her temporary relief.

In this way, the Ghost King should be unable to extract the Yin Qi from the dead soul for a while.

Then I said to the uncle, take us to see the naked female corpse.

The uncle glanced outside and saw that it was completely dark now.

He said with some embarrassment: "Why don't we wait until daytime tomorrow? It's already early in the morning, and I'm worried that something will happen to the female corpse, and... and my mother's body... no one dares to look at it at home. "

I said, "Don't watch. We found the female body. The other party will definitely not care about your mother. She is safe for the time being."

The uncle was still hesitating. It seemed that he was frightened by the female corpse.

However, under my strong request, the uncle could only grit his teeth, nodded and agreed, and took me with him to find the female corpse.

The uncle told me that he was worried that the female corpse would undergo transformation, so he locked the female corpse tightly in the coffin and placed it in a cave.

The cave is a bit remote, far away from the village. He asked me again and again if I was sure.

Now I want to investigate and understand the cause of grandpa's death, so I don't care about the danger anymore, so I comfort my uncle and let him rest assured that there will be no problem as long as I am here.

Soon, under the leadership of our uncle, we climbed up a dirt mountain and finally stopped in an dirt cave halfway up the mountain.

The earth hole is not big, probably the size of a tomb! Through the light of the flashlight, I clearly saw a broken coffin quietly placed in the tomb.

It's just that the entrance to the cave is blocked by some branches and vines, so it's not very clear.

I went up to check, but was stopped by the uncle: "Master, I take the liberty to say that this female corpse is too weird. When I went to collect the things you asked for, I heard many villagers say that last night, this corpse was The screams of an old man came from the mountain behind me. It was so sad and pitiful that it made people's hearts go numb. The dogs in the whole village also barked all night. It was really fierce! You must be careful and careful. If you are not sure, Let’s come back tomorrow. If that doesn’t work, I’ll find two young and strong young men to protect you.”

I waved my hand and said: No need, now that we are here, why should we go back?

However, the uncle's words still aroused my doubts. Didn't the uncle say that there was a beautiful female corpse lying in the coffin? Why is the old man's scream coming from inside the coffin? This old man and the stunning beauty are not compatible at all.

My strong curiosity made me even more impatient. Ignoring my uncle's dissuasion, I ran up in three steps and cleared all the coverings around the hole. The coffin was completely revealed in front of me.

And when I saw this coffin, I was so shocked that I almost collapsed on the ground.

This coffin looks so familiar!

On the front of the coffin, there are engraved "Gong" and "Chang". These two characters, combined, are the character "Zhang", which is our family's surname.

This method of carving is unique to our Zhang family.

Because the word ‘Zhang’ was originally the amulet given to the Zhang family by the ancient gods.

The bow is very long, shooting the wolf, and carving one's family name on the coffin will have the power to protect the family. The principle of its effect is roughly the same as the incantation on the talisman, and both contain a strong aura of nature.

Moreover, this coffin is a bit flat and longer than a normal coffin, which is also an ancestral rule of my family. In other words, this coffin is probably the coffin of our Zhang family ancestors.

Judging from the dilapidation of the coffin, the coffin should not have been buried for more than ten years. And in the past ten years, the only person in my Zhang family who has used this coffin is my grandfather.

Could it be that this coffin is the coffin in which grandpa was buried?

The miserable howl heard by the villagers last night was my grandfather's voice.

But, what happened to the naked female body in the coffin? I couldn't understand it at all, and I stretched out my hand cautiously to open the coffin.

At this time, Li Mazi jumped up anxiously and asked tremblingly: "Don't open the coffin yet, I just saw something."

I immediately retracted my hand and my mind suddenly became clearer.

Just now, I seemed to have a bit of a demonic disorder, and I actually tried to open the coffin without being prepared.

I asked Li Mazi: "What on earth did you see just now?"

"I just saw..." Li Mazi took a deep breath and said: "There was a figure sitting on the coffin lid, but the figure just flashed for a moment and then disappeared. From the look of it, it seemed to be a completely naked person. Hanging beauty.”

"What?" I immediately looked at the coffin lid, but it was empty. There was no one anywhere.

"Could it be that you saw it wrong?" I asked.

Li Mazi looked at the coffin in a daze: "I don't know either. I just saw that beautiful woman smiling at you, and I don't know what it means."

"Open the coffin." I said, "The coffin must be opened. I want to check inside!"

After saying that, I took out the Sirius Whip and sprinkled the soybeans I prepared in advance around the coffin. Finally, he took a large handful in his mouth, chewing hard while opening the coffin.

Li Mazi followed suit and after swallowing a handful of soybeans, he began to help me open the coffin.

Soon, a gap was opened in the coffin. Everything was normal, no black mist sprayed out, and there was no movement at all.

But this is normal, but it seems so abnormal at this time.

So I just opened a crack and didn't open it any further. Instead, I used a flashlight to carefully observe the inside.

And what I saw next made me dumbfounded.

There really was a female corpse lying inside. The corpse was as white and tender as white jade, with a calm and serene expression, delicate facial features, and waist-length hair, as if it was asleep...

Who is she? The legendary ghost king? Why is she lying in my grandfather's coffin? How on earth did she keep her body from rotting?

All of this was so unbelievable... I took a breath and looked away.

"Master, have you seen enough?" The uncle asked, "Let's leave quickly. I always feel that something is wrong."

"Oh, what's wrong?" I looked at the uncle inexplicably.

The uncle was silent for a long time, and finally said: "Just now... you and Boss Li were showing a weird smile at the coffin."

"What?" I was shocked and looked at Li Mazi quickly. Li Mazi also looked confused and shook his head at me: "I'm not laughing."

"It's true." The uncle quickly explained: "Just now I saw that you seemed to be laughing uncontrollably. The muscles on your face were stiff, so you were laughing very embarrassingly. I didn't lie to you, you were really laughing... …”

I felt horrified in my heart. If we had just laughed without knowing it, then we have only one explanation now, and that is that we were charmed by the stunning female corpse.

It was so weird here that I finally decided to leave temporarily.

After thinking about this, I immediately re-covered the coffin, nailed it, turned around and left.

I let my uncle lead the way, while Li Mazi and I followed closely behind.

The uncle walked in a hurry and ran down the mountain, completely ignoring us.

I deliberately slowed down, and then gently pulled Li Mazi's shoulder: "Li Mazi, slow down, I want to tell you something."

"What's going on?" Li Mazi turned to look at me and asked.

"There is something wrong with this uncle." I said, "He is deliberately tricking us into going down the mountain."

Li Mazi was suddenly stunned: "How did you know?"

I said: "We weren't laughing just now, he was deliberately confusing us. And you didn't notice that the uncle's shadow seemed to be out of harmony with his body. Sometimes, the shadow would even separate from his body."

Li Mazi was so shocked that he was sweating profusely: "Brother Zhang, please don't lie to me. Why did uncle lie to us? Don't say that uncle was attacked by the ghost king."

"Look at me later and act accordingly. Don't alert the other party." I patted Li Mazi on the shoulder and said solemnly, and then quickly followed with Li Mazi.

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