Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 282 The Six Meridians of the Zhang Family

As the senior rat began to recite the incantation, the red-haired rat suddenly started biting like crazy.

Facing a mouse, the arrogant man in black had no power to fight back and could only cry out in pain.

Without further ado, I quickly walked over and prepared to tie up the man in black with a rope!

Unexpectedly, the man in black was so stubborn that he didn't even want to lose his face at the critical moment... Seeing that he couldn't tear off the red-haired mouse, he simply cut off his entire face with a knife and threw it aside casually. , and then jumped out of the window.

Senior Shu was stunned in shock: "This guy is not only cruel to others, he is also cruel to himself!"

After saying that, I will catch up.

However, although the man in black lost his face, it did not hinder his skills. He had long since disappeared into the dense woods outside the village.

I took a deep breath and remembered what happened before, still feeling frightened. If it hadn't been for Senior Rat this time, I would have been doomed in all likelihood.

I thanked Senior Shu again and again, very sincerely: "Senior, this time is really troublesome for you! You saved my life."

Senior Mouse had a cute and lewd smile on his face: "Are you just talking verbally? Are you not going to do something practical?"

I smiled slightly: "Senior, just tell me what treasure you want!"

Senior Shu's family is not short of money, and he doesn't care about beautiful women. Only vaginal objects can arouse his interest.

Senior Rat said: "I don't ask for anything else. After everything is over, just help me go to the ancient tomb and retrieve three kilograms of corpse essence."

I nodded: "That's no problem. There's nothing else in that tomb, but there are just a lot of corpses scattered around."

"Okay, this is what you said, don't regret it, kid! Let's go and meet Li Mazi."

Senior Mouse's appearance here surprised me. Along the way, I asked him why he appeared in Tianlong Lake. Senior Mouse told me that it was not convenient for the man in the T-shirt to intervene in this matter, so I entrusted him to help.

I asked in surprise, why was it inconvenient for the man in the T-shirt to intervene?

Senior Shu smiled mysteriously: "This is our own business. If an outsider interferes, it will break the rules."

I was shocked. The amount of information contained in Senior Mouse's words was so great that I really couldn't understand it for a while. I just looked at Senior Mouse inexplicably.

Senior Shu put his hands behind his back and said, "You've been dealing with femininity all day long. You probably don't even know who your ancestors are, right?"

I shook my head repeatedly, I really didn’t know.

"Our Jiangbei Zhang family, before the Qing Dynasty, was the number one leader in the Yinwu Realm that crushed Longquan Villa. But now the Jiangbei Zhang family has split into six branches. These six branches have become their own factions, and some have become more and more mixed. The worse it gets, the stronger some become, but so what if they are stronger? The situation of the Zhang family in Jiangbei will never be the same again..."

"But don't underestimate the six members of the Zhang family. They usually ignore each other and even fight to fight for a treasure. But if Longquan Villa dares to destroy the Zhang family in Jiangbei, these six members will definitely gather again. Together, let's put aside our grudges and fight to the death with Longquan Villa!"

"So Longquan Villa thought about how to wipe it out, and came up with a damaging move, which is to defeat each of the six Zhang family veins! Naturally, we have to start with the weakest one first. Your family's branch will be passed to you. Come on, it’s completely over, you are the only one who has inherited the incense, and you are still the owner of a bottle that is less than half full, so trying to destroy you is just like a joke.”

Senior Rat was talking eloquently, but I was dumbfounded. What is going on here? It’s a circle of yin and yang, but it’s as complicated as a river and lake... I looked at Senior Shu with my mouth open, and my face was full of doubts.

Senior Shu waved his hand: "Okay, stop talking nonsense and hurry up to meet Li Mazi! It would be terrible if he is caught by the villagers."

I nodded, without any time to think about it, and hurriedly followed Senior Shu to find Li Mazi.

As soon as we left the village, we saw the villagers returning in great numbers. I found that all the villagers looked excited and excited, and I didn’t know what happy thing they had encountered.

Senior Shu pushed me: "Have you seen that dwarf among the villagers? Go and quietly catch that dwarf and ask him what's going on."

I took a deep breath, smeared some mud on my face, and then got into the back of the villagers' team.

The dwarf seemed to be injured. He was walking very hard and fell behind without knowing it.

When the other villagers weren't paying attention, I gently patted the short man on the shoulder. The short man was startled for a moment, and slowly turned his head to look at me.

I smiled at him, and before he could react, I grabbed his throat and pressed him to the ground, making him unable to move.

His fearful eyes gradually turned angry, as if I had slept with his wife. The extreme anger actually made his strength increase a lot for no reason, and he resisted desperately.

I couldn't hold him down by myself, and he would be able to pry my arm away immediately, which would alarm all the villagers.

Seeing this, Senior Shu quickly came over to help. However, if Senior Shu doesn't use his heresy, he is just an ordinary little old man without much strength at all.

In desperation, Senior Rat had no choice but to chant a spell, summon his natal rat, and pounce on the dwarf's face. The dwarf immediately gave up resistance and fainted.

I breathed a sigh of relief and didn't have time to stay here any longer. I quickly put the dwarf on my shoulders and ran away in a hurry before the villagers noticed us.

After running not far, I suddenly felt a chill on my neck, and a sickle was placed on my neck.

I was stunned for a moment, and my heart went cold. Those damn villagers must have sent someone to set up an ambush here!

Senior Shu shouted in surprise: "Li Mazi, what are you doing?"

what's the situation? I feel like my brain is running out of energy. Is it Li Mazi who is coercing me? I turned around and took a look, and found that it was indeed Li Mazi.

At this moment, Li Mazi was furious, his eyes were reddish, and his teeth were clenching: "Senior Shu, don't be deceived by him. He is already dead. He is not the Zhang family's brother at all."

"What are you talking nonsense about?" I rolled my eyes at Li Mazi: "I'm not Zhang Jiulin, are you?"

"The real Zhang family brother is dead. I saw it with my own eyes." Li Mazi said coldly.

I suddenly felt confused. What kind of evil did this Li Mazi commit? So I immediately asked him what was going on.

Li Mazi then told the whole story of the incident.

It turned out that when Li Mazi was hiding here just now, he suddenly saw a group of villagers passing by, looking as excited as a victorious army.

Li Mazi's first reaction was that I had been caught by the villagers, that's why the villagers were so excited!

So Li Mazi paid special attention to the crowd, and sure enough, he actually found me in the crowd.

At that time, I was confused, swaying every step, as if I was drunk, and even walking was a little unsteady.

The villagers dragged me back to the village.

Li Mazi knew that acting recklessly would only harm me, so he did not rush out to save anyone at that time.

Unexpectedly, just after the villagers left, I appeared here again. It was impossible for me to escape from the hands of the villagers in such a short period of time, so Li Mazi regarded me as a fake.

After Li Mazi finished speaking, I was also confused. How could there be another me?

I didn't observe these villagers carefully just now, so I don't know whether what Li Mazi said is true or false.

At this moment, Senior Rat suddenly ran up and jammed my mouth.

I was shocked. Did Senior Rat think I was a fake? I was about to argue, but Senior Shu immediately said: "Stop talking, let me see..."

I saw Senior Rat carefully inspecting my tongue and mouth. After a moment, his face turned gloomy, with a hint of fear in his expression.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

Senior Rat said: "Have you ever swallowed corpse essence?"

I suddenly remembered that the female ghost in red pressed on me and kissed me deeply, so I nodded.

Senior Shu patted his thigh: "This is too bad. Your fate has been copied and placed on another person. The light was dim at that time and Li Mazi couldn't see clearly, so he mistakenly thought that the fake one was You, after all, you have the same aura, only your eyes are different."

"If those villagers take care of the other you, you will also be implicated. It seems we have to go to the village!"

I was stunned and couldn't believe what I was hearing. My fate has been copied? How can fate be copied? And even Li Mazi, an old acquaintance, didn't recognize that the other party was a fake.

In other words, once the other party is torn into pieces by the villagers, I may really suffer.

It was really unlucky and I couldn't prevent it despite all the precautions. I had to ask Senior Shu if he had any remedies.

Senior Shu was silent for a moment and said: "There is no other way but to snatch that person away by force and break the destiny relationship between you."

I immediately nodded in agreement.

Li Mazi was still in a dazed state, and asked Senior Shu stupidly: "Is this guy really the younger brother of the Zhang family?"

Senior Rat nodded: "Of course."

Li Mazi breathed a sigh of relief and almost collapsed on the ground: "Thank God, you were not captured."

"Hey, who is this guy?" At this moment, Li Mazi suddenly pointed at the dwarf I caught and asked.

I quickly said: "This is a villager from a small fishing village. We can definitely know a lot of important things from him!"

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