Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 271 Thousand-Year Cold Sword

Now that the old lady’s ghost is gone, where did the uncle’s house’s soaring evil spirit come from?

The uncle lied and said that the old lady gave him a dream and told me to leave it alone. This was unreasonable. The most important thing in the countryside was filial piety. He could not give up this only opportunity and watch the old lady's ghost suffer.

There are various signs that there must be something wrong with the uncle. I can't just let it go, after all, this matter is also related to grandpa.

I felt that the other party was so powerful that I might not be able to handle it on my own, so I called the T-shirt man and asked him if he had time to help.

Soon, the call was connected. Before I could speak, the man in the T-shirt asked first: "Where are you now?"

"On the way back to the antique store."

I was just about to ask for help when the man in the T-shirt suddenly said: "I'm in your store now. You should hurry up and come back! There are some things that need to be dealt with."

After saying that, the man in the T-shirt hung up the phone as usual.

But I couldn't stop wondering, why is the T-shirt man going to my store at this time? He said he had something to deal with. What was he referring to?

The man in the t-shirt always comes to the Three Treasures Palace for no matter what. This time the man in the t-shirt came to me, could it be that he wanted to solve the matter with grandpa? The more I thought about it, the more I felt it was a possibility. After getting off the long-distance bus, I called a taxi and went straight to the antique store.

After returning to the store, I discovered that not only the man in the T-shirt, but also Zen Master Baimei had arrived, and the two of them were drinking tea and chatting in the store.

I gave the T-shirt man the key to the antique store.

"T-shirt man, Zen Master Bai Mei." I immediately stepped forward to greet the two of them: "You came at the perfect time."

"Amitabha." Zen Master Baimei sang a Buddha's name: "Old donor Zhang gives the order, and the poor monk dare not not come."

Donor Zhang? Is it my grandfather? I was shocked and asked quickly.

Zen Master Baimei nodded: "Yes, it's your grandfather. You don't need to say anything. Chu Yi and I already know the whole story. Now you go do what you should do! Chu Yi and I will protect you."

"Did my grandpa give you a dream?" I was overjoyed: "What exactly did I encounter this time? Why was not even grandpa its opponent, but it took over the coffin."

Zen Master Baimei smiled and said: "It's just a ghost king, don't worry, it's not a big deal. Since ancient times, evil has prevailed over good, and that thing can't make much waves!"

Although Zen Master Baimei said this, I knew in my heart that Zen Master Baimei said this just to comfort me. Otherwise, Zen Master Baimei and the man in the T-shirt would not have been able to join forces to help me.

But I don’t have time to be nagging now. The most urgent thing is to do what grandpa said.

So I immediately took the two of them into the room where grandpa used to live.

The room where my grandpa used to live has been turned into a warehouse for antiques. I first cleaned up the inside, found the location of the bed, and then started digging.

My house has a cement floor, so it is not easy to break through the hard cement floor. I had to borrow an electric drill from a neighbor and destroy the cement floor before digging with a shovel.

After digging to a depth of about three feet, I found something.

It was a large black stone slab. The stone slab was thick and heavy, with a rough surface, and was inlaid with densely packed small stones. The small stones were actually arranged into the font of "town", which was very strange.

Grandpa asked me to dig out this black slate? What is the use of this black slate?

After I cleaned up the area around the black slate, I knocked gently and found that there was nothing underneath the slate. At first I thought there was a small compartment hidden under the black slate, so I tried to drill open the black slate with an electric drill.

However, the electric drill drilled down for nearly ten centimeters and drilled through the slate, but it still didn't reach the end!

On the contrary, after being drilled through by an electric drill, the black slate actually split into two. I stepped in the middle and felt that my feet were empty and my body fell rapidly.

I was startled, immediately threw away the electric drill, and hurriedly grabbed the ground with my hands, and finally managed not to fall.

But my lower body felt cold, as if I was stepping on a piece of thousand-year-old ice. My legs were so cold that I almost lost feeling...

The man in the T-shirt and Zen Master Baimei immediately pulled me up. I looked down and found a deep hole hidden under the black stone slab. No, this should be a dry well.

It turns out that the purpose of the black stone slab is to cover the well.

However, why is there a dry well in my antique shop? The bottom of the well is bone-chillingly cold, with traces of white cold air rising up. It is more effective than a refrigerator.

I looked down, only to find that the well was bottomless and pitch black. In just a moment, the cold air chilled me to the core, and I was so scared that I quickly retracted my head.

"The thing my grandfather asked me to find should be under this deep well." I pointed at the deep well: "It's just too deep and extremely cold, so it's really difficult to salvage it."

The man in the T-shirt looked at it thoughtfully for a moment and said, "Huang Tong, go down and take a look."

Then a strange wind blew around me, and I went straight into a deep well.

I shuddered involuntarily. Who was the man in the T-shirt giving orders just now? Could it be that little yellow-haired Taoist boy raised by the man in the T-shirt? That little thing has been following the man in the T-shirt, but I didn't notice it at all.

It’s creepy just thinking about it.

Soon, the T-shirt man received a response.

The man in the T-shirt told me that there was a thousand-year-old cold sword below, which was covered in ice and even froze the underground river. The sword energy was flowing freely and almost hurt Huang Tong.

"A Thousand-Year Cold Sword?" I was shocked. I never expected that my shabby shop would be full of treasures... Even a hidden deep well contained a Thousand-Year Cold Sword.

But how to salvage that cold sword? But it became the biggest problem I faced.

Finally, I thought about the fire brigade. If people like us without professional training go down, they will only be suffocated to death. It is better to ask the fire brigade to salvage the sword underneath.

But if the fire brigade was told the truth, they probably wouldn't call the police. I had no choice but to throw a gold ring into it, lied that the ring worth millions had fallen into a deep well, and asked the fire fighters to come and salvage it.

The fire officers and soldiers all had professional salvage equipment. They first lowered an underwater monitor and saw the scene in the well through the monitor.

And on the monitor screen, I saw the Thousand-Year Cold Sword at a glance!

The Millennium Cold Sword was all black and shiny. It was frozen under the ice, and thick cold air kept coming out of the ice, reaching the mouth of the well.

And the golden ring was lying quietly next to the Millennium Cold Sword, and in just a moment, most of it was frozen.

I immediately said: "No wonder the art sword collected by grandpa can't be found. It turned out to be hidden in this deep well. Brother, please help us fish it out. Thank you."

As I said that, I took out two thousand yuan and gave it to the commander: "Brothers, thank you for your hard work. Please give me some drinks!"

The commander smiled and accepted it without hesitation and said don't worry, let alone one sword below, even if there are ten swords, we will help you salvage them.

Soon, the Millennium Cold Sword was fished out. As soon as it came up, the biting cold air spread instantly, and the temperature of the space around us suddenly dropped by more than ten degrees. The firefighter closest to the Millennium Cold Sword had a layer of frost on his gloves.

"Boss, you can save a lot of electricity bills this summer. This thing can be used as an air conditioner." The firefighter said with a smile.

I smiled awkwardly and said, "Maybe it's because the temperature down there is too low?"

After sending away the firefighters, I looked at the cold sword up and down.

The cold sword has a simple shape and is completely black. There is also a copper coin dotted on the handle. The very ordinary copper coin is already covered with patina, and the writing on it cannot be seen clearly.

I reached out and touched a cold sword, but I only felt it was bitingly cold, as if it was even colder than ice.

This should also be an extremely yin object, because there is a thick yin energy surrounding it, which is daunting!

I'm afraid only emperors and generals are worthy of this cold sword.

I immediately asked the man in the T-shirt and Zen Master Bai Mei if they recognized this ancient sword. Zen Master Baimei looked it up and down, and finally held it in his hand to speculate, and said: "Judging from the shape and characteristics of this cold sword, it should be a cultural relic of the Han Dynasty. As for the owner, it is difficult to guess. However, the sword energy of this cold sword is strong and powerful. If it is not suppressed, it may cause trouble, so it is best to keep it carefully."

I think that I am incapable of subduing this thousand-year-old sword, so I beg Zen Master Baimei to take it to Dabei Temple after this incident is over, and use the Buddhist Dharma of Dabei Temple to suppress it.

Zen Master Baimei nodded in agreement.

Then we quickly headed to the village.

From a distance, I noticed a dark cloud hovering above this village. Fog also began to rise throughout the village. Although the fog was not large, it formed human faces, which was frightening.

This is obviously a bad omen.

Even the man in the T-shirt looked up at the dark clouds and couldn't help but sigh: "It's still a little late!"

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