Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 276: Longquan in the south of the Yangtze River, Zhang family in the north of the Yangtze Ri

I brought back the Millennium Cold Sword and the Golden Jade Clothes. Both of them are top-notch evil objects. I was worried that I could not suppress the evil nature in them, and it would be bad if something happened again.

So I simply packed the sword and jade clothes with gold threads and gave them to Zen Master Bai Mei, and asked him to take them to Dabei Temple to wash away the grievances on them.

Zen Master Baimei simply accepted it, and asked me that in the future, if the grievances between these two evil objects are resolved, they will become ordinary antiques and their value will plummet. Will I feel bad?

I smiled bitterly and asked, "Why don't you feel bad?" That's all free money. But if you have money to make, you have to have life to spend it. Leave it here with me. If I turn into a zombie, where can I cry?

After sending away Zen Master Baimei and the man in the T-shirt, my life was not easy, and I was always on tenterhooks.

Last time I offended the people of Longquan Villa because of a jade lamp, plus Longquan Villa’s old hatred for grandpa, and this time it ruined Longquan Villa’s revenge plan, Longquan Villa will definitely not let me go!

Longquan Villa is full of despicable and shameless warlocks who use some dirty tricks. If they stumble me secretly, it will be enough for me to drink a pot.

Living in fear like this is really fucking disgusting. I thought to myself that the people from Longquan Villa might as well just come to my door and have a good fight with me.

What was supposed to come finally came, but the way they did it surprised me!

That night, I was guarding my shop when a man in a suit and sunglasses drove a Mercedes-Benz and parked in front of my shop.

He greeted me politely: "Hello, Boss Zhang. I am from Uncle Duan of Longquan Villa."

When I heard the words Longquan Villa, my nerves immediately became tense, but on the surface I still pretended to be calm and said: "Longquan Villa? I have admired your name for a long time. Why do you want to come to me today?"

He smiled slightly, as if he had seen through my pretense of calmness: "Boss Zhang, don't panic, we have no ill intentions, we just want to cooperate with you."

"Cooperation?" I was surprised and couldn't figure out what medicine the man in sunglasses was selling in his gourd: "How to cooperate?"

"Uncle Duan wants to meet with Boss Zhang tomorrow. If Boss Zhang has time, please be sure to attend the banquet on time."

After saying that, the man in sunglasses presented an invitation: "Boss Zhang, please be sure to show me your face!"

I accepted the invitation with a surprised look on my face, and the man in sunglasses politely left.

I suspected that this was a delaying tactic to let me relax my vigilance and then take advantage of the opportunity to attack me. However, I checked inside and out and found nothing wrong.

But the more normal it looked, the more uneasy it made me. The hand holding the invitation was sweating. I felt like this was some kind of invitation. It was clearly a reminder from the Lord of Hell!

I'm just afraid that there will be a Hongmen Banquet tomorrow. If I go there, it will be a disaster. If I don't go, I won't give Longquan Villa face, and they will have reason to kill me blatantly, with more serious consequences.

This Hongmen Banquet kept me awake all night. After dawn, I dragged my tired body to knock on Li Mazi’s door. Unexpectedly, it was Ruxue who opened the door for me.

Ruxue let her hair down and didn't wear makeup, but she was still so fashionable and beautiful without makeup. I was stunned for a while. The relationship between Li Mazi and Ruxue developed quite quickly.

When Ruxue saw me, she immediately blushed: "Brother-in-law, you...why are you here so early in the morning?"

"Do you believe I came to check the ward?" I said half-jokingly.

Ruxue let out a squeaky sound and stamped her foot fiercely: "Humph, I won't pay attention to you."

With that said, he turned around and changed out of his pajamas.

When Li Mazi saw my embarrassed look, he knew something must be going on. He quickly dragged me into the room and asked me what was going on.

I told Li Mazi everything about the Hongmen Banquet. After listening to it, Li Mazi frowned and said, "What are those old turtles doing? As I say, it's better not to go. I'll take you to prison tomorrow and see what those old thieves dare to do to you."

"It's a bad idea!" I rolled my eyes at Li Mazi: "Longquan Villa is so powerful that both black and white will definitely take advantage of it. I'm afraid if I go in, they will also bribe their connections and torture me to death."

Li Mazi scratched his hair: "Then you mean, you are going to the banquet? Otherwise, we let Fengshen Nana follow. She is a policeman after all. No matter how awesome those people are, they will never dare to face the police. Let’s fuck you in front of me.”

"You don't understand. Our circle is the same as the underworld. Once the police are involved, the trouble will be even greater. Let's go together and don't deal with useless things. Even if it is the Hongmen Banquet, this time we will I have to try it out!"

Li Mazi pondered for a moment, and finally nodded resolutely, and equipped himself from head to toe with some small hidden weapons.

Looking at the various small hidden weapons, I was speechless for a while. I asked Li Mazi where these hidden weapons came from, and Li Mazi said they were all bought on Taobao.

These hidden weapons are of no use at all, and if they are discovered by the people of Longquan Villa, they will inevitably be in trouble. I asked Li Mazi to put down all the concealed weapons and then went to the banquet.

Longquan Villa is very wealthy and has several five-star hotels in the city. We came to this national chain hotel called "Royal Hotel", entered the top-notch private room, and were shocked by the grandeur inside.

In this luxurious box, the feeling of hanging silk arises spontaneously. The decoration inside is luxurious, the wallpapers are tens of thousands of square meters of international brands, the carpets are made of wool, and the sofas and other items are all genuine leather.

An old man in Tang suit with a cane was sitting on the sofa, looking at us with a smile. His smile was very weird, and there was nothing hidden in it, but it was very intimidating. The tough words I had originally prepared, I didn’t have the courage to say out at this moment, so I just smiled awkwardly: “Hello, Uncle Duan. "

"The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and each wave is stronger than the last." Uncle Duan suddenly sighed with emotion. I knew clearly that Uncle Duan was insinuating that I had ruined the Longquan Villa plan several times.

"Uncle Duan, thank you very much." Li Mazi said immediately: "The two of us are just making a living, we don't have any great skills, we can't compare to you, Uncle Duan."

Uncle Duan actually burst into laughter: "I had known that the young man of the Zhang family would have a good flatterer next to him. It's true that fame is worse than meeting him. These two words made the old man feel comfortable."

Li Mazi smiled awkwardly. Uncle Duan's words were enough to prove that he was an insufferable person. I feel like we are just a little transparent in front of him, and he can expose any conspiracy at a glance.

I knew that I had met a strong enemy this time, and I felt calm. It was a blessing, not a curse, but I couldn't avoid it. No matter how hard I try, I can't change today's blessings and misfortunes, so I might as well accept it calmly.

So I sat down opposite Uncle Duan unceremoniously, ignored Li Mazi’s frightened gaze, and said straight to the point: “Uncle Duan, do you have anything to do with me?”

Uncle Duan didn't feel angry at all because of my impoliteness. He just had a sad expression on his face. He didn't know where this sadness came from: "A descendant of the Zhang family, do you know the grudges between your Jiangbei Zhang family and my Longquan Villa?" blame?"

I nodded: "I know a little bit."

"You know, it's just a drop in the bucket." Uncle Duan said: "Since ancient times, the Zhang family in Jiangbei has been opposed to our Longquan Villa. Even though the Zhang family has retreated in isolation today, their influence on our Longquan Villa has not diminished at all... …”

"So, Uncle Duan is settling a score with us." I just wanted to get right to the point, and I really didn't have time to listen to Uncle Duan's history talk here.

Uncle Duan smiled: "Settling the accounts? Haha, even if the accounts are settled, it cannot be blamed on you. You are just a branch of the Zhang family, and it seems that the inheritance is about to be cut off. You are really not qualified to let us Longquan The Villa wants to settle a score with you."

I was surprised. What kind of medicine was sold in this uncle's gourd?

"Listen to what I have to say." Uncle Duan said: "Most of the forces in Longquan Villa are to the west of Mount Tai, but the area to the east of Mount Tai is completely blank. Do you know why? Because to the east of Mount Tai is the Zhang Family in Jiangbei The place occupied by the remaining veins of the Zhang family. Although the Zhang family and Longquan Villa have been hostile to each other for many years, they have a bottom line, which is mutual non-aggression. Even today, when the Zhang family is lonely, we, the Longquan Villa, will never send anyone to the east of Mount Tai. Activity."

"I came to you today because I want to make a deal with you. I want to go to the place east of Mount Tai to find a hidden object." Uncle Duan said, "The east of Mount Tai is always a forbidden area in my Longquan Villa!"

I was surprised. I didn't expect that there was such a big Zhang family standing behind me, and its power could even compete with Longquan Villa. What's more important is that there is also territorial control in the Yinwu circle, and my Zhang family in Jiangbei also controls an area.

I had never thought of this before.

However, this uncle is treacherous and cunning, and his words are 70% false and 30% true. He told me that these things should be purposeful, and I can't blindly believe them.

I took a deep breath and said: "Uncle Duan, to be honest, neither of us are very good at it. One of us can't get enough of a bottle, and the other is just relying on words. I'm afraid I can't help you."

"Young man, being modest is a good thing, but being too modest is not good." Uncle Duan said, "You are fighting for your own life. If Longquan Villa really wants to send someone to deal with you, you will definitely die. Do me this favor, and I can wipe out the grievances between you and Longquan Villa..."

I fell silent. Even though Uncle Duan sounded calm and composed, in fact the threat was very serious, which made me tremble with fear.

I couldn't resist the threat of the behemoth Longquan Villa. To be honest, I was really scared at the time, knowing that I only had two ways to go now.

The first way is naturally to follow Uncle Duan's request. No matter what kind of evil thing they are looking for or what dangers there are, at least I helped them find the evil thing and it will be settled once and for all. From now on, they no longer have to worry about Longquan Villa every day.

The second way is to fight to the death and refuse to agree, no matter how much you love. But this road is not easy to walk. I am afraid that if I refuse, I won’t even be able to get out of the Dihao Hotel.

So after thinking about it again and again, I could only bite the bullet and said: "Uncle Duan, what do you want me to help you find?"

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