Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 283: Fate Binding

Li Mazi said: "There seems to be something wrong with this guy. Why does he always stare at you?"

"Really?" I lowered my head curiously and found that the dwarf was indeed staring at me with a pair of eyes bigger than a copper bell.

That look seemed to be full of infinite threats, which made me shudder. I suddenly felt that he was not an ordinary villager at all.

I looked at him angrily: "Who are you?"

But the corner of the short man's mouth turned up in an arc, and he smiled extremely sinisterly: "Husband, I'm waiting for you."

His voice had a strange accent, which made me feel chilly in my heart. Sure enough, this guy is no longer a villager, but has been possessed by the undead.

I immediately stepped back and looked at him warily. After all, I didn't have a magic weapon to deal with Yin spirits, so I could only be cautious.

Senior Rat also realized that this guy was abnormal and kept mumbling something.

"Husband, I'm waiting for you." The short man laughed again, and I suddenly saw that his mouth seemed to have a crack in the middle, and there was a faint white light visible to the naked eye in the crack.

The slit was like a cutting machine, cutting his face rapidly, as if it was cutting into two halves in the middle.

I knew there was nothing I could do to stop him, I could only stand there helpless.

Li Mazi shouted in surprise: "Look, this guy has a black handprint on his neck."

I immediately looked at the other person's neck, and sure enough, on the back of his neck, there was a shocking black handprint. The crack slowly separated from the middle of the black handprint.

Needless to say, this guy also participated in the excavation of ancient tombs, thus leaving black handprints on his body.

I don’t know exactly what left the black handprints on these young villagers, but the cause of their death must be related to the black handprints.

The first villager was chopped in the middle, and the second villager had his face peeled off. This guy looked like he was about to be cut in half.

...Every death is so tragic. How much resentment does this undead have?

Even though the crack had been cut from the head to between the legs, and a large pool of blood flowed out along the crack, the short man still kept a smile, looked at me with his eyes, and made a vague voice in his throat: "Husband, I'm waiting for you."

Under our noses, the undead are so rampant. Sadly, we have no power to fight back... This made me suddenly feel so useless.

Finally, the dwarf's body was split into two, and all the internal organs flowed out, especially the brain matter, which shot out far away in the shape of a jet.

And when I looked at the black handprint, it turned into white particles, which were melted bit by bit by the blood. Those white particles should be corpse essence, right?

I couldn't help but throw up again.

Senior Shu looked at the corpse and cursed bitterly: "This thing is so vicious!"

Unexpectedly, Senior Rat, who appears to be selfish, is also compassionate.

There was a bloody smell at the scene, and the undead spirit had obviously left the body and disappeared. Senior Rat took us towards the village.

I asked Senior Rat if he had any plan to untie my fate?

Senior Mouse said that we should adapt to circumstances when the time comes, but if that doesn't work, he can only let me throw myself into a trap and ask the villagers to let the impostor go. Then he will find a way to untie the fate.

Throw yourself into a trap... These four words made me tremble with fear. It seemed that Senior Rat was powerless. He can even think of such a destructive and deceptive method.

I have no choice but to use this method.

In the distance, we heard the sound of gongs and drums coming from the village, which was very lively. The entrance to the village was in flames, and I didn't know what was going on.

We immediately quickened our pace and ran over, hiding in the corner to observe.

I saw a large bonfire lit in the middle of the road at the entrance of the village, and the villagers were queuing up to add dry wood to the bonfire.

These villagers were all dressed very festively, with happy smiles on their faces, looking at everything with satisfaction and pride.

A dozen villagers near the fire also held gongs, drums and suonas in their hands, playing like a wedding ceremony.

At this moment, a door at the entrance of the village opened, and a familiar figure walked in from the room.

The reason why I say familiar is not because the appearance is familiar, but because the other person gives me a familiar feeling. After all, our two fates are tied together.

I wanted to see the other person's face carefully, but because of the blazing flames and the fact that the other person was wearing a golden crown and a veil on his face, I couldn't see it clearly, but the look in his eyes really looked like mine.

The other party was actually wearing an ancient groom's official attire, with a big red flower hanging around his waist, and walked step by step to the bonfire.

I was wondering what on earth this guy was doing.

The next second, the villagers all threw the paper figures, paper money, and paper houses on the ground into the bonfire. Then the other ‘I’ wearing the groom’s official clothes also walked towards the bonfire in confusion.

I was shocked and quickly asked Senior Shu, could this guy set himself on fire?

Senior Shu frowned and said: "The possibility is still very high..."

My heartbeat suddenly started to accelerate: "Then what should we do? If he is burned to death by the fire, will I still have a way to survive?"

Senior Mouse said: "You will definitely not survive. Once that impostor steps into the fire, not only will you die on the spot, but your soul will also form a ghost marriage with the Red Spirit Saint, and you will not be able to get rid of it for several lifetimes."

"What the hell should I do?" I immediately became anxious. I couldn't just watch myself die.

Senior Shu gritted his teeth and said: "There is no other way but to throw yourself into a trap! You try to delay as much time as possible, and I will rescue you when I am freed from the binding of fate."

"Okay." I could only bite the bullet and agree: "Senior, you must be careful this time! Your negligence may cost my life."

Senior Shu smiled obscenely and said, "Don't worry, are you still worried about me doing things?"

I'm speechless. It's just because you, Senior Shu, are doing the work, that's why I'm worried.

I took a deep breath and walked out of my hiding place resolutely.

The villagers were focused on the bonfire and did not notice my appearance. I roared: "Stop!".

The sound of the villagers beating gongs and drums stopped, as did those burning paper money around the bonfire. The impostor in the groom's official clothes was also standing about half a meter away from the fire, looking at me with a faint look in his eyes, and then actually took off the black gauze on his face.

Seeing the face under the black gauze, I couldn't help but tremble.

Isn't this the man in black who attacked me during the day? His face had been torn off by himself, and now his entire face had turned into a skeleton. The thick putrid smell was disgusting.

He took off his crown, and his hair was incomplete and sticky with blood, which was very disgusting.

Even so, the queen is still alive, which is simply unbelievable.

He is using this method to threaten me to show up! I gritted my teeth and looked at him angrily.

"It's finally here, haha." He laughed arrogantly, without any lips, his teeth were completely exposed, and his voice was hoarse and unclear.

The villagers quickly ran up and surrounded me.

I had a headache for a while. I was afraid that the plan would not go so smoothly. This guy clearly wanted to dig a hole to lure me into it. How could he let Senior Rat easily snatch him away and release the fate binding between us? This would put me in big trouble.

Unless someone comes hard, it's impossible to catch that guy and break the bond.

"Catch him!" the other party said coldly.

I didn't resist because I knew better than anyone else that even if I ran away, what would happen? The other party will still use this method to force me to show up.

Now I can only hope that the other party will be negligent and be caught by Senior Shu and Mazi Li.

The villagers swarmed me and tied me up.

From another house, a group of people rushed out. That group of people was carrying a coffin, which was the same golden nanmu coffin that I had been carried before. I could vaguely see the faint white light reflected from the corpses in the golden nanmu coffin.

The villagers couldn't help but threw the tied me into the coffin, and then walked non-stop towards Tianlong Lake.

The suona player team leads the way, and the gong and drum team leads the way. It seems that they have planned it in advance.

I struggled hard, half-sitting up from the coffin, and looked at the place where Senior Rat was hiding. Senior Shu and Li Mazi have disappeared. It seems they are trying to find a way to catch the impostor.

Fortunately, most of the villagers followed the golden nanmu coffin, and only the impostors and a few villagers were left on the scene. I hope Senior Shu and Li Mazi can succeed!

The coffin moved forward quickly. The villagers today must be conscious, so the speed was very fast.

My whole body was tied up and I tried my best to untie the rope. But their binding techniques were very professional, and I couldn't break away at all. I even forgot to bring a sharp weapon with me and cut the rope.

I had to bite it with my teeth.

But even if I had a mouth full of iron teeth, I still wouldn't be able to bite this strong rope. My teeth were bleeding, but nothing worked.

It seemed that the villagers had learned the lesson this time. Not only did they choose to send me to the ancient tomb while I was awake, they even tied me up tightly. Now even if I had three heads and six arms, it would be difficult for me to break free.

I smiled helplessly, not knowing what to do.

While I was thinking about it, I already heard the roar of the lake. It seemed that the villagers had entered the lake.

Now once mine gets into the water, there is no way to escape unless I turn into a loach!

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