Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 272 Dark clouds are coming and there is divine punishment

"This dark cloud is a sign of divine punishment!" Zen Master Baimei said: "There must be someone in the village who is acting against nature. If the other party can withstand this divine punishment, the consequences will be disastrous."

I was very surprised and disagreed with what Zen Master Baimei said: "I know this village. The villagers are all honest and responsible. They have made a living by farming for generations. There is not even a goddess. How can there be any evil ways and things that go against heaven? And even if It’s against the will of heaven, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to withstand the punishment of God.”

Zen Master Baimei smiled knowingly: "The other party is self-aware and knows that he cannot withstand the divine punishment, so he is ready to let the whole village help him resist the divine punishment. I'm afraid that if we can't catch the thief, this divine punishment will kill the whole village. Life!"

There was a panic in my heart, and I felt a heavier burden on my shoulders. The lives of the entire village were weighing on my shoulders, making me a little breathless.

I did not go directly into the village. If we went and came back, I was afraid that we would alert others, so I immediately called Li Mazi and asked him to meet me at the entrance of the village.

Li Mazi quickly arrived at the entrance of the village. After seeing Zen Master Baimei and the man in the T-shirt, he became excited instantly: "Brother, old monk, it's great that you can come, otherwise we would really not be able to handle it."

I quickly asked Li Mazi if he had discovered anything.

Li Mazi said: "Damn, that uncle really has a problem! Early this morning, he took the old lady's body to the town and cremated it, and the ashes were sunk to the bottom of the lake. And what's even more terrifying is that he just After sinking the ashes to the bottom of the lake, a large amount of fog rose from the lake, covering the village..."

"Then what?" I asked.

Li Mazi said: "Then there was no more, he didn't go out for the whole day. By the way, I also asked about one thing, I don't know if it is useful."

"That uncle is actually not the old lady's biological son. The old lady's wife died early and did not leave any heirs. This uncle is the child picked up by the old lady. They have been living together for these years, and the uncle has also settled in the old lady. In my wife’s name.”

"By the way, my uncle's son left the village in a hurry with his wife and children early this morning, and he hasn't come back until now."

"Amitabha." Zen Master Baimei chanted the Buddha's name: "If I guess correctly, this may be a plan that has been brewing for decades!"

I was shocked and quickly asked Zen Master Baimei why he said this.

Zen Master Baimei said: "If the uncle really picked it up, then he has no blood relationship with the villagers, except for his son and grandson. But now that his son and grandson have left, no wonder he is willing to let the villagers prevent the disaster!"

"Perhaps that person was already part of the plan when he was picked up. Now that the time is right, he is naturally ready to take action."

Various coincidences made me believe what Zen Master Baimei said.

My biggest doubt now is, what plan is the uncle brewing and what is his purpose? Why is it related to grandpa? Why did you pretend to invite me here and then drive me away?

I'm afraid that if he invited me here, the real purpose is not to exorcise evil spirits, right? Instead, he took me as a hostage and forced my grandfather’s soul to be used by him.

After thinking about this, I became furious. The damn thing actually used me to deal with grandpa. I wanted to tear him into pieces!

"By the way, Li Mazi, you just said that the uncle sank the old lady's ashes to the bottom of the lake and did not bury them in the Feng Shui treasure land that was originally dug. Are there any burials in that Feng Shui treasure land now?"

I thought that since the old lady was not buried in that place, maybe the body of the stunning woman was hidden somewhere.

Li Mazi said that the place had been filled in, and he didn't know if anyone was buried there.

I have a strong intuition that the stunning female corpse was probably buried in that place. So I am ready to take you to the tomb to have a look.

Passing a lake on the way, Li Mazi stopped me and said, "Wait a minute, this is the lake where the uncle buried the old lady. The fog on the lake seems to be getting thicker and thicker..."

So I took a look at the lake, and sure enough, there was a layer of fog covering the lake. It was rolling like a wave, rushing towards the village.

A chilly feeling penetrated my skin and reached my heart. I approached the lake and took a look under the water, and suddenly my scalp felt numb.

A feeling of being stared at by hundreds of pairs of eyes came to my mind!

Placing corpses at the bottom of the lake is likely to affect the feng shui of the entire lake. Just like if a match is dropped on the grassland, the entire grassland will be burned.

Could that urn have awakened all the souls sleeping at the bottom of the lake?

"Amitofu, you are so cruel." Zen Master Baimei suddenly chanted the Buddha's name: "He turned his adoptive mother into a ghost corpse to awaken the undead in the lake to help him survive the disaster. This guy really has no humanity."

"What is a ghost corpse?" I asked immediately.

"The ghost corpse is to extract the soul alive, then bake the corpse and grind it into powder. This kind of corpse has no soul, only powerful resentment, which can awaken other ghosts."

"Alas!" I sighed: "It's really heartless."

The old lady's body was not burned into ashes, but roasted into a char and finally ground into powder. Does this uncle have no humanity at all? Even though there is no blood relationship, isn't he grateful at all for his upbringing?

Zen Master Baimei recited the Ksitigarbha Sutra on the spot to temporarily appease the souls here, so that they would not burst into violence and go out to harm others in a short period of time, while we went straight to the grave.

The tomb had been buried. I immediately walked up to check it out. My first reaction was that it was cold. How cold was it? Even the weeds near the tomb have dried up and died.

Without saying a word, Li Mazi and I started digging with shovels.

The Millennium Cold Sword I was carrying seemed to sense something and was shaking rapidly, as if I couldn't wait to take it out of its sheath!

I immediately took off the Millennium Cold Sword and handed it to the man in the T-shirt.

The man in the t-shirt is a master of swordsmanship. If he encounters any situation later, the man in the t-shirt can take action in time.

Li Mazi and I continued digging.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for us to dig up the coffin, and the uncle quietly buried the coffin here.

I speeded up and it didn't take long to dig out the coffin. The coldness on the coffin was overwhelming and frightening.

I didn't hesitate, I just opened the coffin with nails and pried open a gap in the coffin!

The moment the coffin was pried open, a black mist spurted out from it, carrying a pungent odor.

I immediately covered my mouth, hid aside, and stared at the black mist.

The black mist dissipated quickly and seemed not poisonous.

The trembling of the Thousand-Year Cold Sword became more and more severe, and even the man in the T-shirt could no longer hold the Thousand-Year Cold Sword.

I immediately ran up to take a look, and when I saw it, I screamed in shock.

There was a person lying inside, wearing the ancient golden clothes, with his eyes closed and his face peaceful, as if he was asleep.

Isn't this man exactly the uncle? Why is the uncle lying in the coffin? I felt horrified in my heart, and subconsciously wanted to wake the uncle up.

But before I could wake up the uncle, Zen Master Baimei quickly walked up and stopped me: "Don't wake him up! It's best to deal with him quietly."

The man in the T-shirt also walked up, drew out the Eight-sided Han Sword on his back, and stabbed the uncle in the heart.

However, the sword of the man in the T-shirt did not pierce the uncle's golden clothes. It felt as if it had pierced a steel plate, making a sharp metal sound.

"It's useless." Zen Master Baimei said, "This is a jade garment with golden threads. It can only be pierced by the thousand-year-old cold sword."

The man in the T-shirt immediately put away his sword, raised the Millennium Cold Sword with difficulty, and was ready to take action.

And at this critical moment, the uncle suddenly opened his eyes with a sneer on his lips: "Death!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the uncle stood up from the coffin like a zombie and kicked off the coffin lid.

I was horrified and quickly stepped back, staring at the uncle with frightened eyes.

At this time, the uncle's body, which was originally a bit rickety, became much straighter. He was wearing gold-lined jade clothes and looked majestic. What is even more difficult to understand is that his eyes actually have double pupils that are constantly rotating.

"Two-soul man..." Zen Master Baimei was shocked: "He actually cultivated into a two-soul man."

"Two-soul people." I looked at Zen Master Baimei in confusion: "Is that a person with two souls?"

"Yes." Zen Master Baimei nodded: "A person with two souls is not among the three corpses and five ghosts, and is not bound by the law of death. In other words, no one in heaven and earth can control him, and he can survive."

"Old guy, you have some knowledge." The uncle snorted coldly: "It's a pity that you know it too late. Once I survive this catastrophe, I will extract your souls and enslave them for me!"

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