Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 288 Blood spilled on Tianlong Lake

I breathed a sigh of relief and smiled lightly and said that's fine.

Li Mazi began to drive the villagers back to the village to stop staring at the shore. As soon as Li Mazi stuck his butt out, I knew what he was about to fart. He was worried that these corpses were valuable and would be robbed by the villagers, and our work would be in vain.

We can't get the corpse essence, but we still have to pick up some of the corpse essence.

The situation seemed to have stabilized, and the corpse spirit had whip marks all over its body and began to slowly sink into the water. The bearded man also had a proud look on his face, and even glanced at Senior Rat with a provocative look.

Senior Shu smiled awkwardly and prepared to greet us to leave.

I was a little unwilling and asked Senior Shu, why don’t we pick up some corpses and scatter them back? Senior Shu rolled his eyes at me and said that it would be good if he could save his life, but don’t even think about taking advantage.

I had no choice but to nod my head, followed Senior Shu unwillingly, returned to the village, packed up my things, and left.

Before leaving, Senior Shu looked in the direction of Tianlong Lake and was silent for a long time.

I urge Senior Shu to get in the car quickly. If we meet those people from the Zhang family again, won't we be humiliated again?

Senior Rat shook his head and motioned for me to stop talking. He closed his eyes and seemed to have entered a meditative state.

Li Mazi and I looked at each other, and Li Mazi asked me inexplicably what Senior Shu was doing. Are you reluctant to part with the mountains and rivers here, and want to imprint all of this in your mind?

I said that was just a bloody plot that only appears in TV dramas. Stop talking and look at what Senior Rat is doing.

"Such a strong fluctuation of Yin Qi..." Senior Shu suddenly whispered in a dreamy voice.

I was stunned for a moment and looked at Senior Shu: "Is something wrong?"

"Let's go." Senior Shu suddenly felt wind at his feet and ran towards Tianlong Lake without saying a word.

I was shocked and quickly chased after him: "Senior Shu, what's wrong?"

Senior Shu ignored me and just rushed towards Tianlong Lake.

And when we ran to Tianlong Lake, we were shocked by the scene in front of us. Li Mazi even said "Oh my God" and sat down on the ground.

I immediately ran up and pulled Li Mazi up, staring at the scene in shock.

There were no experts from the Zhang family anywhere at the scene. Only the corpse's scattered essence was still floating quietly on the lake, and the entire water on the lake was dyed blood red.

The bearded man stood alone on the shore. The muscles and bones all over his body burst out, and the blood vessels spread like earthworms. He glared angrily at the corpses, gnashed his teeth, looked up to the sky and roared, making a sound like a wild beast.

I suddenly felt that his body seemed to have swelled a lot and was a little taller than usual, and a strange spell was written in blood on his forehead.

not good!

Senior Shu jumped up in shock and shouted: "Shang Mao Zhi Shu, second brother, you don't want to die."

"My people, all my people are dead." Bearded Man howled in pain: "I want to die with it."

"No, we will find a way." Senior Shu stopped Beard: "Just wait, we will take action now."

"Go away." Bearded Beard pushed Senior Shu aside: "This is our family matter. We don't want you to interfere. Get out of here!"

After saying that, Lu Xiu rushed into the lake, stretched out his hands, and stuck the corpse essence tightly.

"Death!" Beard roared angrily, and the strength of his arms gradually increased. As Senior Rat said, corpse essence is formed by the physical body being suppressed by resentment, and it was quickly crushed bit by bit by the beard.

But the crushed part is repairing itself at a faster speed!

Senior Shu cursed angrily, then took out something similar to a small iron pot from his arms, and smashed it on Zhi Sanjing's head.

I can't be idle either, even though I know it's dangerous. But I still know in my heart that the bearded ‘Shang Mao’s Technique’ is our main force. If the beards give up, then even if we are really capable, we will not be able to withstand the attack of the corpse spirits.

But after I ran a few steps, I felt my legs being grabbed by a pair of big hands. Without saying a word, I squatted down and pulled the other person out of the lake.

After pulling the other person out, I discovered that the guy was actually a member of the Zhang family in Jiangbei. It's just that this guy is completely unrecognizable at this moment. His face is covered with translucent bubbles. In the bubbles, you can clearly see scattered corpses suspended in them.

This scene was completely unacceptable to me, who suffers from trypophobia. I screamed and kicked him away. Then he ignored the dense pile of corpses at his feet and ran wildly in the direction of the scattered corpses.

But before he got close, he heard a scream from Lu Xiu, and then his body hit the shore, making a big hole in the soil on the shore.

There were also dense blisters on his bearded face, which was very disgusting. Naturally, the corpse was scattered in the water, and there were more corpses than the rest of the Zhang family in Jiangbei.

I knew I couldn't defeat the zombies alone, so I simply turned around and retreated.

Senior Shu scolded me from behind: "Damn boy, why are you running away?"

"Aren't you running too..."

Before I could finish speaking, Senior Rat had already run in front of me. At the critical moment of his life, Senior Rat's potential was fully unleashed.

I was just about to speed up, but suddenly I felt a weak hand grab my arm, and a strand of fragrant hair was draped casually on my shoulders.

I was shocked, and quickly turned my head to look, only to find that she was a peerless beauty, as if she had just come out of the bath, with wet hair, and skin like mutton-fat jade, so white that it was so tender that you could pinch water.

That frown and smile make people fascinated. Just looking at it is a kind of enjoyment. What's more, she was so close to me that I could actually smell the fragrant aroma of her breath.

"Hello... hello." I greeted him stammeringly.

The other party was actually tactful and polite, and said in a small voice: "Husband, come with me!"

As she said this, she grabbed my hand, and then I felt some sticky things coming towards me, like insects squirming on my body.

I know these slimy things are actually corpse spirits. I know better than anyone else that this zombie spirit wants to wrap me up and make me covered in blisters like the rest of the Zhang family in Jiangbei, and then stay here, with my soul accompanying him for life.

My heart immediately tightened. This was a critical moment that determined life and death. I couldn't just sit back and wait for death. Without saying a word, I took out the Sirius Whip and whipped the corpse essence hard.

And after absorbing so much of the Zhang family's essence and blood, the zombie essence became extremely powerful. On the surface, she was no different from a normal person. The Heavenly Wolf Whip struck her body as if it were struck on a normal person. It was the same, it just caused her a little pain and didn't break her bones.

On the contrary, doing this instantly angered the corpse spirit. She roared angrily, and immediately the corpses scattered and crawled faster and faster. In a short time, my whole body was wrapped up.

My whole body was unbearably hot, and the scattered corpses were like squirming insects, constantly burrowing into my skin, making it unbearably itchy. what to do? Since the zombie essence cannot be hurt, the only way to deal with the zombie essence is on the body.

I whipped my body with the Sirius Whip without hesitation, trying to drive away the scattered corpses. But these corpses have no independent consciousness at all, and are completely controlled by the corpse spirits. Even if some of the corpses can be beaten away, a lot of corpses will be quickly replenished!

I was suffocated for a while, and I was finished. I was afraid that I was really going to be finished this time. This zombie essence was so powerful that even the beard-swept technique would not work. You must know that it is a transaction of using one's own essence to exchange for short-term attack power with various gods. This is not feasible. Obviously, the ability of the corpse spirits has surpassed most of the monsters!

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