Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 268 Uncle has a problem

The uncle was turning back to look for us at this moment. When he saw us, he immediately urged us to hurry up. There are often wild beasts and venomous snakes in the mountains at night. If we walk slowly, we may be attacked by venomous snakes and beasts.

I nodded and said yes, quickened my pace and kept up with the uncle.

The uncle took us all the way back to his home and sat down in the mourning hall. This once again highlights that something is abnormal. According to ordinary people's logic, the first thing the uncle should do when he comes back is to check the coffin to see if there is any change in the mother's coffin?

But at this moment, the uncle didn't seem to care about the coffin.

I calmly sat down next to the uncle and said to rest first! I'll go to the mountain to see it tomorrow, but it won't be very clear at night.

The uncle nodded, sat on the chair, and soon heard a slight snore.

I also pretended to sleep and lay down next to the uncle.

Li Mazi kept winking at me. I knew he was telling me that my uncle had a problem. How could I still sleep?

I immediately responded to Li Mazi with my eyes. Don't really fall asleep. I just wanted to pretend to be asleep and see what the uncle was going to do.

Li Mazi also closed his eyes and pretended to be sleeping.

Although I was tired and sleepiness swept over me like a tide when I lay down, I did not dare to fall asleep, and it was not easy to control my drowsiness. I had to recite the Tao Te Ching silently in my mind to keep myself awake.

But the uncle didn't move for a long time, as if he really fell asleep.

No matter how refreshing the Tao Te Ching was, I felt a little irritable and restless. Sleepiness came over me again and I couldn't control it anymore.

After staying up like this for three or four hours, I was finally exhausted physically and mentally. I felt that the uncle might not do anything anymore. He might simply want to lure us down from the mountain. Since we have come down, there should be no more trouble. What's the problem.

So in the end I decided to take a break.

So I stopped reciting the Tao Te Ching and prepared to have a good sleep.

But just as he fell asleep, the uncle's sleeping body suddenly moved. My originally comatose consciousness suddenly became clearer, and I felt the movements of the uncle next to me!

I saw the uncle sitting up from his chair and calling out "Boss Zhang" softly. Naturally, I would not agree.

The uncle saw that there was nothing strange about me, but he was relieved. Then he walked to my mother's coffin and stared at the coffin motionlessly.

What on earth is he doing?

Originally, I thought that the uncle would destroy the five thunder lines on the coffin so that the ghost king could continue to absorb the yin energy of the uncle's mother.

Unexpectedly, the uncle did not do this. After stopping for a moment, he went straight out of the door.

After the uncle left the yard, Li Mazi quickly stood up and wanted to wake me up.

I winked at Li Mazi and told him not to move. This might be because the uncle was testing us.

Li Mazi then continued to pretend to sleep.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the door to be pushed open again, and the uncle walked in tremblingly. Seeing that we didn't catch up, he went about his business with peace of mind.

After the uncle walked out, I woke up Li Mazi immediately and quickly followed the uncle.

While Li Mazi was following me, he asked me breathlessly what on earth was my uncle going to do? Damn it, I've realized something is wrong with this uncle a long time ago.

I shook my head helplessly and said, "I know where to go. Just follow me and don't reveal your secret."

"Ah!" As soon as we went out, we were horrified to hear an old man's screams coming from the top of the mountain.

This scream immediately made my heart clench, and I almost shouted in excitement.

This voice is too familiar and kind. Isn't it exactly Grandpa's voice?

That's right, it must be my grandfather's voice. Although we are separated by nearly ten years, my grandfather's voice and smile are deeply engraved in my mind. I am sure that I heard it correctly.

It’s grandpa, it’s really grandpa!

Grandpa's coffin was occupied by the corpse of a stunning woman. Grandpa, who has no place to live, must be suffering every day, right? No, I have to rescue grandpa.

Not to mention the Ghost King, even if it is King Yama, I still want to give him some color.

The uncle went all the way up the mountain. His body, which was a little rickety at first, was now as agile as an ape. He climbed the trees on the mountain as if for fun, and went straight to the cave where the coffin was hidden.

On the contrary, Li Mazi and I were out of breath from exhaustion along the way and almost lost track of us several times. Fortunately, we finally managed to catch up to the cave.

The uncle did not approach the coffin, but walked into a pile of weeds next to the coffin and lifted up the entire grass. The scene in front of me made me suffocate with shock.

In the grass, there was a person lying quietly.

Looking at that man's appearance and clothes, he looks exactly like the uncle?

How come there are two uncles? In other words, the uncle who took us down the mountain just now is probably fake.

I gasped.

The fake uncle lightly tapped the real uncle on his forehead, and the real uncle woke up, but the fake uncle was about to run away.

Damn it, how dare you lie to me!

I suddenly flew into a rage, held up the Sirius Whip and rushed forward ferociously. The Sirius Whip hit the fake uncle hard on the back.

And I never expected that the Sirius Whip did not cause any harm to him. He was just startled, and then quickly ran into the darkness, not forgetting to look back and glare at us.

Damn it, not even the Sirius Whip can hurt him, what the hell is he?

Uncle Zhen has woken up. At this moment, he is still in extreme panic: "Help, help."

I only thought about the fake uncle and had no time to pay attention to him, so I asked Li Mazi to stay and take care of him while I chased him all the way.

However, the fake uncle had no real entity after all, so he quickly disappeared in the dense forest. I couldn't trace him, and I was extremely upset.

At this moment, Grandpa's old and powerful roar came from the top of the mountain again, which was deafening and infuriating.

Grandpa is at the top of the mountain!

I climbed to the top of the mountain without hesitation. I had to find my grandfather, find out the cause of his death, and then find the murderer.

While climbing the mountain, I suddenly realized that someone seemed to be following me behind me.

I was shocked and immediately turned around to look. And when I saw it like this, I immediately became very energetic!

What is the person chasing after me but that stunning female corpse? How on earth did she track me down? When did he jump out of the coffin? What is the purpose of following me?

I stood there, watching her eagerly.

The stunning female corpse became ethereal at this moment, looking like a blurry 3D animation.

I immediately grabbed a handful of soybeans in my hand and shouted angrily: "Who are you and why are you following me?"

She didn't speak, just looked at me with a heavy look.

That convex figure, exquisite and transparent eyes, and exquisite facial features are very charming and charming, but I have no time to think about these now, I just want to find grandpa.

I sprinkled a handful of soybeans on the ground and warned: "If you chase this line, don't blame me for attacking you."

After saying that, I rolled my eyes at the stunning female corpse and continued walking up the mountain.

But the other party was not ready to let me go. If I took a step forward, she would also take a step forward.

Oh shit! I was angry. This thing was probably the appearance of the Ghost King. I had to see her true face clearly.

There are many yin things in the mountains and forests. If you can find something with strong yin energy and open your yin and yang eyes, wouldn't you be able to see her true face? I searched around with my eyes, and finally found a ten thousand root grass not far away.

It is said that these ten thousand grasses are generated by the tears of ghosts falling on the weeds. Because they absorb the tears of ghosts, the yin energy is strong, which is very helpful in opening the yin and yang eyes.

I was so happy that I quickly ran up to pull out the grass, put it in my hands, ground it into juice, and applied it to my eyes.

The female corpse didn't know what I was doing, but looked at me curiously.

After the liquid was applied to my eyes, I immediately felt a soreness in my eyes, as if a grain of sand had entered my eyes, which was very uncomfortable.

I rubbed it vigorously, and my eyes gradually adapted to the sourness, and I looked in the direction of the female corpse without hesitation.

Just taking a glance at it, I was immediately stunned. Is there any stunning female corpse in front of me? There was only a very strange piece of clothing floating in front of me, which was very strange.

I can’t tell what material this dress is made of. The golden light was shining, similar to a pair of armor, the upper body looked like today's short-sleeved shirt, and the lower body looked like a pair of square shorts.

It seems to be inlaid with pieces of gold, which is very dazzling.

This should be the culprit, the so-called vagina, right?

"Why do you want to swallow souls? This is against nature and will be punished by heaven." I scolded.

The clothes still said nothing, just floating behind me.

I wanted to catch up and take off this piece of clothing, but as soon as I got closer, the piece of clothing quickly moved backwards. As I continued to move forward, the piece of clothing quickly caught up with me...

I cursed fiercely in my heart and simply ignored this golden coat. The most urgent thing I wanted to do was find where my grandpa was.

I turned around and continued running towards the top of the mountain.

No one should have been to this mountain. There is not even a road. The plants are lush and there are many snakes, insects and rats. If you are not careful, you may step on a venomous snake. I regretted not bringing realgar with me, so I had a very difficult journey.

But in the end I made it to the top of the mountain, and the dress was still chasing me.

The trees on the top of the mountain are more lush, and the full moon overhead cannot penetrate the branches. The whole mountain was dead silent, except for the chirping of cicadas and the chirping of crickets. Grandpa's miserable howl just now also disappeared without a trace.

But I have a strong feeling that my grandfather’s soul is nearby!

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