Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 286 The highest level of pretentiousness

"Nonsense." The bearded man was furious and reprimanded fiercely: "You two brainless things, did you also fall into the trap of Longquan Villa?"

This man had such a bad temper, my first reaction was to beat this grandson to death. However, Senior Rat was very afraid of Beard, and looked at Beard with awe in his eyes, and simply ignored his insults.

"Is our old Zhang family ready to take action?" Senior Shu asked.

Only then did the bearded man's tone soften: "You two are the final inheritance of the two remnants of the Zhang family in Jiangbei! If something happens to you, I'm afraid the Zhang family in Jiangbei will be in trouble in the future, so I must save you."

After saying that, the bearded man looked into the distance with cold eyes, and said coldly: "This time, Longquan Villa made the first move, so don't blame me for being rude..."

With that said, Bearded Beard asked us to wait for him here while he went out.

So I quickly asked Li Mazi, where are the villagers? How is it now?

Li Mazi said that the group of villagers had been controlled. Bearded had brought a large number of experts, each of whom seemed more powerful than the last. He was afraid that the group of villagers would suffer now.

I asked Li Mazi again, where are the fakes? So what happens now.

Li Mazi told me that the counterfeiter had also been caught by Beard, and now his fate had been untied, so I could rest assured.

I breathed a sigh of relief. What I was most worried about now was the matter of fate.

Li Mazi took advantage of our free time and told me what he learned from Luo Xihu.

This place is indeed a pit of thousands of corpses, dating from the Qin Dynasty!

In the 30th year of the Qin Dynasty, there were so many exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes, soldiers were recruited all over the country, and strong men were recruited to work as coolies, and the people were living in dire straits.

This pit of thousands of corpses was formed when the tomb of a prince and king of the Qin Dynasty was built. That tomb has still not been found to this day. Instead, this pit of thousands of corpses has been exposed to the surface after thousands of years of wind and rain.

The bones in the pit of corpses are all laborers who died building the tombs of the princes and kings.

At that time, an episode happened here. An evil organization called the Red Spirit Holy Cult took a fancy to these workers and wanted to do something big. They sneaked into the quarry, killed the guards, and used the Red Spirit Saint to incite the workers to rebel and fight to the death with the officers and soldiers outside.

The result can be imagined. This unprepared uprising ended in a farce. All the workers were killed, the saints of the Red Spirit Holy Sect were also captured alive and executed, and the Red Spirit Holy Sect was destroyed. .

The officers and soldiers buried the workers' bodies on the spot, sprinkled lime on the bodies, and planted willow trees around them, so that these people could not be reincarnated even after death and were trapped here for generations. This was considered a severe punishment for the rebels!

Over time, these undead souls naturally became scattered corpses.

Corpse powder is different from corpse powder essence. The white crystals we have seen in the past few days are actually corpses, and the corpse spirits are the ones who control these corpses, and they have not appeared yet.

If you want to completely solve the problem here, you must force the corpse spirit out.

The bearded man was now preparing to deal with the corpse spirits, so he went out to set up the formation with the masters of the Zhang family.

Who is that bearded man, and why is he helping us like this? I then turned my curious eyes to Senior Rat.

Senior Shu had called him second brother before, so Senior Shu must know him.

Senior Shu smiled faintly and said: "Do you still remember what I told you before? The Zhang family in Jiangbei has been divided now. There is one lineage that is the strongest. My second brother is the leader of the strongest lineage. One of them, I don’t have much ability, but I have a bad temper. If you can give me such great power and control so many people, let alone a zombie, even Longquan Villa, I can destroy it... "

I smiled and didn't take it seriously, thinking that Senior Shu was just bragging.

We had nothing to do, so we decided to go to Tianlong Lake for a walk to see how Luo Xihu and the others were preparing.

When we came to Tianlong Lake, we saw that the scene was in full swing. Dozens of people were shuttling back and forth in the distant jungle, transporting something.

I took a look and found cement, lime, sand, and sack after sack of refined salt.

I wondered if they were going to build a dam at Tianlong Lake to isolate the ancient tombs? And those who were transporting things were actually villagers from this village. I didn’t see anyone from the Zhang family in Jiangbei.

Senior Shu smiled and explained that this was just a prelude, and the truly capable masters would have to wait until the end to appear.

I nodded thoughtfully.

I wonder how these villagers who have been deceived and brainwashed can be de-brainwashed and recognize reality.

Senior Shu smiled and said that the devil is as high as the road, and the Zhang family in Jiangbei is not a vegetarian. Those old guys work together, and their energy can reach the sky. Let alone let these villagers recognize the reality, even if they call them daddy None of it is a problem.

Since there are experts from the Zhang family presiding over this place, we have nothing to do here, so we might as well go back and rest. After several days of collecting stones in the fantasy world, my whole body was exhausted.

I slept until it was dark, and I could vaguely smell a refreshing aroma. I opened my eyes in a daze and found Li Mazi squatting at the door, cooking something.

I walked over and took a look and found that Li Mazi was cooking chicken. The dinner bell in my stomach rang uncontrollably and I started eating immediately.

Li Mazi's craftsmanship is pretty good, and he can still cook such delicious chicken under these conditions.

Only later did I hear Li Mazi say that the chicken I ate was the big rooster that brought us out of the illusion, and I immediately felt a sense of guilt in my heart.

I ate my savior!

After dinner, I took Senior Shu and Li Mazi to Tianlong Lake. One side of the island was surrounded by sandbags, and the solid sandbags formed a wall.

On the shore, many people had gathered at this moment. They were all men in white clothes, some were young and some had long beards. They were all looking at the lake nonchalantly, as if this zombie essence was a piece of cake for them. of.

At this moment, the gang noticed the two of us, with contempt in their eyes.

Senior Shu was a little embarrassed, pulled my hand and said, "Hurry up!"

I don't know why Senior Shu wanted to leave, but seeing the malicious looks in those guys' eyes, I had no intention of staying here any longer, so I turned around and prepared to leave.

"Senior Rat? Long time no see." At this time, a man with a big belly walked out of the crowd. The man had big gold teeth, a gold necklace around his neck, a Rolex watch in his hand, and a string of BMW cars hanging on his waist. Keys, a typical expensive outfit.

Senior Shu and I seemed a little stretched in front of him. My first impression was that this big gold tooth was really good at showing off.

Senior Shu was stopped by someone and could not move forward. He had to turn his head and glance at Da Jinya in embarrassment: "Xiao Sun, how come you have grown so big? I hugged you when you were a child."

Da Jinya laughed and said: "Senior Shu, I think your life has not been very good recently. Why don't you even have any decent clothes?"

Senior Shu smiled awkwardly and said, "You're not doing well."

At this time, Da Jinya's cell phone rang. Da Jinya immediately took out his mobile phone and answered a call. After coming back, I held the phone in my hand again and waved it in front of Senior Mouse. I saw it was a gold-plated iPhone 6s: "Senior Mouse, do you know how much this phone costs? Five hundred thousand, you can earn five hundred thousand a year." Will one hundred thousand be credited?"

Senior Shu didn't say anything, he just stretched his waist and said it was really hot today.

After saying that, he took off his clothes. In the process of taking off his clothes, a mobile phone slipped out of Senior Mouse's pocket. I saw that it was the diamond-encrusted iPhone 6s. It was more valuable than the gold-encrusted version. It was limited worldwide. Five hundred units.

Senior Mouse glanced down at his phone and said angrily: "I'm really stupid. Why did I forget my Dior phone at home again when I went out and bring this crappy phone out?"

As he spoke, he kicked the diamond-encrusted iPhone 6s into the water: "Now there will be no confusion!"

Afterwards, Senior Mouse threw away his worn-out jacket, and I discovered that he was actually wearing several luxury watches on his arms, about five or six, all of which were limited edition watches from Patek Philippe and Rolex.

"You..." The big golden tooth couldn't help but look at Senior Mouse with his mouth open.

Senior Mouse said impatiently: "Time is money now. You can't make a mistake even a minute. It's right to bring a few more watches."

Senior Shu stretched his waist and exposed his golden belt, which was shining with gold.

Damn it, how did this guy go from a wretched old man to a diamond king in the blink of an eye!

Senior Shu stretched his waist and said, "Let's go take a rest, we're tired."

Then he dragged me away.

I was still in shock. After I walked away, I immediately asked Senior Shu what was going on and why he was wearing so many world-famous brands, even the belt was gold.

Senior Shu said: "You know something, do you know that this is called packaging? When I came, I had already guessed that my grandson would show off in front of me, so I prepared in advance."

I asked if these were genuine? Senior Shu smiled awkwardly: "They are all made of stainless steel. Do you think it is true?"

I was stunned for a while. In terms of pretentiousness, I was still far behind Senior Shu.

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