Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 281 The Red Spirit Saint

I shook my head and said, "Go quickly! If you don't go, this small fishing village will suffer."

Li Mazi stomped his feet angrily and jumped up and down in anger, but there was nothing he could do to me. In the end, he could only grit his teeth and said: "Fuck you, I will collect your body after you die! Why did I meet you like this?" A top-notch product.”

After saying that, Li Mazi threw the peach soul flower to me: "Go on."

I smiled at him: "Thanks."

Nothing is perfect, and no one is perfect. Everyone has flaws. My fatal flaw is kindness, and I can't change it.

I stuffed the peach soul flower into my arms and jumped into the lake.

Suddenly, the cold lake water stimulated me and I couldn't help but shiver.

At this moment, the water in Tianlong Lake has reached my neck, and the cold lake water makes it difficult for me to breathe. The water in this lake is unusually cold, not to mention that we are already close to the ancient tomb. If we go further in, we will really be completely drowned.

Now these villagers are in a state of confusion and have no sense of autonomy at all. If I stand by and watch, they will definitely not survive.

I had no choice but to run to the villager carrying the coffin at the front and take out the corpse essence from his mouth.

As soon as the corpse essence was taken out, the guy's body softened and sank directly into the lake. He subconsciously began to struggle in the lake.

I ignored him and hurried to the other villagers carrying the coffin, and took out the corpse essence from their mouths.

After taking out three or four things in a row, someone finally woke up. When they saw me picking out the corpses and dispersing the essence, they immediately started yelling: "You bastard, you have angered the Red Spirit Saint. You will suffer retribution."

I rolled my eyes at the other party and said coldly: "If you still want to survive, wake up all the villagers quickly."

"You ruined our sacrificial ceremony. You must die. You must die." As he said that, the man rushed towards me without hesitation and stretched out his hands to strangle my neck.

Without saying a word, I kicked the villager away and said, "Ignorance."

At this moment, most of the villagers whose bodies had been taken out had also regained consciousness. This situation actually made them extremely angry, and they all attacked me one after another.

I dived directly into the water and came to the shore.

Ahem, ahem!

The villagers who had not had the corpse essence taken out suddenly coughed collectively and vomited out all the corpse essence in their mouths. Some of them even coughed up blood on the spot.

I knew that the sacrificial ceremony was destroyed, and the villagers' consciousness began to recover. Now, I don't have to go through the trouble of saving them one by one...

The villagers were struggling in the water. When they woke up a little and realized that the long-planned sacrifice had failed, they all screamed to the sky in despair, cried uncontrollably, and roared to settle accounts with me.

I turned around and ran away. What on earth had these people been brainwashed by? Why use your own life to worship that ancient tomb?

It's really confusing.

The villagers were already very weak after suffering from the corpse essence, so they were completely abandoned by me after running for a short time.

I breathed a sigh of relief, sat under a big tree to rest, and looked at the shore from a distance.

The villagers stood in a row on the shore, sighing as they looked at the golden nanmu coffin that was swallowed up by the flood.

In the end, Zhao Laohan stood up and said in a vicious tone: "You turtle bastard, you must catch those two guys no matter what, and provoke the Red Spirit Saint. If we can't let the Red Spirit Saint calm down this bad breath, we still have to catch those two guys." We have to die on the crystal of the Red Spirit Saint! Only by enshrining the two of them to the Red Spirit Saint can we enjoy a lifetime of glory and wealth."

"Find him, we must find him!" The villagers roared angrily, as if they had been beaten to death: "If we anger the Red Spirit Saint, the Red Spirit Saint will definitely not let us go."

Once brainwashed, no matter how weak the other party is, they will instantly become as energetic as if they had been given a shot of chicken blood. The group of villagers immediately started searching everywhere like menacing spirits.

I lamented in my heart, the evil power of the zombie essence is really fucking awesome, it can turn so many villagers into walking zombies.

I hurriedly hid behind the big tree, but I kept thinking in my mind, why did the so-called Red Spirit Saint want to brainwash these villagers? And why are they allowed to sacrifice their lives at the ancient tomb?

I finally managed to escape this night, and I didn't dare to close my eyes all night long. After dawn, I was exhausted physically and mentally, but I didn't bother to rest and went directly to the village to check the situation.

The Red Spirit Saint they were talking about would not spare the villagers, right?

After all, the villagers did not complete what the Saint of the Red Spirit told them. The Saint of the Red Spirit will definitely punish these villagers.

Now I feel that these villagers should have been brainwashed by a cult organization with the 'Red Spirit Saint' as its totem. Haven't cults in the past generations used this method to confuse the people?

It's just that the leader of this cult is a ghost.

I quietly blended into the village, hid in a lush old locust tree, and observed what was going on below.

Calculating the time, it was almost time for Li Mazi to come back, so I felt quite confident.

It's only six o'clock in the morning, and the villagers who have worked hard all day have not gotten up yet.

At this moment, a shrill scream broke the silence, and a woman ran out of her house. To my horror, she was covered in blood, which was shocking.

"Someone, come quickly, something happened to my pillar." The middle-aged woman was so panicked that she fell to the ground before she could reach the door and turned over several times.

Soon, some villagers ran up, briefly asked about the middle-aged woman's situation, and then went around to pull people around.

In a moment, the villager led a large group of people into the house. What followed was a series of sounds of vomiting, panic, and sounds of people kneeling down begging for mercy.

"Red Spirit Saint, we are going to grab the sacrifices now. Calm down your anger, calm down!" I saw Zhao Laohan crawling out of the house on his knees, and so did the rest of the villagers. After crawling out, Zhao Laohan immediately gathered the villagers and said in a decisive tone: "The Red Spirit Saint said that if we can't find the two escaped sacrifices, let alone glory, wealth, gold and silver treasures, we won't even survive. It’s all wishful thinking.”

The villagers were all scared, and they tremblingly asked Zhao Laohan to tell the Red Spirit Saint that they were going to catch the sacrifice now.

As he said that, the villagers hurriedly ran to Tianlong Lake in small groups to catch me.

After all the villagers ran away, I slipped down from the big tree like a ghost, and wanted to see how the guy named Zhuzi died tragically?

Before I even entered the door, there was a strong and pungent smell of blood, which was really unpleasant.

I took a deep breath, held my nose and stepped forward step by step.

When I saw the scene in the room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of fear again.

A shriveled corpse was hung from the beam. The corpse was turning slightly, and blood was dripping from the face.

And where does the corpse still have a face? The face seems to have been torn off by life, and only the bloody muscles are left, which is disgusting.

And that face was actually posted on the wooden door of the bedroom! The hollow facial features seemed to be spiritual, staring at me so hard that my scalp went numb and I couldn't help but get goosebumps all over my body.

I was so frightened that I backed away and prepared to leave. This scene was really uncomfortable.

What I never expected was that at this moment, a dark shadow suddenly flashed in front of my eyes, and then I felt a tightness and coldness in my neck, as if something was stuck in my throat.

Someone put a rope around my neck! I was shocked and subconsciously wanted to turn my head to look.

From the corner of his eye, he just caught a glimpse of a man dressed in black. He couldn't see his appearance, but he could feel the strong murderous aura released from him.

This should not be a villager from this village, because I am not familiar with this figure.

The other party was surprisingly strong, and he was probably from the Lian family. I stretched out my hands to try to resist, but the other party suddenly grabbed my neck and dragged me to the ground. I struggled angrily, but I couldn't break free no matter what.

The other person sat on top of me and pinned me down. He was wearing a black veil and couldn't see his appearance clearly, but those eyes felt familiar to me, as if I had seen them somewhere.

But where did you see it? I didn't have time to think about it because I was literally suffocating.

I struggled desperately, grabbed a stool and threw it on him, causing the stool to shatter. But he held my neck as steadily as a rock, with a mocking killing pleasure in the corners of his eyes...

Are we going to experience this life-and-death situation again?

I just felt that my vision was getting blurry, my brain was suffocating, and all the strength in my body was slowly being drained... It was over, it was really over this time. It's just that I couldn't figure out the murderer before I died, which made me very unwilling.

Just when I almost gave up my resistance, a small thing suddenly jumped down from the rafter and immediately stuck to the face of the man in black, making a strange squeaking sound.

The man in black panicked immediately and let out a scream. Then he quickly loosened the rope around my neck and rolled off my body.

I breathed in the fresh air greedily, and then looked in the direction of the man in black.

The man in black was rolling on the ground, covering his face with his hands. On his face, a mouse with red fur all over its body clung to it like a hedgehog. No matter how hard the man in black pulled, he could not pull the mouse off.

There was a sound of footsteps at the door. I looked at the door in horror, thinking it was the villagers coming back.

But when I saw the wretched and short figure of Senior Shu, I immediately became happy. Senior Shu really looks like a cosmopolitan mouse, and you can see him everywhere.

Senior Shu smiled at me and showed his two front teeth: "Boy, did you suffer a loss? Tell me how you can repay me this time."

I panted and waved my hand: "No matter what, catch this guy first!"

"Okay." Senior Shu agreed immediately and muttered something.

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