Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 293 Weird Leather Shoes

"Writing poetry?" I was stunned for a moment, not knowing what kind of medicine Senior Shu was selling in his gourd, but since Senior Shu said that, he must have a reason.

So I still bite the bullet and think of an ancient poem.

"That...that what...the jianjia is green, and the white dew is frost." After holding it in for a long time, I finally remembered the "Book of Songs", and then I recited it smoothly: "The so-called beauty is on the side of the water."

"Swim back from it, just like you are in the water. Alas!" The second half of this sentence did not come from me, but from my shoulder. The voice was sonorous and powerful, full of emotion, a bit like a magnetic baritone.

I immediately realized that it was the ghost lying on my body who was speaking.

I looked at Senior Shu with trepidation, what the hell should I do? Originally I wanted to plagiarize the Book of Songs and count it as my own original work. As a result, the other party saw through it instantly, and I don't know if it will anger it.

However, looking at the expression on Senior Rat's face that softened slightly, I knew that the other party seemed to be very satisfied with my poem.

"It's a pity, it's a pity. I was a loyal and good man, but I was not reused by the court. Instead, I was demoted, and my family was exterminated. It is really shameful, sad, and deplorable!" The other party seemed to be deeply touched, and his tone was full of sorrow and sadness. Unwilling to do so.

I could even clearly feel a biting chill spreading from my neck to my whole body.

Just as I was thinking about what to do next, Li Mazi's voice came from outside the door: "Senior Shu, the wine lady is here."

Zhang Xiaoai was holding a glass of Erguotou and placed the glass on the windowsill while trembling all over.

Senior Shu said: "The distinguished guests are here, but they are not well-received, and they still look forward to Haihan. Little Ai, you still don't pour wine for the guests!"

After saying that, Senior Shu handed the wicker stick in Li Mazi's hand to Zhang Xiaoai and motioned Zhang Xiaoai to stir the glass of wine with the wicker stick.

Although Zhang Xiaoai was frightened half to death, he was a people's policeman after all, so he still had a strong psychological quality. He used a wicker to stir the glass of wine in a good manner, and then picked up the glass.

Immediately afterwards, I saw something flash past my eyes and float slowly towards the wine glass.

I looked carefully and could only see that this thing was as black as coke, bending down in mid-air, preparing to drink.

The other hand touched Zhang Xiaoai dishonestly. Zhang Xiaoai screamed in fright and stared at Senior Mouse in shock, hoping that Senior Mouse could save his life.

But Senior Mouse just raised one foot, took off his shoes, and kept rubbing the soles of his feet with his hands, not knowing what he was doing.

Suddenly, the room was filled with a strong smell of foot odor, which was disgusting.

Zhang Xiaoai's little face turned pale and she started crying. But as soon as it was said, while the other party was focusing on the wine, Senior Rat had already kicked him away.

This kick was firmly on the coke ghost's butt, and unexpectedly it was kicked directly out of the window.

Immediately afterwards, Senior Shu immediately closed the window.

The coke ghost became furious, let out a sharp roar, and tried to break in. But Senior Rat had already grabbed the wine glass and poured it on the window.

This glass of wine was like a high-voltage electric grid, which directly bounced the Coke Ghost back. It screamed sharply, like a struggling beast.

"Hurry...throw wine and salt on the windows." Senior Shu ordered in horror. As he spoke, he bit his finger and drew strange spells on the window with blood.

At that time, I didn't have any time to think about it. Without saying a word, I started to do as Senior Mouse told me. I mixed white wine and refined salt together and poured them all on the window.

Looking at Zhang Xiaoai again, she was completely paralyzed, huddled in the corner and crying.

After being bounced away, the Charcoal Ghost turned back, its eyes filled with violent anger as it tried to break in.

But when it got close to the window, I felt the powerful intimidation emanating from the window. The Coke Ghost immediately stopped in mid-air, staring at us with unwilling eyes.

Those eyes were as red as two balls of flame, which made people's scalp numb when looking at them. I held the Peach Soul Flower in my hand, protected it on my chest, and stood motionless.

We must not let it break in, although I still don’t know what this coke ghost is or how powerful it is. But I can still get a glimpse of it from Senior Rat’s attitude towards it.

It circled around the balcony, looking for a breakthrough, and tried several times to break in. However, we carry wine and refined salt with us, which seems to be very effective in dealing with this thing, and the other party has never been able to succeed.

In this way, we and the coke ghost were in a stalemate until dawn. The coke ghost never had a chance, so it slowly dissipated and disappeared.

I breathed a sigh of relief and asked Senior Shu, should that thing leave?

Senior Mouse said worriedly: "It shouldn't be that simple. The charcoal ghost is full of resentment. It is probably a ghost living in a certain antique! During the day, it will sleep in the antique and only come out at night, so we are now safe."

I breathed a long sigh of relief and walked towards Zhang Xiaoai with dejected steps.

Unexpectedly, without saying a word, Zhang Xiaoai raised his palm and was about to hit me hard in the face. Fortunately, I reacted quickly and grabbed Zhang Xiaoai's arm. I glared at Zhang Xiaoai angrily: "What do you want to do?"

Zhang Xiaoai felt wronged and scared: "You... what on earth did you do to me? What on earth is that thing? Why did it appear in my house."

Li Mazi laughed and said: "Comrade police, don't you believe there are ghosts in this world? Let's find a ghost for you to see."

" bastards." Zhang Xiaoai squatted on the ground holding her legs and began to cry bitterly again.

Li Mazi shrugged helplessly: "With this little mental quality, I can still be a people's policeman."

"I'll take it, I'll take it, what's the matter? If you're not convinced, let's challenge each other. I'm a black belt in Taekwondo." Zhang Xiaoai may have been offended by Li Mazi's remarks, so he suddenly became furious, rolled up his sleeves, and made a show of asking Competing with Li Mazi.

I said: "Okay, everyone, please stop saying a few words. Zhang Xiaoai, to be honest with you, the coke ghost just now was not brought by us, but stayed in your house all the time. Think about it carefully, your house Do you have any historic antiques?”

Zhang Xiaoai glared at Li Mazi, ignored her, and began to think carefully.

After thinking for a long time, she shook her head vigorously: "No, it's only been a month since I moved here. I understand, this house must be a haunted house! You bastard landlord, how dare you lie to me."

I immediately stopped Zhang Xiaoai and said that the matter had nothing to do with this house.

After saying that, I stood up and walked around the balcony, but I gained nothing. Senior Shu opened the door and walked out, rummaging around in the living room.

"That thing appeared in the living room." Senior Rat said, "The vagina should be in the living room!"

I immediately asked: "Senior Rat, was that thing lying on my back just now?"

Senior Rat nodded: "That's right."

"Why do I feel like my back is still heavy right now, as if I'm carrying someone on my back."

Zhang Xiaoai glanced at me casually, and her expression suddenly froze. She stared with big eyes, covered her mouth and said, "What... is that thing on your back?"

I was so frightened by Zhang Xiaoai's words that I trembled all over.

Is there something on my back? That thing is back? I immediately reached out to touch it, but I couldn't touch anything.

Senior Shu immediately ran up and shouted: "Don't move!"

As he said that, he tore off my shirt. The moment my back was exposed, even Li Mazi couldn't help but scream: "Why is there such a big scar?"

Scar, what scar?

When they said this, it might be a psychological effect. I immediately felt a burning pain in my back, which went deep into my bones. He quickly moved to the dressing table and looked at his naked back.

On my back, a person's 'lower body' appeared. The dark marks were like the burn marks left on my body by a person whose whole body was on fire lying on my back.

Everywhere the burn marks touched was black. Although the skin was not burned, it seemed as if it had been stained by ink.

"What's going on?" I jumped up in shock and reached out to touch the burn mark, but the burn mark seemed to have lost consciousness and it didn't hurt even if I pinched it.

Senior Mouse walked up to me, carefully observed my back, and after pondering for a moment, he said, "Ghost Seal, this is the Ghost Seal, and that thing is targeting you! I want you to be the scapegoat. Either you die or it dies."

I felt terrified. The thing's resentment was so great. It seemed that it would not give up until it killed me.

Li Mazi said angrily: "Hmph, we three big living people, are we going to watch each other kill the Zhang family's little brother? Look for it, look for it quickly, we must find that thing."

After saying that, Li Mazi quickly started to stir around the room.

Zhang Xiaoai didn't stop us and searched with us.

However, the living room is filled with clothes, toys and various household appliances, and there are no vaginal objects.

"Zhang Xiaoai, think about it carefully." Senior Mouse asked, "Did you buy anything weird at home during this time?"

Zhang Xiaoai thought harder, and finally her eyes fell on the shoe rack accidentally: "Oh, I just bought a pair of women's leather shoes a few days ago."

"It's just a pair of leather shoes." Li Mazi said, "Unless they are embroidered shoes passed down from ancient times."

But we have no clue now. Although we know that the pair of leather shoes cannot be a sinister object, I still asked Zhang Xiaoai to take out the pair of leather shoes and take a look.

"This was given to me by a new intern. But after giving me these leather shoes, he quit his job..." Zhang Xiaoai put the leather shoes in front of us.

It was just a pair of ordinary women's leather shoes, red, finely made, round and smooth. The quality is pretty good, but other than that, there's nothing special about it.

Senior Shu took the pair of leather shoes in his hands and weighed them carefully, and finally his expression suddenly changed strangely: "Something's wrong, they're a bit heavy."

"Yes, I also felt that these leather shoes were too heavy to wear, so I never wore them." Zhang Xiaoai replied.

I took the leather shoes in my hands and weighed them. They were indeed heavier than normal leather shoes.

I lifted up the other leather shoe again and found that there was nothing wrong with the weight of the other leather shoe. It was much lighter.

This shouldn't be the case. Leather shoes with such exquisite workmanship are definitely not counterfeit goods. Logically speaking, you shouldn't make such a low-level mistake.

Thinking back to what Zhang Xiaoai said, the intern who gave her this pair of leather shoes resigned on the same day. Could it be that there is really something weird about this pair of leather shoes? Was that guy running away because he was worried that the incident would come to light?

Without hesitation, I found a knife and cut open the cowhide on the leather shoes.

Zhang Xiaoai was shocked: "What are you doing? This is my thing."

I rolled my eyes at Zhang Xiaoai: "My life or my leather shoes?"

Zhang Xiaoai thought for a while and finally let go of me.

Without hesitation, I began to dismember the leather shoe.

Starting from the beginning, I dismantled the leather shoes piecemeal, and finally found something in the middle of the leather shoes.

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