Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 273 The King of Zombies

"Amitabha." Zen Master Baimei sighed: "The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and there is only one shore when you turn around. Since ancient times, evil has always prevailed over good, and acting against nature will only harm yourself. Why did you deprive so many innocent lives for the sake of the magic of immortality? "

"You know nothing." The uncle roared angrily: "I have wanted to kill them a long time ago. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't have been reduced to an orphan and raised by that dirty old woman. I have been waiting for this day. For a long time."

"Do you really think that the plan I have been brewing for so long is just to live forever? No, you are wrong, absolutely wrong. I just want to cause a disaster, and then transfer it to these ignorant villagers. They taste the punishment of God. They all must die, they must die."

When the uncle said this, he gritted his teeth with hatred, which was enough to show how much the uncle hated these people.

"Why do you hate them?" I asked: "Even if there is no blood relationship, the old lady brought you up anyway. You don't even care about the kindness of raising you."

"The grace of raising me?" The uncle laughed sarcastically: "What bullshit of the grace of raising me? She raised me purely to make up for the debt in her heart. The death of my parents had the most to do with her."

The uncle got more and more excited as he talked, and finally he roared angrily.

It can be seen that the uncle is a man with a story.

I took a deep breath and said that there is justice in the world, and good will be rewarded with good and evil will be punished with evil. It's not that the time has not come for you to not repay. If you do this, you will probably get yourself involved and unable to take revenge.

The uncle smiled coldly: "Don't talk nonsense to me. After so many years, the lives of the villagers have not changed at all. What nonsense is justice? There is no justice in this world."

"Amitabha." Zen Master Baimei said: "Donor, you may wish to share your story with us, maybe I can help you solve your doubts. If we think the benefactor's move is appropriate, we will not stop it."

The uncle smiled and said: "Well, you'd better know each other better and get out of here as soon as possible!"

The story goes back more than forty years.

At that time, my uncle was just a child under ten years old. His parents were both well-known warlocks who traveled among the people and made a name for themselves.

And the backer behind his parents turned out to be Longquan Villa.

The two of them took him out on a mission to get rid of a zombie that was causing harm to the village for the villagers here.

On the surface, they told the villagers that they were getting rid of zombies, but in fact they were trying to catch zombies, artificially refine them, extract zombie oil, and collect it for Longshan Villa.

The two of them helped the villagers get rid of the troubles, and the villagers naturally welcomed them. However, when the two caught the zombie and trapped it in a well-arranged magic circle, they were surprised to find that the zombie was actually wearing jade clothes with gold threads. And judging from the eight-clawed golden dragon pattern on its body, this zombie is a member of the royal family, maybe an emperor, or at least a prince.

What’s even more surprising is that this zombie is about to form a corpse pill. If it sucks the blood of a few more villagers, it might break this barrier and eventually become an immortal bone!

The Invincible Bone is the most superior existence among zombies. If it can be used by Longquan Villa, it must be a powerful force.

The two reported it to Longquan Villa, and Longquan Villa quickly responded that they would make the zombie immortal and subdue it at all costs.

The two immediately dismissed the villagers, leaving only a few strong young men behind, lying that they wanted to use their yang energy to scare away the zombies.

In fact, the two of them wanted to use the blood of the strong man to help the zombies upgrade to non-bones.

However, when the two were about to succeed in tricking the strong man into entering the formation and being eaten by the zombies, Cheng Yaojin came out halfway, destroyed the formation, allowed the zombies to escape, and informed the villagers of the truth.

The villagers were furious and immediately arrested the uncle's parents!

Although his parents were capable warlocks, they were only capable of dealing with ghosts and monsters. Faced with the siege of hundreds of villagers, they were unable to fight back. So two arrogant warlocks were beaten to death by a bunch of ignorant villagers with hoes and shovels...

As for the zombie, it was destroyed by the person who came out halfway because it received a lot of damage.

When the uncle saw his parents who died tragically, he became furious and swore to God that he would take revenge. However, the uncle had not learned the art of strengthening his muscles and bones at that time. How could it be so easy to kill the villagers?

However, he traveled around with his parents since he was a child, and finally decided on this plan. He decided to devote himself to studying the soul-nurturing skills left by his parents. When the time was right in the future, he would cause natural disasters and pass them on to the villagers.

Many of the villagers who killed their parents were no longer alive, but this did not calm the uncle's anger, so he made the body of his adoptive mother into a ghost corpse, summoned the souls of the dead villagers, and endured the catastrophe!

When the natural disaster comes, not only the villagers will not survive, but the souls of the villagers who have died long ago will also be scattered.

As for why I summoned my grandfather’s dead soul and swallowed it to create his twin souls, there were two reasons.

The first reason is that grandpa himself is a top underworld businessman with a powerful soul. Such a soul is the best material for making twin souls.

The second reason is that the person who sabotaged the plan and indirectly killed my uncle's parents was Grandpa!

I was shocked. I didn’t expect that my grandfather had already formed a relationship with Longquan Villa. No wonder I had been targeted by the people of Longquan Villa before...

Thinking about it now, the people at Longquan Villa had many opportunities to kill me, but they did not do so. It seems that they have long expected that I will be useful today.

"At that time, Longquan Villa lost two masters. They were extremely angry and wanted to send someone to take revenge, but I stopped them. I vowed to rely on my own ability to kill the enemy with my own hands! That's why this village was not massacred back then. . I have been waiting for this day for a long time, haha, I finally waited for this day..."

The uncle looked at me with his cold eyes: "As for you, although you are the old man's grandson and should be killed, I will spare your life because someone intercedes on your behalf."

I have long been frightened. This is a person whose rationality has been completely controlled by obsession and hatred. He can endure it for decades without making a fuss. It is estimated that only Japanese samurai who believe in the spirit of Bushido can do this.

I took a deep breath and felt a sense of panic in my heart. Can we defeat him? I feel quite disgusted. You must know that cultivating Taoism relies on obsession. The stronger the obsession, the more advanced the Taoism will be...

The expressions of the man in the T-shirt and Zen Master Baimei also looked a little strange. It seemed that they were as worried about this as me. Li Mazi, on the other hand, looked unconcerned at all. Maybe in his opinion, the combination of the three of us can defeat all the invincible opponents in the world, right?

"You'd better just surrender." Although he knew it was impossible, Zen Master Baimei still advised: "This thousand-year cold sword can break your golden jade clothes, but you can't defeat us."

But the uncle laughed wildly: "Really? Then give it a try. I also want to see the power of the Thousand-Year Cold Sword. Back then, the old guy peeled off the Thousand-Year Cold Sword from the zombie's body, but it could easily pierce the golden jade Clothes. Now that the golden jade clothes have been strengthened by my two souls, can they still be penetrated by that thousand-year cold sword? I don’t think so."

As soon as he finished speaking, a bolt of lightning suddenly struck from the sky, followed by a rumble of thunder. The sky and the earth dimmed instantly, and the dark clouds became bigger and bigger, covering the sky and the sun, as if they were about to fall.

"Heavenly calamity, heavenly calamity, come on, haha." The uncle laughed wildly, clasped his hands fiercely, touched his five fingers, stretched out his ring finger, and chanted a curse unscrupulously.

Boom, boom, boom. Suddenly thunder rolled from the sky, and thunder and lightning flashed. Following a deafening thunder, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky, like a dragon, striking straight towards the village.

I was shocked and turned my head quickly to look in the direction of the village.

The lightning was like a bomb, falling on the village. Suddenly, a house was blown to pieces and flew away, and screams could be heard endlessly.

The next second, big raindrops fell from the sky, densely intertwined into a big net, and hit the face, which was painful.

"Buddhism is compassionate, but there are times when there is an angry King Kong!" Zen Master Baimei shouted loudly: "Today I am going to break the precept of killing!"

Zen Master Baimei was also angered. He waved his sleeves without hesitation and used Buddhist beads as weapons to fight with the uncle.

The man in the T-shirt immediately waved the Millennium Cold Sword and rushed forward.

"Li Mazi, hurry up and gather the villagers, go to an open place to avoid thunder and lightning." I shouted, and after finishing speaking, I also joined the battle group.

Li Mazi immediately responded and ran away in a hurry.

At this moment, a thunder fell from the sky again, exploding directly on the lake. Suddenly, the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling kept ringing, which made people feel sad and aroused all kinds of negative emotions.

The man in the T-shirt and Zen Master Baimei entangled the uncle. Zen Master Baimei's Buddhist beads danced with golden lights in the shape of 'swastika', surrounding the uncle. But the uncle didn't dodge at all, he just kept attacking... The golden jade suit was so powerful that Zen Master Baimei's beads couldn't hurt him at all.

The man in the t-shirt danced his Millennium Cold Sword out of an ice wall and approached the uncle step by step!

Although the uncle was confident that the golden jade clothes would not be pierced by the Millennium Cold Sword, he still did not dare to underestimate the enemy. Even if it couldn't pierce the golden jade clothes, it would still cause great harm to him. While dodging, he tried to grab the Millennium Cold Sword from the man in the T-shirt.

I saw the opportunity, whipped it hard with the Sirius whip, and shouted at the same time: "Stab."

I suddenly joined the battle group, and the uncle was caught off guard. He fell back one after another. The man in the T-shirt took advantage of this opportunity and stabbed the uncle's heart fiercely and accurately with the Thousand-Year Cold Sword.

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