Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 285 Peasant Uprising

In a daze, I felt as if someone was pushing my body.

I was shocked and quickly opened my eyes, only to find that it was Senior Rat who woke me up. At this moment, many workers were awake and got up from the bed.

It was a companion who woke us up. At this moment, many laborers were awakened and climbed out of bed.

I was wondering what happened? Suddenly, a cool, delicate yet strong girl's voice came.

what happened? Why is there still a young woman's voice in the quarry?

Before I could react, Senior Rat had already walked out of the shack and was looking into the distance.

"Hey, that looks like a big beauty." Senior Mouse immediately shouted: "Are you going to perform a striptease?"

This was in ancient times, where did striptease come from? I looked over with a wry smile, only to find that there were several tough men standing in the quarry. All of them were serious in speech and speech. They were holding a flag in their hands, with the word "holy" written on it.

Behind the sturdy men, there was a sedan with an open top. There were actually two beauties sitting on the sedan. They were both dressed in red robes, their faces were stunning, and their skin was as tender as a peeled egg, making them look like goddesses.

Yes, even in modern times, she is at the level of a goddess.

The two women were sitting upright, and a look in their eyes was enough to captivate a large audience. They were today's protagonists.

"The Holy Lady of the Red Spirit descended to earth to save the common people. Why don't you kneel down quickly?" A big man in the lead yelled angrily.

Then a man was thrown out and beheaded with a sword. He turned out to be a soldier who had overseen the work during the day.

The soldier whipped an unknown number of workers, and when he saw the bad breath coming out, the workers immediately knelt down in ecstasy.

"I am the Saint of the Red Spirit, and I have come down to earth to save the common people! You were originally destined to be rich and noble, but you were trapped in the quarry like animals by these people who brought disaster to the country and the people. Now fight with me to break out of the siege, and you can all join us. Official title: Marquis!"

The Holy Lady of the Red Spirit is like a high-ranking goddess in the hearts of everyone, and now she has given the workers freedom. How can these workers think too much? Therefore, they all bowed their heads and bowed their heads, and their voices were heard endlessly.

"I am willing to obey the orders of the Red Spirit Saint. I am willing to obey the orders of the Red Spirit Saint." Someone shouted loudly in the crowd.

With the first person starting, more and more people began to respond to the Red Spirit Saint.

The Red Spirit Saint looked at everyone with satisfaction and nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, then follow me and kill all these enemies!"

After saying that, everyone picked up their hoes and poles and prepared to rush out with the Red Spirit Saint.

A huge crowd came out like a tide. The commotion here soon alerted the officers and soldiers stationed nearby, who rushed to suppress it anxiously.

There was chaos in the quarry, and I immediately asked Senior Rat what to do? Should we follow the crowd and fight out, or should we find an opportunity to sneak away.

Senior Rat said it was foolish to follow the crowd. The corpses in the tomb probably belonged to this group of workers. They must have failed in the uprising and were killed by the officers and soldiers.

"Then sneak out." I said.

Senior Mouse also shook his head: "Let's take a look at the nearby terrain."

I looked around and saw that the surrounding mountains were blazing with flames. The workers had been blocked at the mouth of the valley by officers and soldiers on three levels and three levels outside. Trying to sneak out was simply a dream.

What to do? You can't kill, you can't run, you can't escape.

The last discussion was to just lie down on the ground and pretend to be dead.

So I immediately lay down on the ground and put a handful of blood on my face to pretend.

The battle has entered a fever pitch. The sounds of shouting and killing, and the painful moans are endless, and the scene is very lively.

I hoped in my heart that I could escape this disaster by pretending to be dead. These laborers were too ignorant. What would happen if they listened to the bewitchment of a few cultists and went against the imperial court?

As expected, the uprising ended in failure. All the surviving laborers were captured. Even Senior Shu and I were thrown into mass graves. I saw the officers and soldiers killing all the surviving laborers. His head was dead, and the corpses were not spared. They were all piled together and prepared to be burned.

Cold sweat broke out on my nervous forehead. It was over now, we had no way out, and sooner or later we would be burned to death by the fire.

The fire was blazing in front of me, and the scorching temperature made my body hot and my chest felt suffocating.

Is that the explanation? I'm really not reconciled at all.

But what if you are not willing to do so?

And just when I could no longer hold on, this painful burning sensation suddenly disappeared, and the feeling of being pressed by the corpses also disappeared.

It's really strange. What's going on? I opened my eyes suspiciously.

The scorching sun hung overhead, burning the quarrying mountain. Many workers in ancient clothes are still busy, and the soldiers are still as fierce as ever...

Without the pile of corpses, without the Red Spirit Saint, without the officers and soldiers, we are back to daytime again, have we turned back time?

I can't accept this cruel fact. What the hell is going on?

While I was thinking about it, a whip hit my back hard, causing my back to hurt. I looked back and saw the same fierce-looking soldier: "What are you talking about? Get to work quickly."


An old man screamed like he was killing a pig, and I immediately looked over. It was Senior Shu.

Damn it, cycle, we are trapped in this cycle. We have to suffer the pain of slavery every day, and we have to endure the pain of being whipped with whips, scorched by the sun, and burned by fire.

I said hello to Senior Shu, and we got together again.

Regarding this endless cycle, Senior Shu was really desperate. He cursed his mother, but he couldn't think of a way to escape.

They still ate steamed buns and pickles, slept in the smelly shacks, and the Holy Lady of the Red Spirit came again, inciting the workers to revolt...

After repeating it for one day, and another day after another, Senior Mouse and I were tortured to the point of mental breakdown. Senior Mouse even proposed suicide several times.

Without hope in life, the days when we were just hanging on for dear life are really something I will never forget.

I don’t know how many times we have gone through this cycle, but today we finally saw hope!

While Senior Shu and I were pretending to be dead and continuing to avoid the peasant uprising, I suddenly felt a sharp claw clawing at my face.

I was shocked and looked around quickly, but I was horrified to find that what was scratching my face was actually a big rooster.

The big rooster's comb was red, like a burning flame, and his eyes looked at the crowd proudly, with disdain in his eyes.

Strange, how could there be a big cock in a place like this? Even the mice would have been eaten completely, so I immediately realized that this big rooster was not normal.

Senior Shu also noticed the big rooster and immediately asked me to open the mouth of the big rooster to see if there was a note inside with my birth date written on it?

I immediately followed the instructions and opened the big rooster's mouth. Sure enough, I actually found a note from the big rooster's mouth, with my birth date clearly written on it.

There is also a line of birth dates, which should be those of Senior Rat, right? I showed it to Senior Mouse. Senior Mouse was overjoyed and his eyes filled with excitement: "The rooster is calling the spirit. Someone is showing us the way! Follow this big rooster quickly."

With that said, Senior Shu and I reached out and grabbed the big rooster.

The big rooster started running wildly, but Senior Rat and I seemed to have no weight in front of the big rooster. We were dragged forward by the big rooster and flew hundreds of meters away in the blink of an eye.

Our bizarre escape method immediately shocked everyone. They all looked at us and even stopped fighting.

In the end, the guardsmen were the first to react and shouted: "Hurry up and chase the rebels!"

As he said that, the guarding officers and soldiers took the lead to catch up, but their speed was not comparable to the big rooster. The two of us were like supersonic rockets, and even the time and space in front of us became distorted. Almost in the blink of an eye, the officers, soldiers and workers in front of us disappeared, and now we actually appeared in the ancient tomb.

We should be in a state of soul at this moment, right? Weightless and unaffected by the earth's gravity, it didn't take long for him to fly all the way back to the village, in front of the low farmhouse.

"Zhang Jiulin, come back soon, Zhang Jiulin, come back soon." Li Mazi's voice came from the room. The big rooster suddenly kicked its legs and ran away. Senior Shu and I were hanging on the spot lightly, my consciousness It also started to become blurry.

Li Mazi's voice still kept coming, and I felt like my body was not under control, floating towards the room little by little.

Then I saw a scene in the room. Senior Shu and I were lying on the bed side by side, with two spiritual flags stuck on the bedside. Li Mazi and another person were half-sitting on the bedside, calling me softly.

I floated above my body little by little. At this moment, I was so sleepy that I couldn't open my eyes. I only felt my body falling a little bit, and finally sank completely into my body.

I don’t know how long it took, but I suddenly felt a tightness in my chest and a headache that felt like it was tearing apart.

Li Mazi's calling voice still kept coming. I opened my eyes and tried to half sit up from the bed, but my body was so sore that I failed.

Li Mazi asked in surprise: "Brother Zhang, are you okay?"

I smiled at him with difficulty: "I'm fine, where are we...?"

"Don't worry." Li Mazi said, "This place is very safe."

I looked around with confused eyes and found that we were in a broken house where the villagers had previously imprisoned us.

Behind Li Mazi, there was a middle-aged man standing. The middle-aged man had a beard and his majestic eyes were chilling.

I couldn't help but tremble all over, that look was so terrifying and the aura was so powerful.

Ahem, ahem!

Senior Shu also woke up and coughed violently. The bearded man struck out like lightning and quickly patted Senior Shu on the back a few times.

It wasn't until Senior Rat coughed up blood clots that the movements of Bearded's hands stopped.

When Senior Shu's eyes fell on Lu Wuhu, he smiled miserably: "Second brother, why are you here?"

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