Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 278 Water Ghost Tomb

The uncle said that the scene at that time was so majestic that the whole village was mobilized. Nearly a hundred people surrounded this small ditch with water. The ditch was full of people, and the fish in it were flying up and down, but no one was trying to catch it!

However, the soil under the ditch was so hard that the villagers' hoes and shovels couldn't dig it. I knew that it was actually the sealing soil of the ancient tomb, and it was all made of rammed earth. Those without professional tomb robbing skills would naturally be unable to shake it.

However, the villagers were unwilling to do so, so someone thought of using explosives. Some people used dynamite to fry fish before, and the dynamite packs were quite complete.

But those explosives were not powerful enough, and the villagers spent three days and three nights before they finally managed to blow open the seal. After blasting a gap in the ditch, someone found the entrance to the ancient tomb, which was a corridor made of blue bricks, tilted downward at an angle of thirty degrees.

Two bold young men slipped in along the corridor. Not long after entering, I encountered another wall, blocking the corridor. It was impossible to pry it open with crowbars, iron pliers and the like.

In the end, there was no choice but to continue using explosives.

I know they encountered a diamond wall. The thinnest diamond wall has to be half a meter wide. How easy is it to pry it open? I guess it would be difficult to explode the explosives.

With an earth-shattering explosion, the King Kong Wall was blown open. At the same time, water began to gurgling in the ancient tomb, as if it was boiling. The ground shook so hard that the villagers could not stand at all.

The earthquake lasted for a long time, and the ancient tomb was still seeping water. At the same time, the ancient tomb actually sank.

Some people say that groundwater poured into the ancient tomb, fearing that it would be difficult to get out the contents inside.

The villagers can only stand on the shore and worry, indifferent!

As the ancient tomb continued to sink, the scene below the creek was also revealed. It was actually full of white bones. It was not known how thick the layer of bones was. Many of them were buried in the soil and were not exposed. Come.

The villagers were all scared, fearing that there was a pit of corpses beneath the ancient tomb! It seemed that it was quite dangerous to rob the tomb. At least these bones were very evil, so they gradually withdrew from the tomb.

After the villagers escaped from the ancient tomb, the lake, which was only separated from the small ditch by water, surged over in an instant and completely submerged the ancient tomb in a short time. Now only the tomb in the center of the lake is left. An island.

The small river ditch and the lake next door are also connected together, forming the Tianlong Lake we see now.

The villagers depend on the lake for their livelihood, so most of them know how to dive. If there are villagers who are desperate for their lives, they sneak into the ancient tombs and steal the burial objects.

However, there are very few burial objects in the ancient tomb, and there are skeletons all over the place. If it were not for the ear chambers on both sides of the tomb passage, which contained several golden nanmu coffins, I am afraid everyone would suspect that this is not an ancient tomb at all. , but a burial pit.

The greedy villagers did not stop because of the barrenness of the tombs, but moved out all valuable things. There were golden nanmu coffins, a pitiful number of earthen jars, some bronze vessels, and even the gold teeth inlaid on some bones had been broken off.

After the villagers divided these things, most of them were satisfied, but some of them were still young and energetic and wanted to pick up the leaks, so they sneaked into the ancient tomb again in the middle of the night.

However, the luck of these people was not so good. When they sneaked into the ancient tomb late at night, they felt that their heads were foggy and their consciousness was a little comatose. If they dived deeper, they might not even have the strength to come out. Really helpless, several people had no choice but to prepare to escape.

However, when they turned around and swam back, they suddenly heard a roar behind them, the lake quickly stirred, and the sound of thousands of troops fighting could not be heard. When they lowered their heads, they found that the bones scattered on the ground were all 'floating'. He got up, stood upright on the ground, stared at them with empty eyes, and waved the weapons in his hands to kill them alive.

Several people were immediately frightened and paddled desperately. However, those skeletons had already grabbed their legs and feet. The boneless and fleshless skeletons seemed to contain powerful power, and they could not break away at all.

Several people were dumbfounded, thinking that this time it would be over, this tomb turned out to be the tomb of a great evil!

Just when a few people were desperate, a dazzling light suddenly released from the ear room, instantly illuminating the entire tomb. Several people felt their bodies relax and involuntarily collapsed on the ground.

When they looked back, they saw that the skeletons seemed to have never been resurrected, lying quietly on the ground without any abnormalities.

Several people no longer dared to stay here anymore and hurriedly swam out of Tianlong Lake. After a few people left, they were shocked to find inexplicable black palm prints appearing on their bodies.

The palm prints were either on the body or on the waist. Everywhere they were covered was blue and purple. At first, those people thought they had been poisoned by water ghosts and were in panic all day long.

But after waiting for a few days, everything was normal, and they were relieved.

I frowned. The uncle said that these young people all had water ghost marks on their bodies, but nothing happened. Isn't this a strange phenomenon in itself? I'm afraid those young people took it lightly.

I quickly asked the uncle: "Is there really nothing wrong with those people?"

The uncle smiled and pointed at the muscular man next to him: "Of course it's okay, this brother is one of them."

I quickly took a look at the muscular man. His eyebrows were clean, his eyes were clear, and he didn't look like he was under a curse. It's just that his eyes were a little weird and a little dull, but I didn't think much about it. I thought it might be because the usual mental load was too heavy, right?

Just when I wanted to take a look at the palm prints on his body, the uncle's cell phone rang suddenly. He took out his cell phone, answered the call, said a few words casually, and then froze in place with a very frightened expression.

I quickly asked the uncle what happened?

The uncle couldn't care less about me. When he reacted, he screamed and started running towards the small fishing village.

The strong man was also surprised. He shouted to Zhao Laohan, "What's wrong with you?" and followed closely with a fishing net.

Li Mazi and I looked at each other and chased after him without saying a word. My intuition told me that something must have happened in the village, and it was most likely related to this ancient tomb.

We soon entered the village. Chickens and dogs were walking leisurely in the village. There were old people chatting on the clean streets. The warm sunshine fell through the gaps in the branches and hit the ground, which was as beautiful as money.

This is a quiet little fishing village.

But one place was not quiet. A house at the head of the village was crying and howling continuously. There were people walking around at the door. Zhao Laohan went straight into that house.

When we came to the door, the crying was even louder, and there was panic in the despair.

We just wanted to go in, but we were stopped and asked what we were doing. I had no choice but to have someone call out Zhao Laohan and ask him to take us in to have a look.

Zhao Laohan's expression became serious and weird: "You go! We don't want outsiders to interfere in our affairs."

I quickly said that we often deal with ancient tombs and have quite a lot of research on the taboos in them. Maybe we can help.

Zhao Laohan's eyes became even more absurd: "How do you know... they violated the taboos of the ancient tomb?"

His words really stopped me and asked, what should I say? Reveal all your old background? The other party will definitely not believe it.

Li Mazi immediately said: "Humph, you demolished the tomb of the water ghosts. It's strange that those water ghosts want to kill you! We are leaving the words here. Without our help, your whole village will not be able to survive."

Li Mazi is quite good at learning and putting it into practice. We just solved a ghost king, and Li Mazi brought the ghost king here to scare the villagers.

But I have to admit that the effect is very good. Li Mazi's deceitful words really shocked Zhao Laohan. After thinking about it again and again, Zhao Laohan nodded: "Okay, you guys go in and have a look! But you can go in and have a look." , be sure not to shout, so as not to cause panic to other villagers."

I nodded, thinking that after all, I have seen all kinds of miserable things, and I have vomited everything I should. What other miserable things can excite my nerves?

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