Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 291 Bloody Disaster

I'm still wondering, we are here to help Zhang Xiaoai, why does her tone of voice mean so much to us?

Soon, a young girl dressed casually and wearing a pair of slippers walked down from the unit building. The girl is quite cute, with a sparkle between her eyebrows, a lean and sexy figure, and a pair of beautiful little feet that make people want to hold them.

The girl rolled her eyes at me and asked, "Are you sent by those old Huangli guys?"

Old almanac, what old almanac?

I was stunned for a moment, but soon I realized that the so-called Lao Huangli should be pointing to the Zhang family in Jiangbei.

I immediately nodded yes.

The girl waved her hand helplessly and said: "Come in! Really, why are so many people sent here at once? They are usually full."

I finally figured it out. The girl didn't seem to believe that there were ghosts and gods in this world at all. She felt that it was completely unnecessary for the Zhang family to send someone to help her investigate the negative things.

Don't talk about me anymore. Even Li Mazi couldn't stand listening anymore and said, "Girl, I don't think you believe in evil?" When I went upstairs just now, I saw two bloody imps squatting on the balcony of your house. If you don’t believe in evil, I can open your eyes at night and let you see what ghosts look like.

"You can brag." Zhang Xiaoai rolled her eyes at Li Mazi angrily: "How do you know my house number?"

"314." Li Mazi said, "I can tell at a glance from your aura that this is just a piece of cake."

Zhang Xiaoai was shocked: "You... how did you know? I didn't tell those old Huang Li my home address, and you were investigating me?"

"Investigation is nonsense." I tried my best to cooperate with Li Mazi: "Our information doesn't even mention where you live."

After saying that, I handed the information Da Jinya gave me to Zhang Xiaoai.

Zhang Xiaoai took a look and seemed to believe it, but his doubts were still strong, and said: "I think you are just making things up, where do ghosts come from in the world? If people become ghosts after death, then there are so many murderers, How can you still survive after killing someone? The world has long been at peace."

I couldn't help but laugh. No matter how much I explain to Zhang Xiaoai now, it will be in vain. If we don't give her some clues, she will definitely not cooperate with us.

So I gave Li Mazi a wink. Li Mazi understood and trotted off, saying he was going to buy some food.

As for what Zhang Xiaoai said, murderers will be killed by ghosts, which is theoretically unfeasible. Life and death are determined by God, not to mention that when a murderer kills, he will accumulate a strong anger. This anger can intimidate ordinary ghosts, and they will not even dare to get close, so how to talk about revenge?

Zhang Xiaoai took us to the third floor and into her room. The layout of the room is very casual, mainly pink, with dolls and a bear alarm clock, all revealing the feeling of a cute girl's boudoir.

It’s a bit unreasonable for a people’s policeman who looks so majestic to outsiders to tidy up his own room in such a cute way...

She rolled her eyes at me, as if she knew what I was thinking, and said impatiently: "What are you looking at? You've never seen such a beautiful house? I'm warning you not to touch things in the room. Just squeeze in the bedroom next door. Come on! When I solve this case, I will be promoted and let you see how the female version of Conan is made."

After saying that, Zhang Xiaoai was ready to leave.

I couldn't help but laugh, wondering where did this girl get her confidence? I think newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

"We can't let her go out alone." Senior Mouse said: "This girl's eyes are darkened and her eyes are blurred, especially the back of her head, which seems to have a faint trace of death! She will be unlucky when she goes out, and she will be in trouble if she encounters a car accident. "

I was shocked and quickly ran up to stop Zhang Xiaoai: "Stop, you can't go out."

"Why?" Zhang Xiaoai glared at me angrily.

She was originally dissatisfied with me, and now that I stopped her again, she was naturally angry.

I said: "Your hall is dark..."

"I have panda eyes, idiot. I stayed up late last night. I'm going out. If anyone stops me, I'll be in a hurry." Zhang Xiaoai opened the door and left.

I had no choice but to block the door with my body: "Girl, can't you have some brains? What if there is an accident when you go out? How should we explain to the Zhang family?"

Zhang Xiaoai jumped up and down in anger, and finally threatened me to call the police.

I was really helpless, so I had to give in and said, "You can go out, but you have to let me follow you."

Zhang Xiaoai was so entangled by me that she had no choice but to bite the bullet and agree.

So I asked Senior Shu if he wanted to go together? Senior Shu said that he would not go, and we would be back soon anyway.

Sure enough, before we even got out of the building, we turned back again. Because Zhang Xiaoai was really unlucky and a "bloody disaster" happened.

When she was going downstairs, Zhang Xiaoai's high-heeled shoes lost their heels. She rolled down the stairs, and her head was bruised and bloody. She was in such a miserable state that her bra fell off.

Seeing the turbulence in the small bra, I actually felt a little gloating, thinking that this girl really has small breasts and big breasts.

Senior Shu said to Zhang Xiaoai with a smile on his face: "Look, if you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer a big loss. Now you will suffer a big loss, right?"

Zhang Xiaoai gave Senior Shu a stern look and said, "Shut up! If it weren't for your crow's mouth, I would have fallen into such an embarrassing state."

Senior Shu shrugged helplessly: "This girl has quite a bad temper. It seems she will continue to suffer."

Zhang Xiaoai rolled her eyes at Senior Shu, her face flushed with anger, her eyes sparkling with tears, and she looked like she was about to cry.

I felt that we had gone a little too far, so I wanted to comfort Zhang Xiaoai. Zhang Xiaoai, however, stamped her feet and walked directly into her room, ignoring us.

After Zhang Xiaoai walked into the room, I heard someone knocking on the door. It was Li Mazi who was back.

I smiled and asked Li Mazi how he was preparing? Li Mazi nodded: "Don't worry, they are all fresh."

I nodded and took Li Mazi and Senior Shu to rest next door.

During this period, I knocked on Zhang Xiaoai’s door several times, wanting to ask Zhang Xiaoai about the specific situation of the Wordless Heavenly Book Case, but Zhang Xiaoai ignored me.

I could only sigh in my heart: "Sorry, girl, we don't want to scare you, but in order to save you, we have to do this."

After returning to the next room, I asked Li Mazi how he found out that Zhang Xiaoai lived in room 314 today.

Li Mazi said it was simple, just a police uniform hanging on the balcony of 314, and even a fool could see it.

I smiled speechlessly. In terms of observation ability, Li Mazi and I were really far behind. This power of observation is called "wisdom eye" in Buddhist terms. People with "wisdom eye" are very suitable for practicing Buddhism.

If Li Mazi goes to practice Buddhism, he will definitely accomplish something. But keeping Li Mazi away from wine, meat and beautiful women would probably be worse than death.

Seeing that the time was almost up, I opened the package that Li Mazi had brought back. Inside were two wicker sticks, two bottles of Erguotou, some cow hair and broken spider webs.

I poured the Erguotou into two glasses, stirred it with a wicker, and placed it at the door of Zhang Xiaoai's bedroom. Cow hair and spider webs were mixed together and spread all the way from the bedroom to the balcony.

Later, in order to enhance the effect, Senior Mouse also placed a piece of blood jade on the balcony. Blood jade can attract yin, which can make my ghost attracting array twice the result with half the effort.

Soon, the ghost attracting array came into effect. A howling wind blew outside the window, making the window clang, but the mixture of cow hair and spider web did not move at all.

Something is coming! I immediately looked out through the peephole.

The strange evil wind blew into the balcony and stopped suddenly. I saw two shadows coming in lightly.

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