Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 290: Murder Case in the Wordless Heavenly Book

After I got back, I handed the corpse essence to Uncle Duan.

When Uncle Duan saw me holding the corpse essence, his expression was quite rich. Maybe he didn't expect that I could come back alive and really bring the corpse essence back, right?

However, Uncle Duan still pretended to be excited on the surface and enthusiastically invited me to have dinner, but I politely declined.

I handed over the corpse essence to him without even asking for a penny in payment. All this was just a delaying tactic. Now that the Zhang family in Jiangbei has learned the lesson of the zombies, they no longer dare to be arrogant and do not dare to take action without being fully prepared.

I want to create an illusion for Uncle Duan now, so that Uncle Duan will mistakenly think that the Zhang family is really giving in and does not dare to resist, so that he can relax.

And judging from Uncle Duan's performance, it seems that he really believes in us. At least in the short term, Longquan Villa will not be the enemy of the Zhang family!

We just went back and saw an old acquaintance: Da Jinya.

Da Jinya was squatting in front of the antique shop and fell asleep. After seeing us, he immediately came over and nodded and said: "Young master of the Zhang family, you are back."

This big gold tooth can really adapt to the wind. Knowing that my status in the Zhang family in Jiangbei is different now, not only has my attitude changed, but I have even changed my title to young master.

But why did this big gold tooth come to my place? I will definitely go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing.

But as the saying goes, don’t hit someone with a smiling face. I still warmly invite Da Jinya to come and sit in my shop.

Da Jinya looked at my antique shop and was very surprised: "Young master, you are so talented, how come you live in such a small shop. Come to our family? You will definitely enjoy endless glory and wealth in your life." "

I waved my hand and said forget it, I have never thought about enjoying endless glory and wealth.

Da Jinya smiled helplessly: "Okay, I won't force it. But..."

When Da Jinya said this, he immediately looked around with his eyes, and then lowered his voice and said: "Young Master, I am here this time to discuss a major matter with you as instructed by the Zhang family."

"What's the matter?" I asked immediately.

Less than two days after we separated from Lu Xihu, the Jiangbei Zhang family had already discussed a plan to deal with Longquan Villa? This is too fast.

But looking at the big gold teeth, it doesn't look like a joke. I knew that this matter was not trivial and involved the life and death of the entire Zhang family, so I immediately checked the street to make sure no one was eavesdropping, and then turned back.

Da Jinya was tinkering with an electronic instrument, but he didn't know what it was. So I asked Da Jinya, and Da Jinya told me that it is better to be cautious. This is an anti-eavesdropping radio frequency blocker.

The things this guy carries are pretty high-end.

After Da Jinya sat down, he patiently told me...

The Zhang family in Jiangbei is divided into six branches.

They are divided according to the yin objects they are good at, such as pottery, jade, bronze, etc.

Now that the Zhang family is falling apart, in order to fight against Longquan Villa, Liumai is no longer limited to the knowledge of his own family, but has integrated it and learned everything. Senior Rat and I, two of the six meridians, have now been reduced to only one incense stick.

The two branches headed by Beard are currently the backbone of the Zhang family.

There are also two other people who have completely lost contact with the Zhang family in Jiangbei. It is not known whether they still exist or not?

Just some time ago, Da Jinya contacted one of the missing people. The situation in that lineage is not optimistic either. There is only one person who has inherited it, and he did not become a trader in negative things, but became a people's policeman.

Recently, she has also been targeted by people from Longquan Villa. She is haunted by evil things and her situation is very critical. If we don't help her, I'm afraid she really won't be able to survive this test, and the Zhang family, who is already weak, may have an even more difficult time!

So after much deliberation, the family that Da Jinya belongs to contacted me and Senior Shu, hoping that the two of us could help the policewoman. As for Da Jinya's family, they are ready to use all their strength to find the remaining lineage.

After saying that, Da Jinya also took out a piece of information and gave it to me: "This is the simple information we currently have. If you two agree, it's best to set off as soon as possible. We were a family a hundred years ago, and we should still treat each other It’s united.”

This is true, so I nodded in agreement without thinking.

Seeing that we agreed, Da Jinya breathed a sigh of relief and asked us to set off as soon as possible. If we don't go, I'm afraid that lineage will disappear from the world.

After saying that, Big Golden Tooth turned around and left, and I took Senior Rat with me and hurriedly got into the car.

Before leaving, I didn't forget to call Li Mazi. Even though Li Mazi is not an authentic femininity merchant, this guy is smart and can be of great use in running errands for us, bringing in reinforcements, and rescuing sieges.

When we arrived at Li Mazi's house, we found that Ruxue and Yin Xinyue were both there. It turned out that they were preparing to invite me to dinner.

When Yin Xinyue learned that I was going out again, she couldn't help but shed tears. She said why I had to go out again just two days after I came back. She was worried that my body wouldn't be able to bear it.

I hate to see a girl cry, so I gently held Yin Xinyue in my arms and comforted her, telling her that it was okay. Anyway, I am a lucky person, and I am just a little strong person who cannot be crushed to death. Nothing will happen to her.

Ruxue and Li Mazi were also inseparable, and I suddenly felt sorry for Li Mazi. This matter has nothing to do with him, but I still want to drag him into the water.

So I told Mazi Li not to go. Senior Shu and I can handle it.

Li Mazi smiled and said that's not possible. How can you do big things and make a lot of money if your children love each other for a long time? How can you support your family without making a lot of money?

So Li Mazi finally went with us without any hesitation.

Li Mazi drove, while I studied the information given to me by Da Jinya.

The negative thing we have to face this time seems to be a book. They did not know the specifics of this book. They only knew that it was a wordless heavenly book that had been handed down from ancient times, and its age could not be determined.

The person we are going to help is named Zhang Xiaoai, a trainee police officer. Zhang Xiaoai was responsible for this murder case: the Wordless Book of Heaven.

She lives in Qingjiang City next door to us. The pace of life in Qingjiang City is relatively fast, and the economy is much stronger than that of our city. Being able to get a job as a civil servant in this city is basically equivalent to getting a golden job.

After arriving at the place, I called Zhang Xiaoai. On the phone, Zhang Xiaoai's tone seemed a little dissatisfied. After asking about our specific location, she walked downstairs.

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