Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 292 The Ghost Recruiting Formation

Li Mazi was on the side and asked me a little guiltily, isn't it a bit immoral for us to do this? Three big men played pranks to scare the little girl in the middle of the night.

When Li Mazi said this, I couldn't bear it. Yes, what kind of skill do three big men have to scare a little girl?

So after much deliberation, I decided to just teach her a little lesson. There was no need to be so stiff.

The two dark shadows drifted towards Zhang Xiaoai's bedroom, following the cobwebs and cow hair.

I immediately pretended to go to the bathroom, yawned profusely and opened the bedroom door, watching two dark shadows from the corner of my eye.

The two shadows stopped immediately when they saw someone coming out. I could feel them looking at me with strange eyes.

I walked toward the bathroom, only to find two dark shadows drifting towards Zhang Xiaoai's room again.

I was shocked. The resentment of these two undead souls was so damn big that I, a ghost dealer, could not frighten them.

I can't go to the bathroom. If I go, two undead souls really enter Zhang Xiaoai's room, and I'm afraid they will scare that girl to death!

So I stopped abruptly, coughed, and the two shadows stopped again.

I came to Zhang Xiaoai's room and knocked hard: "Zhang Xiaoai, open the door. There is no paper in the toilet. Give me paper quickly."

Zhang Xiaoai's drowsy voice came from the room: "What kind of knocking is there in the middle of the night to prevent people from sleeping?"

"There is no paper, give me paper quickly, I can't stand it anymore..." I jumped up and down anxiously.

Because I never expected that the two undead spirits were not afraid of me at all. They still dragged their bright red tongues and pressed towards me step by step along the road to the underworld paved with cow hair and cobwebs.

Damn, why did I provoke these two angry ghosts? I can't beat them away, otherwise today's plan will fail. I can only knock on the door of Zhang Xiaoai's room hard.

Zhang Xiaoai was finally knocked anxiously by me and said angrily: "Why are you knocking? How shameless?" Shamelessly pull off your face to wipe your butt...

After saying that, Zhang Xiaoai opened the door. After opening the door, Zhang Xiaoai was stunned, and then screamed: "What is that?"

I feel so smug in my heart, stinky girl, I must have shocked you, don’t you not believe it?

I smiled slightly and said: "Don't be afraid, they won't hurt people, they will just scare people."

Zhang Xiaoai didn't listen to my explanation at all. She screamed and was about to close the door. I immediately blocked the door with my feet. Zhang Xiaoai jumped onto the bed in fright and covered her head with the quilt: "There is a ghost, there is a ghost."

I smiled and said, "Look at your timid appearance. You say you won't hurt anyone. Well, to be honest with you, I deliberately attracted these two ghosts..."

While I was thinking about it, there was suddenly a sound of poetry reciting from the next door. It was Li Mazi and Senior Shu.

The two people's voices were rich and vicissitudes of life, which seemed particularly abrupt in this quiet night.

"The wind is rustling and the water is cold."

“A strong man once gone never comes back!”

The two of them walked up to me while reciting ancient poems, and then they sandwiched me between them, one on the left and the other on the right. He held my arms with both hands and walked towards the balcony.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I was confused and asked inexplicably: "Let me go quickly."

At this time, I heard Senior Shu ask in a low voice: "Have you opened the yin and yang eyes of that girl?"

My heart skipped a beat for a moment.

Yes, this is really a trick. He only focused on attracting ghosts, but forgot to open Zhang Xiaoai's yin and yang eyes.

Based on the resentment of those two ghosts, Zhang Xiaoai shouldn't be able to see them, right? But Zhang Xiaoai saw it just now. What does this prove?

This proves that what Zhang Xiaoai saw was not the two ghosts I recruited at all. There was something else in this house.

Moreover, the resentment of that thing was very powerful, so it could be seen by Zhang Xiaoai with naked eyes.

Li Mazi and Senior Shu both had their yin and yang eyes opened, so they must have seen it. Thinking about the weird behavior of the two people just now, I couldn't help but take a breath.

I knew that there must be something unclean behind me. At the same time, I felt that the two 'good brothers' I had recruited had also left, probably because they were scared away by this thing.

I suddenly remembered a popular Internet saying, "If you don't seek death, you won't die." This is terrible.

"Zhang Xiaoai, come out! A guest is here." Senior Shu patted Zhang Xiaoai, who was shivering while hugging the quilt, and said.

Zhang Xiaoai was now convinced of our abilities, so when she lifted the quilt, she couldn't help but look at my neck.

I suddenly felt a chill on my neck.

Senior Shu immediately stretched out his hand, turned Zhang Xiaoai's head straight, and looked out the window: "Isn't the night nice tonight? Girl."

Zhang Xiaoai nodded tremblingly, her voice trembling fiercely: "No...not bad."

"Do you have liquor at home? Bring a bottle of wine. Li Mazi, go get the willow branches. After the guests drink this glass, it's time to enjoy the wonderful moonlight!" Senior Rat said mysteriously.

Zhang Xiaoai stood there at a loss, and Li Mazi immediately grabbed Zhang Xiaoai's arm and walked out of the bedroom.

I wanted to turn around and see what was on my neck. But I didn't dare to look back at will. I could feel the two balls of Yang Fire on my shoulders being suppressed. The other party seemed to be able to extinguish the two balls of Yang Fire on my shoulders at any time. If I looked back, the Yang Fire would definitely be extinguished.

So I could only hold back my fear and curiosity, and followed Senior Rat towards the window step by step.

"Nephew, you don't want to write a poem under such a beautiful moonlight?" Senior Mouse suddenly asked.

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