Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 287 A gathering of experts

The three of us were sitting in a bush by the lake to rest, while the villagers were hiding not far away and looking at us with fear in their eyes. Maybe they were worried about our revenge? I don't care about them either.

When Senior Shu and I were bored, there was a sudden roar on the lake, as if someone had detonated a depth charge, and the water waves splashed seven or eight meters high.

At the same time, the water surface seemed to be boiling, bubbling gurglingly, and the water vapor was already boiling.

Senior Shu immediately ran up with me.

The people of the Zhang family stood ready, spread out, and surrounded the ancient tomb.

After observing for a moment, Luo Huo ordered: "Put in the lime quickly!"

Immediately, the group of villagers hurried to the lake and threw bags of lime into the lake.

When lime meets water, it immediately begins to bubble. The water vapor rises into the sky like an atomic bomb. A pungent smell permeates everywhere, giving people a headache.

Everyone stood ready, staring at the lake.

With the bubbling sound of the water surface, dense white bones began to float up from the water. Most of these bones were fragmented, and only a few remained intact, churning up and down with the boiling lake water.

A big wave rolled in, and Tianlong Lake was so frightened that the corpses seemed to be attracted by magnets. They quickly spiraled up and formed a white pillar of corpses, getting taller and fatter. And it looks like a person's torso, hands and head are gradually forming.

I never expected that there would be so many corpses scattered down here. The dead souls of that year must not only be those who rebelled, but there must be more dead people dumped here.

I took a deep breath, worried that if these corpses really formed corpse spirits, it would be very difficult to deal with them.

The bearded man walked out of the crowd and roared: "Put the sand in!"

The villagers who had been squatting on one side suddenly rushed forward, holding dustpans or wooden boards in their hands, which were filled with sand. With Beard's order, all the sand was poured into the center of the lake.

Unexpectedly, the sand did not sink, but was absorbed into the white pillars along with the scattered bodies.

However, the sand was not tightly adsorbed on the pillar like scattered corpses, but peeled off from the top bit by bit. As the sand peeled off, more and more corpses also peeled off. After a while, the white pillars that had finally gathered together had fallen to only half of their previous height.

"These grandsons still have some brains." Senior Shu said: "They also know how to use sand to remove the cohesion of the scattered corpses. If the scattered corpses are condensed into human form, I am afraid that the few of us will not be enough to fill the gap between each other's teeth. "

I said thoughtfully: "Isn't there still half of the corpse left? Why isn't that half of the corpse scattered?"

Senior Shu looked at the half of the corpse and sighed: "I'm afraid that half of the corpse is where the corpse spirit is. Damn it, it's really not that easy to kill the corpse spirit... …”

However, I took a special look at Bearded Beard. Bearded Beard had a happy expression on his face and didn't pay any attention to the half-broken body.

This tough battle has just begun, and the bearded man is already complacent. I always have an ominous premonition in my heart. Is this guy going to fail?

Although the remaining half of the corpse still wanted to be condensed into a human form later, because the corpse was mixed with too much sand, the white pillars that were easily formed fell apart again. I tried several times, but it always happened like this. .

The bearded man and the Zhang family all looked at the half-dismembered corpse with disdain. In their opinion, this was just the rest of the corpse, right? It's about to be completely finished.

But I don't dare to take it lightly. These things are collapsing on the surface. God knows if they are just appearances. In fact, they are brewing some plan, ready to explode into a small universe at any time and kill us all.

Sure enough, the corpse seemed to have wisdom. Realizing that it might not be able to condense, it simply gave up. The lake quickly became quiet, and even the remaining half of the corpse gradually disappeared and melted into the water. .

"You little monster, how dare you show off in front of me!" The bearded man smiled coldly, and then looked at me with a cold expression: "Okay, it's settled, you can leave. As for Longquan Villa, I will tell you in the future It’s time to clean it up. If you still have some conscience, you can come and help us, but it probably won’t be of much help.”

Damn you uncle, this is naked contempt! I gave my beard a hard look, then turned and left.

But just as he walked away, a strong explosion suddenly erupted from the bottom of Tianlong Lake. The lake water suddenly splashed to a height of more than ten meters. Many white corpses were scattered from the bottom of the lake. They were blown up from the bottom of the lake, bloomed in the air, and then slowly fall.

The white corpses were scattered, like snowflakes, but they were heavier than snowflakes, and they were also harmful to people's souls. I felt a little dizzy.

The bearded man gave me a fierce look, took off his clothes and covered my head: "A little corpse can hurt your soul. You are really embarrassing our Zhang family! Go aside and see uncle." How do we clean it up?”

I am not a show off person, so even though I was angry, I quickly hid aside.

Senior Mouse is quite capable of adapting to the situation. Seeing the situation at the scene, he nodded and bowed: "I am no longer of use when I am old. I will come to the side to cheer you on."

Saying that, Senior Shu also ran away immediately.

At this time, Li Mazi ran up from the huddled group of villagers and pulled us into squatting inside the group of villagers: "Let's just quietly watch them pretending to be cool. There will always be times when they suffer."

It’s true that birds of a feather flock together, and for people like the three of us who are greedy for life and afraid of death, it is considered a kind of fate to be together.

Among the waves, I saw a white sculpture leaping out from the bottom of the lake.

After the waves gradually dissipated, I stared at the white statue carefully. It was an indescribable material that looked completely translucent, as if it were carved from a piece of round and beautiful jade.

The beautiful jade was carved into the form of a woman. The woman had a calm expression, lying cross-legged, with an elegant smile on her lips. Her eyes without eyes were so bright, looking at everyone.

"Zi San Jing, this is the real Corpse San Jing!" Senior Rat's whole body was trembling with excitement: "Oh my god, I finally saw the real Corpse San Jing."

The bearded men were equally excited. They stared at the beautiful jade carvings and their whole bodies trembled with excitement: "Real Corpse Essence is really different when it becomes a spirit. Brothers, the time has come for us to make a contribution. Take the Corpse Essence back, The clan leader will definitely not treat us badly."

Suddenly, the Zhang family became excited as if they had been beaten to death. They all took out their whips from their arms, got into the water with eager eyes, and walked towards the direction where the corpses were scattered.

I was shocked by this scene. The specifications and appearance of the whips in these people's hands were exactly the same as the Sirius Whip in my hand.

Could it be that all descendants of the Zhang family have Sirius whips in their hands? The Sirius Whip that I regard as a treasure is actually a commodity? This hurt my self-esteem ten thousand times.

Senior Shu couldn't sit still anymore and screamed inwardly. Then he stood up and tried to stop him: "Don't go into the water. The water is the main battlefield for the zombies. If you go in, your entire army will be wiped out."

But how could those people listen to Senior Shu? The big gold tooth before turned around and cursed: "Fuck you, a corpse spirit scared you to this point. If you tell me, it will really embarrass our Zhang family. Don't claim to be from the Zhang family in Jiangbei again..."

Just as he was talking, the group of people had already approached the zombies and surrounded them.

Senior Shu angrily yelled on the shore: "These grandsons who don't know the smell of shit and urine are really desperate! Second brother, you must take the overall situation into consideration and don't rush for quick success."

The bearded man said coldly: "I'm prepared, whip it for me!"

Following Beard's command, all the people from the Zhang family in Jiangbei raised their whips high in the air and struck hard at the scattered corpses.

And their other hand is not idle, they are constantly pinching various finger tricks, and then applying the power of the finger tricks to the whip.

I immediately ran up and asked Senior Shu if this trick would work.

Senior Shu also looked at a loss, looked at me and said: "Judging from the situation at the scene, it seems that... it should... maybe... it is feasible in theory. Is it because I am old and am too worried? This is useless I have seen the power of the magic finger before. Although these guys are not good at learning, they can't stand up to a large number of people."

I breathed a sigh of relief. Senior Rat said it was possible, so it was almost 70% to 80% sure.

As everyone beat him, the corpse essence slowly floated into the air, and bloody whip marks began to appear on his body. The originally mocking smile at the corner of its mouth also slowly disappeared, until finally it disappeared completely.

I breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed like it was almost done.

Senior Shu also breathed a sigh of relief and told me that this corpse spirit was actually made from a physical body suppressed by resentment. The Zhang family's Demon-Breaking Finger can use the power of resentment and is its nemesis!

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