Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 270: An evil spirit soars to the sky

The ancient clothes achieved their purpose and floated down the mountain.

The poisonous snakes finally regained their consciousness, felt the blazing flames in front of them, and ran away without their lives.

I was not willing to let my grandpa be snatched away by ancient clothes like this, so I sped up and chased him, but I could never find the ancient clothes.

Feeling confused, I was helped down the mountain by Li Mazi. I still can’t figure out why that piece of ancient clothing was targeted at my grandfather, and why it was targeted at my uncle’s mother? Could it be that there is some connection between grandpa and uncle's mother?

Also, grandpa said before that he would wait until the girl gave birth to my child before worshiping him. How did grandpa know that I was engaged? And knowing Yin Xinyue's existence, could it be that he has never left home? Just choose to observe my every move in the dark...

I was very sad. Even if my grandfather died, he would not care about me. However, I had hardly burned incense for him in the past ten years. I suddenly felt that I was so heartless and unfilial...

I don’t know how long it took before Li Mazi carried me down the mountain. It was relatively safe this time, because Li Mazi had already prepared and sprinkled the realgar wine all over his body, so the poisonous snakes did not dare to come near.

The uncle had already brought people to wait at the foot of the mountain. When he saw my pale face and dying body being carried by Li Mazi, he knew that I must have been bitten by a poisonous snake, so he immediately came up to help me.

It was safe, and my tense nerves finally relaxed. When my vision went dark, I didn't know anything anymore.

When I woke up, it was already bright. My uncle and Li Mazi were red-eyed and kept guarding me beside the bed.

"Brother Zhang, you are finally awake." Li Mazi said anxiously, "If you don't wake up, I will take you to a big hospital..."

I smiled slightly and struggled to get up from the bed, only to find that my body was so weak that it was difficult to even get up.

Li Mazi quickly supported me and said, "Don't move. I just cleaned the snake venom out of your body. Lie down on the bed first."

"No!" This matter is related to the ownership of my grandfather's soul. How can I rest in peace and recuperate? I insisted on getting up and going to see the coffin in the cave.

Li Mazi couldn't resist me and said that it was okay to go up the mountain, but he had to follow his arrangements. The first principle when encountering danger is to escape. This time, we must not go head-on.

I nodded.

The uncle quickly found a stretcher and sent two strong young men to carry me up the mountain step by step.

I first asked them to take me to the cave where the coffin was stored. Now I want to check, what changes happened to that ancient clothes after it was fused with my grandfather's soul?

According to my experience, Gu Yi will definitely find a comfortable place to hide during the day. There is no doubt that the coffin is the best destination for Gu Yi. If Gu Yi returns to the coffin, then Grandpa's soul must also be in the coffin.

I have some knowledge about the soul extraction method. No matter what method I use, I must extract my grandfather’s soul from the ancient clothes!

However, when we came to the cave where the coffins were stored, everyone was dumbfounded.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

The coffin actually disappeared out of thin air!

I immediately asked people to search around the area. Not to mention the shadow of the coffin, there was not even a trace of the coffin moving.

How could a good coffin be missing? And no trace was left behind.

Could it be possible that he could still fly away?

Seeing that the coffin disappeared and my grandfather's soul was taken away, I couldn't bear to let my grandfather suffer even in death.

So they immediately asked the villagers to expand the search area and make sure to find the coffin.

Everyone immediately dispersed to look for the coffin. However, I searched around but found nothing. I went into the cave and took a look, but I didn't find any clues.

I'm desperate, how is this possible? No matter how powerful the ancient clothes are, it is impossible to take away a coffin weighing several hundred kilograms out of thin air. How did the coffin disappear?

Just when I was confused about this, my uncle's cell phone rang. After the uncle answered the phone, his face turned pale.

After hanging up the phone, the uncle looked at me with a rather bad expression and said, "Boss Zhang, something happened at home. You'd better come home with me first and take a look!"

I nodded. I couldn't find the coffin. There was no point in my staying. I just asked the villagers to help search the mountain again, and I paid them for their labor.

When we were going down the mountain, I asked my uncle what happened at home.

The uncle was unhappy, saying that he had taken all precautions, but he still failed. His mother's soul might have been taken away by someone.

"Huh?" I was confused and quickly asked the uncle why he said this.

The uncle said: "We have an old tradition here, which is that three sticks of incense must be burned before burial. If the soul of the deceased is still in the coffin, the aroma will penetrate through the seams of the coffin and be eaten by the soul. But the family just burned incense. At that time, I found that all the incense was floating outside. It was eaten by lonely ghosts. In other words, my mother’s soul had been taken away..."

As he spoke, the uncle actually wiped away his tears: "Mom, I'm sorry for you! It's my fault that I'm unfilial. It's my fault that I'm unfilial."

And I felt desolate in my heart. Even my grandfather’s soul was forcibly taken away, let alone an ordinary old lady?

Although it is reasonable for the dead souls to be taken away, I am still full of doubts. I didn't notice anything strange last night. When did the ancient clothes take away the soul of the old lady?

Could it be after we left this morning? The more I think about it, the more unbelievable it becomes. Morning is the time when Yang energy is strongest, so aren’t ancient clothes afraid of being hit by Yang energy? So how powerful does it have to be?

After we went back, the uncle's son was guarding the door tremblingly, not daring to enter the house. After discovering that we were back, he immediately ran up with a sad expression on his face: "Dad, what is going on? Isn't even the master a match for that thing?"

I said, "Let's make sure the old lady is not seduced first."

The uncle's son said helplessly: "I have tried seven or eight times, but every time I put the incense on it, it just floats out. Grandma's soul is really gone."

I immediately said: "This kind of local method of yours is actually not rigorous at all. Haven't you ever thought about other possibilities? Maybe the old lady's soul is too weak, and there happened to be a group of hungry lonely souls gathered at the door. Ghost, the old lady’s soul can’t compete with those lonely ghosts, so naturally she can’t eat the aroma…”

"But you won't be able to grab a bite, right?" The uncle's son was still full of doubts.

I waved my hand and said, "Let's try it first and then talk about it!"

With that said, I put an exorcism charm on the door, sprinkled soybeans on the door, and lit nine incense sticks on the street.

Exorcism charms and soybeans can prevent ghosts from breaking in. Lighting nine sticks of incense on the street is to appease those ghosts and prevent them from competing with the old lady for incense.

After I finished doing this and making sure that all these things worked, I nodded to my uncle’s son: “Burn three more sticks of incense!”

The uncle's son immediately inserted three sticks of incense on the coffin lid, and we stared nervously.

Unexpectedly, the aroma soared into the sky, flew straight to the roof, and finally dissipated.

I was dumbfounded for a while. This was not only the disappearance of the dead soul, but also the manifestation of the evil spirit. The evil spirit rolled the smoke straight into the sky...

The uncle immediately asked me if I saw what Mingtang was coming?

I didn't dare to say anything that was so evil, lest it cause panic to his family. It’s just that the dead soul may have really been taken away, but we can still get the old lady’s dead soul back before she dies, so don’t worry.

While I was comforting my uncle, I was thinking about the source of this evil energy. Could it be that the evil object is hidden in the uncle's house? Moreover, it is a very dangerous thing that is rare in a thousand years. It is estimated that only a sinister thing of that level can release such a terrifying evil spirit, right?

The uncle suddenly sighed and said: "Boss Zhang, since my mother's soul has been taken away, there is no need for you to worry about it anymore. Please come back, alas."

I quickly said: "Uncle, there are actually remedies."

The uncle laughed dumbly: "Forget it, my mother gave me a dream yesterday and told me not to mess around anymore. She can't stand it anymore. It's good to be a slave to the ghost king. Maybe I can achieve righteousness in the future. .”

"Huh?" I looked at the uncle with suspicious eyes: "The old lady really entrusted you with a dream? Did she really tell you this in the dream?"

The uncle nodded firmly: "Yes."

I nodded thoughtfully: "Okay then. In this case, there's nothing I can do. Let's go."

After saying that, I glanced at Li Mazi, who immediately followed me and left.

He had long wanted to leave.

The uncle also gave me a large amount of money, more than 20,000 yuan by count.

After we left the village and all the villagers who saw us off had left, I immediately stopped, pulled Li Mazi to a corner and asked, "Li Mazi, did uncle sleep last night?"

Li Mazi looked at me suspiciously: "What, is there a problem? If you ask me to say there is a problem, just leave it alone, everyone has given up..."

"I asked your uncle, did you sleep last night?" I asked again.

Li Mazi shook his head: "No, what's wrong?"

"Why did the old lady tell me about my dream when I didn't sleep?" I said, "Uncle, there is something wrong."

"Is there a problem?" Li Mazi was shocked: "What's the problem?"

"I always feel that he has no good intentions." I said thoughtfully: "In this way, you go back secretly, monitor every move of the uncle, and see what he does with the coffin. I will go back to the antique shop now. , Grandpa told me last night that his savings over the years were hidden under the bed. I don’t think it was savings, and it also hinted that there was something under the bed to solve this evil thing. After dark, let’s meet at the entrance of the village!”

Although Li Mazi was confused, he always obeyed me, so he didn't ask any more questions and hurriedly sneaked back into the village.

I went back to the antique store full of doubts.

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