Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 277 Corpse Essence Powder

"Corpse Essence." Uncle Duan said, "You should know."

I exclaimed: "Does that thing really exist?"

Uncle Duan smiled helplessly: "You actually think this thing doesn't exist? Haha, did I find the wrong person?"

"Believe it, believe it." Li Mazi said quickly, fearing that Uncle Duan would lose confidence in us, so he dealt with us directly here: "Uncle Duan, if you have any other instructions, just tell me."

"I have found the location for you. Three hundred miles east of Mount Tai, there is Tianlong Lake. You can naturally find the corpse essence in Tianlong Lake." Uncle Duan said, "Without further delay, you'd better set off immediately. Bar!"

"I just don't know what you want Uncle Duan to do with the zombie essence?" I asked.

As far as I know, the only function of corpse essence is to attract ghosts and harm people, and it has no other use. Longquan Villa has a lot of money, so they probably won't be interested in such low-level stuff.

Uncle Duan said: "Help."


Looking at Uncle Duan's confused eyes, I knew that he was unwilling to say any more. I didn't bother to ask, so I called Li Mazi and left in a hurry.

After I left the hotel, I looked back in shock and breathed a sigh of relief when I found that no one was chasing me out.

Li Mazi couldn't help but ask: "Brother from the Zhang family, what on earth is that zombie essence? Why haven't I heard of it before?"

"Let's talk about it after we get in the car." I said, "I can't explain it to you in just a few words."

Li Mazi nodded and started the car. After returning, I simply prepared some things and took Li Mazi to Tianlong Lake.

I was still a little distracted in the car, and my mind was always thinking about the Zhang family in Jiangbei. When I go to the east of Mount Tai, I step into the territory of the Zhang family in Jiangbei. And I am a remnant of the Zhang family. If I go there this time, will it disturb the Zhang family in Jiangbei? What will their attitude be towards me?

I felt like I was out of breath. This trip was too dangerous. What we had to face was not only the threat of evil objects, but also the pressure from the Zhang family in Jiangbei.

So I decided to keep a low profile as much as possible this time!

Li Mazi asked me about the zombie essence on the road.

The reason why I don’t think this corpse essence exists is because the origin of this thing is a bit nonsense. "Folk Wild Fox" records that corpse essence is the physical particles transformed by the souls of ten thousand people, which is the substance transformed by the spirit body.

The spirit bodies are bound in a certain place. If there are too many, their survival resources will naturally be insufficient, and these spirit bodies will also 'die' slowly.

However, their souls were not scattered, but turned into some granular substances. These granular substances were the corpse essence.

I don’t believe that spiritual bodies can be transformed into matter. Metaphysics is indeed mysterious, but metaphysics is also a science based on science. The formation process of corpse powder violates the law of conservation of energy, so I think corpse powder is nonsense.

But judging from Uncle Duan's words, it seems that there is no lie in his oath.

After driving all night, we found Tianlong Lake at 12 noon the next day according to the navigation.

The first time I saw Tianlong Lake, I was attracted by this beautiful scenery.

The sky is clear and there is no wind. Tianlong Lake is like a glass mirror. The lake is blue and the breeze is refreshing and comfortable. The lake is surrounded by various plants, which surround Tianlong Lake like a natural green belt. There is a small island in the center of the lake. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a paradise.

There is a village about three kilometers away from here, and children come here to play on weekdays. Adults would catch a few fish after work. At this moment, I saw someone catching fish on the small island of Tianlong Lake. Everything was so normal and comfortable. It’s really hard to associate this place with a place where tens of thousands of people are buried.

This lake is very large. If I want to blindly search for corpses and scattered spirits in such a large area, I am afraid that I will waste a year or two of effort. Uncle Duan will definitely not agree, and I have no time to waste here.

So I have to make targeted inquiries, record all the information about Tianlong Lake, and then analyze it.

At this moment, the two old farmers who were fishing on the island have already landed, and they are still very alert to the arrival of the two of us. Before we could talk to them, the two of them had already walked up.

"Who are you?" the older man asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Hello, uncle, we are travel friends." Li Mazi immediately said with a smile, and at the same time handed over two cigarettes enthusiastically: "We are here to travel."

"You are here to look for something, right?" He stretched out his hand to avoid hitting the smiling man. He took the cigarette and his attitude towards us became much better.

But the uncle's casual words set off a storm in my heart. Could it be that this uncle knew about the essence of corpses? Do you know we are here to find corpses and scattered spirits?

Li Mazi's expression also became weird: "Uncle, what do you mean, I don't understand."

The muscular man next to the uncle snorted coldly: "Stop pretending, we have seen people like you a lot, and you are not here to dig graves and rob tombs. The tomb has sunk and everything has been looted long ago. You are late." "

"Ancient tomb?" I knew as soon as I heard that this ancient tomb must have something to say, so I quickly took out five hundred yuan and handed it to the two of them. Although I am not good at words, there are really no problems in the world that money cannot solve.

"Uncle, let me tell you the truth! We are from the criminal police brigade. We know that an ancient tomb here has been stolen, so we are here to look for clues and bring the criminal to justice. If you can provide us with clues, these five hundred yuan Even if it’s a reward.”

As I said that, I also took out our criminal police cards.

We all carry this fake ID with us because it comes in handy so many times. We have used it five or six times before, and it is more than enough to deceive people in the mountain village.

As soon as they heard that we were criminal police and came to investigate the ancient tomb, the two of them immediately became nervous and shook their heads at us: "I don't know, I don't know, it's been a year or two since the ancient tomb was bombed, so you better stop investigating... …”

After saying that, the two were ready to leave.

After hearing what the two said and looking at the panic on their faces, I realized a possibility. Could it be that the ancient tomb was bombed by the villagers here?

When we said we were going to investigate the tomb robbers, the villagers were naturally frightened.

Li Mazi had no choice but to stop the two of them and said quickly: "Don't be afraid, uncle. Since this ancient tomb is within the scope of our village, it is the common property of our village. According to the law, all the property in this ancient tomb is It belongs to our village. It is understandable that the villagers took away antiques. We caught a tomb robber the day before yesterday. He said that he had stolen an ancient tomb here, so we came here to investigate. If his stolen goods are really from this ancient tomb, We also need to return those dirty things to the village."

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief, but the older one was still indignant: "No wonder there are so few things inside. It turned out to have been stolen by others. Comrade police, you must interrogate that little thief! Let him Spit out all the stolen goods.”

I nodded my head in agreement and asked the two of them to explain everything about Tianlong Lake and the ancient tomb in detail, not to miss any detail.

It turns out that Tianlong Lake was not a big lake a few years ago, but an inconspicuous small ditch.

The villagers didn't think there was anything wrong with this small ditch at first, but later, a villager accidentally salvaged two clay pots from it, and the news spread like wildfire that there was an ancient tomb hidden under the ditch.

The villagers have protected the mountains and rivers here for generations, relying on the mountains and rivers to eat and drink. Almost all the resources on the mountains and on the water have been fully explored by the villagers. In the early years, there were herbs that could be sold on the mountain, but now herbs and game have disappeared. The only source of income for the villagers is to grow some mushrooms, but this does not bring much wealth to the villagers.

Now that such a huge golden mountain appeared out of thin air under the small ditch, the villagers naturally refused to let it go!

At that moment, small groups of people began to dig ditches, trying to dig out the ancient tombs below.

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