Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 280 Ghost Burial

Not long after I fell, the door was opened, but no one came in. I knew they were testing us. If we stood up now, they would know we were not unconscious yet and would close the door again.

Fortunately, when we saw no movement, people began to come in and chat in low voices.

"Old party secretary, wouldn't it be bad if we did this?"

"That's not good." It was Zhao Laohan who spoke: "Do you want to die? If you sacrifice the two of them now, you can save the whole village. Which one do you think is more cost-effective?"

"What if they are really capable? Maybe they can get rid of those damn crystals without killing anyone."

"Idiot, these two guys don't even have hair, so you still expect them to be masters? Maybe they will drag the villagers to death together, so it's better to just let them die."

After saying that, several people picked me up and carried me out.

Although my consciousness was not clear, and even their conversation was confused, I still heard a few key words, such as "crystal" and "save the whole village."

Crystals are most likely corpse spirits. To save the whole village, could it be that before we came here, they already knew that the whole village was going to be in bad luck and be killed by the ancient tomb?

The more I think about it, the more chilled I feel, and the more I think about it, the more I feel that this must be a way for that old thief Uncle Duan to use his knife to kill people!

In a daze, I felt like I was put into a wooden frame. After the people around me left, I opened my eyes hard, and I was shocked to find that the so-called wooden frame was actually a coffin.

My vision was blurry and I couldn't see clearly what the coffin looked like, but I could clearly feel the faint aroma emanating from the coffin.

Before I took over the business of selling negative things from my grandfather, I also did a lot of antique business, and some old wood was naturally included in the antique category. Judging from the faint aroma, I think this wood is probably golden nanmu!

The coffin underneath me had an uneven bottom, which made me panic. I touched it with my hand, and it felt like I was touching some biting ice. I grabbed it and looked hard under the moonlight, and found that it was some white solid crystals.

Corpse Loose Essence, this is the legendary Corpse Loose Essence! The idiot actually filled the bottom of the coffin.

Uncle Duan really wanted to get the corpse essence, so he sent two random people to catch a lot of them. Why did he ask us to come here to die?

Just when I was feeling indignant, a red shadow suddenly flashed across my sight.

I was shocked and immediately opened my eyes to see, only to find that the red shadow had disappeared.

All the attention was focused on the corpse essence just now, so I didn't pay too much attention to it. However, I subconsciously thought that the red shadow was the figure of a woman in a red dress.

I knew in my heart that the red figure would definitely come back again, so I stared at it intently. Sure enough, not long after, the red figure hung above my head again.

The villagers seemed not to notice the red shadow and continued to move forward carrying the coffin.

I stared at the red shadow carefully, only to find that the red shadow was actually a gorgeous beauty in ancient costume!

The woman has red lips and white teeth, long flowing hair, wearing red satin, a flowing skirt, and a slim figure.

She just floated above me, staring at me quietly with her crystal clear eyes. After staring for a while, she actually smiled, and then she started to press down on me little by little.

What is she doing? Is she a ghost or a fairy? ghost? At least in all these years, I have never seen such a beautiful female ghost. Regardless of temperament or appearance, she can be called a fairy descending to earth.

No matter how beautiful she was, I also knew that our yin and yang were in conflict, and it was best not to have any contact, so I immediately held the coffin and wanted to resist.

However, my strength has not recovered at all, and the opponent is so heavy that I can't breathe, so I have no room to resist. In despair, I didn't even have the courage to shout for help... God knows what extraordinary things those villagers would do if they knew I was still awake?

The female ghost landed lightly on me, then remained motionless, stretched out her hand and patted my shoulder.

I was shocked, what is she doing? Are you comforting me?

Immediately afterwards, she opened her cherry red lips, and her crystal clear little tongue stuck out, gently teasing my lips. The itchy and cold feeling was really so comfortable, so comfortable that I actually forgot about it. Resist.

A pair of warm little tongues were messing around in my mouth, and those playful eyebrows were intoxicating. I forgot about everything and was addicted to it.

In an instant, there was only a cold feeling in my mouth. However, this coldness was quickly dispelled by a sense of warmth. The little tongue disappeared, replaced by a mouth full of sand and a painful feeling. .

I immediately spat out the contents of my mouth, and when I saw the sand, I was dumbfounded.

This is clearly Zhijingsan!

Thinking about the scene where I was tempted just now, I felt really ashamed. But I know it must be the corpse spirit that is causing trouble, and I don’t know what evil nature this corpse spirit has?

Out of the corner of my eye, I suddenly caught a glimpse of a red shadow floating above the coffin next door. The red shadow floated in the air and was slowly sinking into the coffin containing Li Mazi.

Oops. My heart was beating so fast. Li Mazi couldn't handle that beauty in the red dress. Maybe even if he woke up, he would have a fight with Shan Yunyu, the beautiful witch in the red dress. If he swallowed the corpse essence, he probably wouldn't survive.

How can I save him?

At this moment, the warmth is still flowing from the body. I immediately reached out and touched it, and felt that the source of the heat was the peach soul flower.

Yes, Peach Soul Flower, how could I forget this.

I immediately took out the Peach Soul Flower. At this moment, the Peach Soul Flower was emitting a faint pink light. It should have a deterrent effect and could help drive away the female ghost in the red dress!

I was so happy that I quickly threw the peach soul flower into Li Mazi's coffin.

I hope we won’t be discovered by the villagers. If we are discovered by them, either we will be killed by the female ghost in the red dress, or we will be killed by these villagers.

Fortunately, the villagers did not notice and the coffin was still being carried forward.

"Beauty, don't go, beauty, don't go." Just when I was frightened, Li Mazi's voice came from the coffin next door, shouting. I was shocked, this guy is really lustful.

This was terrible. The villagers would definitely find out. I didn't care too much and stood up from the coffin quickly: "Li Mazi, you have done me a terrible job now!"

But Li Mazi looked around with a blank expression, then looked up at me, and couldn't help but tremble all over: "Brother Zhang, you... please explain to me, what is going on?"

"Huh?" I glanced down suspiciously, and was dumbfounded for a moment.

Behind the coffin, there was a dense team, at least hundreds of people, as if the whole village was mobilized.

These villagers were all wearing hemp and mourning. The two leaders also wore big red flowers on their chests, red and white, which gave me a strong visual impact.

What's even more terrifying is that the villagers all held their heads high and opened their mouths wide, filled with white crystals. Needless to say, those white crystals are naturally corpse essence.

The villagers' eyes were dull, they took three steps, paused, looked up to the sky and prayed, then continued walking forward, repeating this action.

At this time, they must have been confused by the corpse spirit, so they did not know what they were doing.

"Jump down, little brother Zhang, jump down quickly." Li Mazi shouted: "If you don't jump down, you will die!"

I immediately looked forward and found that we had arrived at Tianlong Lake without knowing it. The men carrying the coffin had already carried the coffin into the water, and the water was already up to their knees.

Before I could make a decision, Li Mazi had already jumped out of the coffin: "Brother Zhang, why are you still standing there? Jump while these villagers can't figure out the reality."

I took a deep breath and said awkwardly: "But... if we jump down like this, won't all the villagers suffer?"

"Fuck it." Li Mazi yelled angrily: "How did this damn thing happen, and you still think about these villagers. They are trying to kill you, brother. You have been sold and you are paying for the people."

I took a deep breath and said, "Li Mazi, go back quickly and find a way to contact the T-shirt man. I'll stay."

Li Mazi looked at me like a monster, and finally gritted his teeth and choked out a few words: " are so both loved and hated!"

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