Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 279 The bloody scene

However, when I walked to the door and smelled the bloody smell released from the room, I still felt guilty. Such a strong smell of blood seems to be only possible at murder scenes.

And when the door was pushed open, my heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and the blood on the floor was so irritating that I couldn't breathe smoothly.

Is this dead one person or two people?

On the bed, the upper body of a person was lying, with teeth and claws showing, a look of horror on his face, and his body was covered in blood. This man was cut in half, his internal organs were all over the bed, and the wounds were neatly cut, as if he had been cut with a sharp weapon...

His lower body was thrown under the bed in a mess, dripping with blood, the bones at the port were broken inch by inch, and the air-conditioning was overwhelming.

I took two steps back and couldn't bear to look any further.

At this time, Li Mazi grabbed me and whispered: "Brother Zhang, look at his waist. Did you find the black palm prints?"

I immediately looked over and saw any palm prints anywhere in the empty space.

Even if it was covered with blood, the palm print should still be visible. Why did Li Mazi ask that?

"Just now, I clearly saw a black palm print on his waist, but it disappeared in an instant." Li Mazi said, "Really, I won't lie to you."

I immediately realized the seriousness of the matter and quickly called to Mr. Zhao: "Uncle Zhao, I want to ask you something. Did this person also have black palm prints on his body?"

Zhao Laohan nodded immediately: "Yes, yes."

"Can you still find it now?" I asked.

Zhao Laohan was stunned for a moment, then ran to look for the corpse. At that time, I really admired this old man Zhao. He fainted after seeing such a horrific death scene... It seems that this old man Zhao also has a story.

Zhao Laohan checked it up and down, and his expression began to become strange: "It's strange, it's obviously there, but why is it missing?"

"Then, can you let us see the palm prints on other people's bodies?" I asked, "This is really important."

Zhao Laohan thought for a moment, and finally nodded resolutely: "Okay, come with me!"

With that said, Zhao Laohan took us out.

We originally thought that Zhao Laohan would take us to one of the houses, but unexpectedly, Zhao Laohan actually led us to a dilapidated house and asked us to wait in the house. He also said that the palm prints were the secrets of several people and could not be viewed openly.

I believed it, so I sat there with Li Mazi and waited.

But after waiting for half an hour, Zhao Laohan didn't see anyone brought here. Li Mazi couldn't sit still and wanted to go out for some air. The strange smell in the room was so unbearable.

However, when Li Mazi went to push the door, he discovered that the wooden door had been locked from the outside. My heart suddenly became nervous. Oops, the same old drama was happening again. Didn’t Li Mazi and I get locked up in the Tu Tu Temple by the ignorant villagers last time? This time we were fooled again.

Li Mazi was furious and kicked the wooden door, cursing, but the wooden door seemed to have been deliberately reinforced and could not be kicked open at all.

I was also anxious, so I quickly went up to help. But the wooden door was so strong that it was difficult for the two of us to kick it open.

I really can’t figure it out. These turtle bastards are already in trouble. What are they still planning?

At this time, I suddenly discovered that the light coming from the crack in the door seemed to be partially blocked, and I knew that someone must be secretly observing us through the wooden door.

I immediately ran up and shouted: "Fellow, please open the door, I have something to do."

The man ran away in a panic and ignored us at all.

Villagers passed by intermittently outside the door. They seemed to be in a panic. The two of us shouted for help, but it still had no effect. The villagers turned a blind eye to us.

"It's over, it's over!" Li Mazi was spinning in circles: "This is a trap. We fell into the trap and we didn't even realize it."

"Call, call quickly." Li Mazi said, "Where is your cell phone?"

"It's useless." I said, "I tried it just now and there was no signal at all."

Li Mazi sat next to me dejectedly: "Uncle Duan, that old thief, was obviously afraid of offending the Jiangbei Zhang family, so he wanted to kill people with a borrowed knife, right? I even suspect that these villagers were arranged by Uncle Duan a long time ago."

What's the use of talking about this now? I have witnessed so many worldly things and experienced so many ups and downs, how can I still be killed by a bunch of ignorant villagers?

So I calmed down immediately and told Li Mazi not to panic, let's act according to the situation. Unless they want to starve us to death, they will definitely open the door. Once the door is opened, we will be saved.

Although Li Mazi was angry, he had no choice but to nod.

The villagers were still busy, as if they were preparing something.

I thought to myself, could these villagers be preparing for a sacrifice?

I calmed down and waited in the room until sunset, but no one paid any attention to us. I only regretted that I didn't have an extra bowl of rice when I came here. Now my stomach is growling.

Late at night came, the room was pitch dark, and only a pitiful amount of moonlight came through, and nothing could be seen. I started to read the Tao Te Ching to calm myself down.

Li Mazi was cutting a wooden stick with a dagger on the side. The only weapon we brought with us was the dagger, so we have to prepare more weapons now. Even if we can't break free, we still have to give the opponent a blow!

The leaves rustled in the wind outside the door, and I could still vaguely hear the sound of waves coming from Tianlong Lake. This was really strange. Our place was at least two miles away from Tianlong Lake, and the calm sky Longhu, how big of a storm must it cause before we can hear it?

The sound of the wind was mixed with rustling sounds. I immediately put my ear against the wooden door and listened carefully to the movement outside.

I felt that four people came from the four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest. The four people gathered in the corner and stopped moving.

What does this mean?

Just as I was thinking about it, I suddenly smelled a strange smell filling the room. The smell was a bit pungent and made me sneeze a few times, and then I felt a little dizzy and drowsy...

No, they drugged us. I immediately realized how complicated the situation was, so I jumped up and went to the four corners to check if there were any hoses extending in. The drug must have been released through the hoses.

Sure enough, we found four hoses coming through the gap. But now it was too late to stop me. The drug was very potent. My body began to feel weak, my vision was blurry and drifting, and soon I couldn’t even stand still...

"Urine, urine can detoxify." Li Mazi said drowsily, and at the same time started to unbutton his pants, but as soon as he took out the crime weapon, he fainted and fell to the ground without moving.

I immediately collapsed on the ground, while silently reciting the "Tao Te Ching" and activating the Peach Soul Flower to save my last shred of sanity. If we both faint, who knows whether we will become boiled pork slices or braised pork next second?

I don't know if these two things work or not, so I can only give them a try. What makes me feel gratified is that I don't know whether it was the Peach Soul Flower or the "Tao Te Ching" that played a role. I can still maintain a trace of sanity. Although my body can't move, it is better than dying unknown, not to mention that I still have physical strength. Can recover gradually.

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