Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 294 The Mystery of Spontaneous Human Combustion

In the middle of the leather shoes, there is a layer of light yellow paper as thin as cicada wings!

Although the paper is dry, it is much more flexible than ordinary paper. More importantly, this seemingly thin layer of paper is actually quite heavy, not much lighter than an iron plate of the same area.

I was puzzled. In my knowledge, there seemed to be no material that could make such paper.

I showed the piece of paper to Shu-senpai. At first, Senior Shu looked confused, looking over and over, but finally shook his head and said he didn't recognize this thing.

Zhang Xiaoai also said curiously: "Why is there such a thing in the shoe? Could it be some new patented invention?"

This girl is really stubborn, and she still doesn’t know that she has been tricked. So I "obligatedly" reminded her, but she still didn't believe it, saying that I was jealous, right? Just want to slander others.

I was too lazy to argue with Zhang Xiaoai, and just wrapped the paper carefully.

"Hey, I suddenly remembered something." Zhang Xiaoai suddenly knocked on his forehead and said, "I think I have seen this thing before."

"Where?" I asked subconsciously.

"This has to start with this case..." Zhang Xiaoai said.

I immediately asked Zhang Xiaoai to tell us about the case. Until now, we don't know what case Zhang Xiaoai is responsible for.

Zhang Xiaoai had seen ghosts and still trusted us, so she told us all the details of the case.

That would have been a week ago.

A week ago, Zhang Xiaoai had just come to the police station for internship. However, the cases he took over were all trivial neighborhood conflicts, fights between gangsters, etc. This made Zhang Xiaoai, who was full of ambitions and wanted to be a superwoman who punishes evil and eliminates rape, very depressed. She looked like her talent was not being appreciated all day long.

Soon after, Zhang Xiaoai finally received the first murder case in her life. This made Zhang Xiaoai very excited and vowed to bring the murderer to justice!

The reporter claimed that he saw a fire next door in the middle of the night, with flames shooting into the sky and the sound of many ghosts crying and howling, which was very disturbing.

There was an unemployed young man living next door, who lived alone, and the door was locked tightly. He couldn't break in, so he called the fire alarm.

But when the firefighters arrived, the fire had been extinguished, there were no sparks, and even the smoke had disappeared without a trace. If it weren't for the strong smell of coke wafting from the crack in the door, the firefighters would even suspect that the reporter was playing tricks on them.

When the firefighters broke in, everyone was dumbfounded.

Beside the desk, there was a person sitting upright. The person's whole body was burned to char, and there was no intact skin left from top to bottom. There was also a big hole burned in the belly by the fire, and you could even see the burnt internal organs. The blood had drained and dried, as if a light poke with your hand could knock the deceased over.

Looking at other places, there were no traces of burns. Whether it was the chair where the deceased was sitting, the table where the deceased was lying, or even the book held by the corpse in his hands, they were all intact.

The scene was so bizarre that the firefighters suspected that someone had deliberately killed the deceased, and then moved the body to a second scene.

However, this speculation is not justified. After all, the neighbors claimed to have seen fire in the room and countless howling ghosts.

But the firefighters didn't want to get themselves into trouble, so they called the police and left the mess to the criminal police brigade.

Zhang Xiaoai brought people here, and they were also shocked by this scene. This could not be explained by science at all, and it was not feasible at all in theory. Why was the body burned to char, but the things next to the body were not burned? Especially the wordless book held in the palm of the corpse is even more puzzling.

Zhang Xiaoai had a headache, so she had to follow the rules and take photos of the scene first, and then collect the evidence.

The body was so badly burned that it was as light as holding a three-year-old child. The wordless book held by the corpse was a very important clue, so Zhang Xiaoai planned to take the wordless book back.

But when everyone tried to pick up the Wordless Heavenly Book, something strange happened. No matter how hard they tried, the Wordless Heavenly Book was as heavy as a big stone, pressed firmly on the table, and was heavier than a television. To sink.

After Zhang Xiaoai put away all the evidence, he began to focus all his energy on this case, preparing to make full use of what he had learned and start with clues to find the murderer.

But incredible things happened one after another.

First, the forensic doctor dissected the corpse and found that although the whole body was burned, one part was intact, that is, the fingernails of several fingers, which all retained moisture, just like the fingers of a living person.

In the end, the forensic doctor concluded that this was a very rare case of spontaneous human combustion, and there were many doubts about it.

Then there was the duty officer of the Evidence Section, who said that he could always hear various noises coming from the Evidence Section in the middle of the night, including the faint sound of tens of thousands of people collectively shouting for injustice. Finally, he discovered that the sound was coming from the wordless Bible. It comes from inside.

There is also the man on duty at the morgue, who has been arguing in the past two days, saying that he must find a companion as soon as possible, because since the burnt corpse was delivered, the sound of someone reciting poetry and writing poems was heard in the morgue in the middle of the night. , so damn penetrating!

These supernatural incidents were all related to the cases that Zhang Xiaoai was responsible for. Zhang Xiaoai was afraid that if this incident spread, it would cause panic among people, so he tried his best to suppress these supernatural cases.

However, the news still reached the ears of a distant relative of hers.

The distant relative had not been with Zhang Xiaoai's family for decades. Zhang Xiaoai only remembered that he was an old man, the same age as his father. When he was still young, the old man had a fight with his father, and they stopped communicating with each other after that. . It was just that when his father died, the old man came to express his condolences and helped Zhang Xiaoai. Even Zhang Xiaoai's job as a police officer was the result of the old man's help in smoothing the relationship.

After the old man learned about what happened to Zhang Xiaoai, he sent a few of us to assist Zhang Xiaoai in handling the case. He also warned Zhang Xiaoai that the case might be related to supernatural events and told her not to take it lightly!

This is the reason why Zhang Xiaoai dislikes us. He thinks that the three of us are just cheating people to eat and drink, just like the fortune tellers in the square.

But she never expected that our arrival would actually save her life... I am sure that even if the charcoal ghost is not summoned today, it will come out to harm Zhang Xiaoai sooner or later.

After listening to Zhang Xiaoai's description, we all fell into deep thought for a long time.

If we had been told earlier, I'm afraid we wouldn't have had to go through so much trouble, right?

That wordless heavenly book must be a yin object. As for the Coke Ghost, could he be the unemployed young man who was burned to death?

I told Senior Mouse my thoughts, but Senior Mouse shook his head and said it shouldn't be the case. The undead we met today was an ancient nerd who could only recite poems and compose poems. He was simply stupid at reading. Where can such a person exist nowadays?

I thought about it, and what Senior Rat said made sense.

But we have reached a consensus on one thing. That piece of paper should have been torn from the 'Wordless Heavenly Book'. I think we must go and see the Wordless Heavenly Book.

Next, Senior Rat fell into deep thought for a long time. I saw that Senior Shu was thinking about things seriously, so I didn’t have the nerve to disturb him.

After thinking for a moment, Senior Shu suddenly raised his head and looked at me: "What time is it now?"

I looked at the time: "It's five forty."

"Go get some leeches." Senior Rat said, "The leeches that have sucked the black dog's blood must be done before six-thirty."

I quickly asked Senior Shu if there was anything to say about this leech.

Senior Shu said a little impatiently where there is so much nonsense, and if he asks you to prepare, just prepare.

I shrugged helplessly, said no more, and hurried to get ready.

Zhang Xiaoai also went out with me and said she knew how to get leeches. There is a seafood market nearby that sells live leeches.

I was puzzled and asked Zhang Xiaoai why he still sells live leeches? Don't say it's for eating.

Zhang Xiaoai looked at me like a monster and said it was not for eating, but to cure my aunt? You are such an interesting person.

I suddenly felt nauseous. I had seen people eating insects and snakes, but I didn’t expect that humans have now reached the point where they won’t even let go of leeches.

Zhang Xiaoai ordered three kilograms of live leeches, which were packed tightly into a special box. The sticky sound made my scalp tingle.

We bought a big black dog on site, beat it to death, and let leeches start sucking the black dog's blood.

After bringing the leeches back, Senior Shu couldn't wait to spread the paper on the table, selected about twenty blood-sucked leeches from it, and carefully placed them on the paper as thin as a cicada's wings. superior.

At first, the leech was still swimming freely on it, and it looked the same. However, no matter which direction the leech swam in, it never left the scope of the paper.


After being calm for a while, the body of one of the leeches exploded, and a large amount of blood instantly stained the paper.

Senior Rat seemed to be startled by the sudden explosion. He couldn't help but tremble all over, and looked at the white paper with more vigilance.

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