Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 269 Grandpa appears

It has been ten years since my grandfather died in such an unexplained way. I didn't even see him for the last time. The grandfather I had longed for finally appeared, and I couldn't help but feel a little excited.

I wish I could find my grandpa right away and express my feelings of missing him for more than ten years!

I even forgot the time, the place, the weird clothes that were chasing me, and even the poisonous snakes and beasts. When my legs felt as heavy as lead, I was horrified to discover that I had been bitten on my right leg at some point. Although there was not much blood, the wound had turned black and was bleeding. pus.

I was shocked. The venomous snakes here are extremely ferocious and venomous. If I am bitten and not treated in time, I am afraid it will end badly. Even amputation is a good idea.

I immediately cut open the wound with a dagger and squeezed out the blood. Although I was in excruciating pain, I still gritted my teeth and persisted.

But this didn't seem to work, the toxicity was still spreading rapidly, and within a short time, my entire calf was completely black.

I knew my current state and could no longer go down the mountain to ask for help. I could only take out my mobile phone and make a call.

However, there is no mobile phone signal here.

I am desperate. Is this life ruined? Just die in the mountains?

I'm not willing to give in. I haven't even seen my grandpa yet.

And just when I was desperate, there was a sudden sound of galloping in the grass next to me. I immediately looked over and saw a black shadow rushing towards me.

I was shocked and turned pale, and quickly took the Sirius Whip in my hand. As long as the other party threatened me, I would immediately attack the other party.

Whoever appears here in the middle of the night is definitely not a good person.

However, when the other party got closer, I realized that it was actually Li Mazi.

Li Mazi saw me lying limply on the ground with a bad expression on his face, and he immediately became anxious: "Brother Zhang, have you been bitten by a poisonous snake?"

Seeing Li Mazi in despair, my heart instantly relaxed and I nodded with a smile.

Although this guy doesn't have much ability, he always appears by my side when I'm desperate, which is very comforting to me.

"Laugh, you can still laugh." Li Mazi muttered as he took out medicine from his pocket: "If I had known that you had such a reckless character, it would be dangerous to go up the mountain alone, so I hurried up to help you. I If you don't come, I'm afraid you've already met the Lord of Hell, right? Well, can you still save people's worries..."

I said half-jokingly: "Li Mazi, you are so damn considerate! If it weren't for you, I would really be dead this time. If I were a girl, I would definitely marry you."

"Come on." Li Mazi couldn't help but tremble: "Don't be so stupid with me here. It's not sure whether you can survive."

It turned out that the uncle was very anxious when he learned that I was chasing up the mountain alone. He told Li Mazi that there were so many venomous snakes on the mountain that even the local hunters did not dare to go up there at will, let alone me as an outsider.

When Li Mazi thought about it, I must be thinking about my grandfather and not care about my own life. Then he hurried up the mountain with the snake medicine. Now it seems that Li Mazi really made the right bet.

These snake medicines are produced locally and are very effective. After removing the snake venom from me and bandaging the wound, Li Mazi was already panting from exhaustion and looked at me with his tongue hanging out: "How are you, have you found the old man?"

I smiled bitterly and shook my head: "Not only did I not find it, I almost lost my life here."

As I said that, I looked at the suspended ancient clothes. It was still motionless and stopped not far away, as if it was watching me.

Li Mazi also followed my gaze and looked over. When he saw it, he jumped up in fright: "Why the hell did she come with you?"

I knew that what Li Mazi saw now was actually the appearance of a female corpse, so I told him to leave it alone.

Li Mazi looked at me tremblingly and said to go down the mountain quickly! This female corpse is ruthless, and the surrounding wild mountains and ridges are still late at night. It is their main battlefield, so we can't mess with her.

I said coldly: "Don't be afraid, it's just a ghost thing that doesn't even have life. Since it doesn't dare to hurt us, it means there must be something in us that it is afraid of."

Li Mazi said: "What kind of evil thing? That is a corpse."

I said helplessly: "I can't explain it to you in a few words. Now help me up and take me to find grandpa."

Li Mazi said angrily: What time has it been, and you still want to go to the old man? Even if you find the old man and the snake venom attacks, won't you still die in the end?

I said that if I could die in exchange for seeing my grandfather, I would be willing to help me up.

My attitude was decisive, but Li Mazi really had no choice, so in the end he could only sigh helplessly and said, "Okay then!"

As soon as Li Mazi helped me up, Gu Yi, who had been following me indifferently, actually trembled and made a buzzing sound of metal collision.

At first I thought the sound was confusing my mind, so I immediately covered my ears, and Li Mazi immediately followed suit.

However, the sound was like an ordinary sound. It did not have any impact on me. On the contrary, it made me feel clearer and my hearing became much sharper.

Immediately afterwards, I heard a rustling sound crawling from the grass. The rustling movement seemed like something was crawling.

When a venomous snake appeared in front of me, my nerves immediately became tense.

It was a venomous snake. This thing was summoning venomous snakes... I was shocked and immediately asked Li Mazi to take me away.

However, it was too late. There were densely packed venomous snakes all around, at least seventy or eighty of them. The encirclement was so large that it was impossible for us to escape.

Li Mazi's trypophobia broke out. He was a little dizzy. He didn't even support me. We squatted on the ground together: "So many... poisonous snakes, holy shit, they are all gathered here. Zhang's little Brother, do you owe them money?"

I burst out laughing. Have I finally decided to take action on this ancient garment?

These poisonous snakes surrounded us and stared at us eagerly. Among them were kraits, heptapods and cobras. They raised their heads one by one, spitting out messages, and surrounded us.

I sneered and said, "Come on, let's see if these poisonous snakes like you are more powerful than my Heavenly Wolf Whip."

After saying that, I was ready to compete with these venomous snakes.

"Don't move." Li Mazi immediately held me down and said tremblingly: "Don't you feel strange? That female corpse doesn't seem to want our lives, but takes us... as hostages."

"Being a hostage?" I looked at Li Mazi dumbfounded.

Li Mazi nodded: "Yes, use us as hostages to force the old man out."

"What?" I suddenly flew into a rage and stared at the ancient clothes with eager eyes: "Get out of here if you have the guts. Let's fight openly. What's the point of playing dirty tricks?"

But the other party ignored me. Perhaps in its view, I was not qualified to compete with it.

While I was thinking about it, a small whirlwind suddenly blew in the distance. The small whirlwind blew all the way to us and surrounded us. In an instant, my vision was disturbed and I couldn't see anything clearly.

"Where did this evil wind come from?" Li Mazi was very nervous and kept using his hands and feet to escape from the small whirlwind.

However, I felt that there was a very familiar feeling in this little whirlwind, so kind and familiar, as if grandpa's rough hands had touched my face...

This is the whirlwind brought about by grandpa, for sure.

I was pleasantly surprised. Grandpa saw us!

I was beaming with joy and quickly stood up and shouted: "Grandpa, where are you? Where are you? Come out quickly, I am your grandson Zhang Jiulin, I am here to find you..."

However, the only answer I received was the howling wind, and not even a single person could be seen around me.

"Buzz!" At this time, the ancient clothes shook again, making a metallic collision sound.

The sound seemed to contain energy, and it rushed straight up, forming a reverse whirlwind.

The two whirlwinds quickly neutralized and disappeared. But those poisonous snakes took another step closer to me, kept spitting messages at me, and would attack in the next second.

"Don't even think about using me to blackmail Grandpa." I gritted my teeth and whipped the Sirius whip at the first few snakes.

This whip had a remarkable effect, dispersing most of the Yin Qi that controlled the poisonous snake. The poisonous snake regained its consciousness and fled in panic.

However, the ancient clothes made a buzzing collision sound again, and the snakes that had just regained consciousness were once again controlled by the ancient clothes and crawled towards us hissingly.

I didn't dare to stop, so I waved the Sirius Whip.

I knew that the Heavenly Wolf Whip could not last long, so I asked Li Mazi to quickly create a source of fire to drive away the poisonous snakes.

The seven whips were quickly finished. Except for driving away a very small number of poisonous snakes, the rest of the poisonous snakes were still looking at us eagerly.

Li Mazi has also lit a circle of fire around us, but the effect is not satisfactory. The venomous snakes are under control and without their own consciousness, how can they still be afraid of fire? There were even a few snakes that rushed directly into the flames, not caring even if their bodies were burned.

Just as the poisonous snakes were about to pounce on us, ready to bite us, a strong and powerful voice suddenly came from the darkness: "Stop."

Isn't this voice exactly that of grandpa? My eyes instantly became moist, and I followed the sound excitedly.

I saw an old man wearing a Chinese tunic suit, standing upright in the distance.

He looked at me sharply with eagle-like eyes, extremely majestic, but full of deep care. Although his face is full of wrinkles and his hair and beard are white, he seems so kind to me.

It was grandpa, and grandpa showed up after all.

I was overjoyed and had many surprises: "Grandpa, you are here!"

Grandpa nodded and looked at the ancient clothes with complicated eyes: "Let them go, and I will go with you."

"No." I was heartbroken and quickly stopped Grandpa: "Don't listen to it. Grandpa, leave me alone. Run away."

Grandpa smiled and said: "My dear grandson, I am already dead, you don't have to worry about me anymore. Go back and leave this matter alone."

After saying that, grandpa walked step by step towards, or rather floated towards, the shining golden ancient clothes.

Grandpa's feet did not touch the ground, but floated over little by little. But even in his soul state, Grandpa still has a righteous spirit that is awe-inspiring.

"Grandpa." I shouted heartbreakingly: "Don't go there, don't listen to it, run away quickly."

"Alas! Grandpa has lived for most of his life, but he has not left you anything valuable. However, I still have some savings from selling illicit goods during his lifetime. You can find it under the bed in my room if you dig three feet under the ground. Go back and live a good life in the future. When you have a child with that girl, go and pay homage to my grave, so that grandpa can be happy even under the Nine Springs."

As he said that, grandpa showed a faint smile to me.

I felt suffocated. How could this reunion be so short? I didn’t even have time to say a lot, but grandpa just disappeared like this?

I yelled in despair, but to no avail. Grandpa no longer paid attention to me, but went straight into the ancient clothes and disappeared in the blink of an eye!

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