Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 284 Illusion

I panicked and struggled angrily, but this only accelerated the speed of the villagers. After a while, water seeped in through the cracks in the coffin.

Panting, I looked at the lake below me, and wanted to jump in before the water covered my body. But the villagers were well prepared. They took a shovel and slapped me hard on the head, knocking me into the coffin.

"These bastards!" I cursed harshly.

I have to find a way to escape as soon as possible, otherwise I will drown in the coffin when the water reaches my head.

Li Mazi and Senior Shu don't know what's going on now. What will I do if I can't catch the impostor?

The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. I waited for a long time, but still couldn't wait for the two of them. This made me despair, because at this moment the water had completely submerged me, and I had no choice but to stand up from the coffin.

Fortunately, all the villagers had entered the lake at this moment and could not see me at all. They just swam suicidally towards the ancient tomb.

This ancient tomb located in the middle of the lake is quite large in size. It is three to four meters high. Two people can walk in carrying a coffin.

It was just pitch black deep inside the tomb, and nothing could be seen.

I thought that if I didn’t jump down, I might never be able to come out in this life. So without saying a word, I jumped up and prepared to jump out of the coffin.

But just as he was about to jump, he suddenly felt his feet were stuck by something.

I was shocked and quickly lowered my head to look, but the coffin had been submerged in the lake and could not be seen at all.

No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't pull my legs out. I knew it must be the corpse spirit that stuck to my feet.

When this thing comes into contact with water, it turns out to be even more powerful than all-purpose glue, leaving people speechless for a while.

Just when I was thinking of a way, the sticky thing turned into a hand and slowly touched it along my legs, and soon touched my backbone.

What the hell is this? I felt that the little hand was delicate and soft, like a woman's hand, with a touch of warmth, which made the person's heart tremble wildly. I immediately turned around and looked. In the dark night, a beautiful woman in ancient costume wearing a red robe was standing behind her. Her expression could not be seen clearly, but her charm was transmitted to my mouth and nose through the bursts of air. among.

Wait, something's wrong. I should have been submerged in water now. How can I still smell this woman's body fragrance? I tried to breathe, but found that my breathing was not smooth. I wanted to stretch out my hands to struggle, but the woman was already clinging to me, like a snake, clinging to me and not letting go at all.

I was cursing Senior Shu and Li Mazi in my mind, while thinking about how to escape. And before I could think of a solution, I suddenly noticed a dazzling white light coming in my direction!

I was shocked and quickly looked in the direction of the light.

This reminded me of Zhao Laohan's previous description. Zhao Laohan told me that the young villagers discovered that the skeletons on the ground could move after a burst of white light stirred up in the ancient tomb. Could it be that the white light could wake up the bones?

If this is the case, my hands and feet are tied now, and even if I don't drown, my fate can be imagined.

The villagers carrying the coffin also stopped at this moment, and then lowered the coffin. Through that white light, I really saw skeletons standing up one after another. They were densely packed into a square formation, blocking my sight and preventing me from seeing the scene in the tomb clearly.

What else could I think? My first thought was to run away quickly.

But the woman in red kept hugging me, making it impossible for me to get away.

well! I have thought of thousands of ways to die, but I never imagined that I would die in such a painful way.

"Husband, come on." The woman in red suddenly said softly in my ear. The white light became stronger, piercing me so hard that I couldn't open my eyes.

Then, I suddenly found that I could move my hands and feet. Without saying a word, I turned around and left.

But at this moment, I seemed to be no longer in the water. Before I could figure it out, someone suddenly whipped me hard on my back. I immediately looked back, but was horrified to find that I was in an unfamiliar environment.

The lake was gone, the coffin was gone, and the woman in red was gone. The place where I was seemed to be a very large quarry, with the scorching sun hanging in the sky and its scorching light shining on the sweaty laborers.

The workers were all dressed in ancient costumes, their clothes were ragged, and their bodies were scarred by whips. Many of them were too tired to work. But how could the soldiers holding whips around them give them a chance to rest? If you stop, you will be whipped.

Just now I tried to escape and was whipped by a soldier.

Let me go, I finally understand, I have entered the illusion brought by the corpse spirit.

Corpse essence is the crystal formed by the condensed souls of the dead. These crystals themselves carry powerful grievances. Once the corpse spirits gather too much, these grievances will merge with each other to create a powerful illusion.

If a person falls into an illusion by mistake and does not escape in time, he will be trapped in it for the rest of his life.

I panicked. In a place like this, my meager spells were of no use at all. I don’t know what’s going on with Senior Shu and Li Mazi now. Will they be able to rescue me from the tomb?

While I was thinking wildly, another long whip came down hard, and my back suddenly felt a burning pain, as if someone had poured concentrated sulfuric acid on me.

I suddenly became furious, and when I looked back, I found a soldier staring at me fiercely, his eyes wide open, and he was cursing: "Hurry up and work, if you are lazy again, I will behead you!"

After saying that, the soldier drew his sword and threatened me.

I have to admit that I was really frightened by the soldiers, so I quickly moved the rocks.

On the side, screams kept coming, and the sounds became weaker and weaker. I looked over curiously, and soon discovered that one of the workers was too tired, so he hid behind a stone and was lazy. As a result, he was discovered by a soldier, who was beating the worker desperately.

The worker begged hard, and finally the soldier saw that he couldn't hold on any longer, so he finally spared him.

When the dirty face of the worker turned around, I felt a mixture of sadness and joy in my heart. Because that worker turned out to be Senior Shu!

There was a hint of schadenfreude in my despair. What's desperate is that Senior Shu was also caught here, and I can't be saved at all. What makes me gloat is that seeing Senior Rat being beaten makes me feel so happy.

When the soldiers weren't paying attention, I secretly threw a stone at Senior Rat.

Senior Shu was stunned for a moment and looked in my direction suspiciously. After seeing me, his eyes suddenly became misty with tears, as if he was seeing his long-lost biological father.

Senior Shu and I sneaked closer. We pretended to be working, but in fact we were whispering: "Senior, why did you come in too? Where is Li Mazi?"

"Oh, it's hard to explain! We have all fallen into the trap. This is just a big trap. Now that it's over, I still hope to live out my old age peacefully for the rest of my life. As for Li Mazi, you'd better ask for your blessings. God knows what's going on. Has the boy been killed by an impostor now?"

My heart skipped a beat: "No, I have to save him."

Senior Shu couldn't hold it back anymore, he laughed out loud, and received a few more whips in vain.

"You brat, can you stop being so funny? You still hope to save Li Mazi. You can go out first and then talk about it!"

I feel sad and feel that we have really made a big mistake this time.

Senior Mouse and I discussed an escape plan, but there were soldiers everywhere, and an army was stationed in the distance. The entire quarry was surrounded. It was not that easy to escape.

Senior Shu and I worked in vain all day, and we were exhausted. Finally, when the sun went down, all the workers were rushed to the mountain.

Dinner is just steamed buns and old pickles, without even a drop of water. What kind of life is this?

After eating, they were driven to the shack to sleep. The shack stank to the sky and was as hot as a steamer, worse than a pigsty. Senior Shu and I were desperate. Do we really want to be trapped in this illusion for the rest of our lives?

And what's even more disgusting is that although it is an illusion, this illusion is too real. I can feel all the ups and downs, and feel exhausted. If modern people were thrown into this illusion, if one out of ten people could survive, that would be pretty good.

Even in this messy environment, we finally fell asleep. After all, the day's work was too tiring.

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