Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 295 Human Skin Paper

Bang bang!

Continuous explosions were heard, and the remaining dozen leeches exploded one after another, and the paper was stained red with blood.

The piece of paper was like a dry sponge, and it began to suck blood crazily. After a short time, all the blood was sucked clean by the paper. The flimsy paper expanded a lot in an instant, and the rough surface became a little rounded. It looked like... a piece of skin.

Senior Shu carefully cleaned away the leech residue, and the paper became more like skin, human skin.

Several of us looked very sad. We all vaguely guessed the mystery of this paper and realized that this paper might be made of human skin.

Senior Rat knew this piece of paper very well and knew its terrifying threat. Before the paper could be fully filled, he quickly took out a talisman and waved it casually, and the talisman landed on the paper impartially.

Suddenly a lush flame began to burn, and not long after, the paper was also set on fire.

Seeing the pain on Senior Shu's face, it was obvious that he was reluctant to part with this talisman.

Li Mazi approached Senior Shu and asked in a horrified tone: "Senior Shu, could this piece of paper be made of... that kind of thing?"

Senior Shu glanced at Li Mazi, then nodded. Li Mazi couldn't help but shiver.

The wordless heavenly book made of human skin would be really weird if nothing strange happened.

As the fire burned, the human skin began to smell like it was burning, and it gradually curled up and made a crackling sound.

While we were thinking about it, a flame suddenly burst out from the raging fire. The flame rushed directly towards me and grew bigger and bigger in my field of vision. I clearly felt a heat wave coming towards me. Makes me feel hot!

When it arrived in front of me, the flames actually turned into a human shape, as if a person's whole body was on fire. He threw himself at me in agony and even made a sharp neighing sound.

This sound sounded quite like the sound made by the monster in the Hollywood blockbuster "Alien". Before I could react, the other party had already jumped on me, pressed me to the ground, and wanted to hug my body. This posture was to fight with me. Die together.

I subconsciously picked up the Sirius Whip and hit him hard. The Sirius whip struck the opponent impartially, but it did not cause much damage to the opponent.

When my life was at stake, I thought of the Hokuto Tenrou Technique. Although performing the Hokuto Tenrou Technique would overdraw my body's strength and prevent me from walking normally for several days, I no longer care about that much. My life is still important.

Just as I was reciting the mantra, the sound of a rooster suddenly sounded in the room, and the flame suddenly seemed to be under a strong attack. It bounced away from me fiercely and rushed out of the window.

When it rushed out of the window, it drifted away in the wind and disappeared completely. The burning piece of human skin paper also gradually turned into a ball of ashes. I could vaguely make out among the ashes, there was a calligraphy character "injustice" written in official script.

I was completely relieved, that thing should have been driven away this time. He hurriedly got up from the ground and checked his chest.

There were also burn marks on my chest, and the black color penetrated into the skin. Although it was not painful or itchy, it still gave me a tingling and cooling sensation.

Zhang Xiaoai walked up and looked at me with strange eyes: "You...are you okay? Why does that thing keep attacking you? Are you the reincarnation of a broom star?"

"Nonsense!" I glared at Zhang Xiaoai angrily: "Senior Rat, that thing should have escaped, right? Without something to hide in, it will definitely find another place to live. The best place for it to live is human beings. Now, he will definitely attack people again."

Senior Mouse nodded: "Damn, this is really a bit tricky. Xiao Ai, it's best to take us to see that wordless book now. By the way, how many pages are there in total in that wordless book?"

Zhang Xiaoai shook his head: "I really didn't pay attention to this."

I immediately realized what the rat-senpai meant.

Senior Rat asked how many pages there were in the Wordless Heavenly Book. Could it be that every page of the Wordless Heavenly Book was inhabited by such a dead soul?

Zhang Xiaoai also told us before that the team members guarding the evidence section also heard countless people crying for injustice, which further confirmed that this possibility is still very high.

Just one undead could almost kill us, let alone so many undead?

Without further ado, we hurriedly followed Zhang Xiaoai to the police station to read the wordless book without further thought.

On the way, Senior Shu asked me with concern if there was anything unusual about the burn marks on my body. I've felt it a few times, and apart from the numbness, there's nothing special about it.

Senior Rat's expression became more serious, and he warned me that I have ghost marks on my body, and I might be more vulnerable to attacks by the undead, so I must be careful at all times.

I smiled helplessly, I just couldn't understand. There were so many people at the scene, and the incident at Longquan Villa was mainly aimed at Zhang Xiaoai, but why did that thing Mao attack me one after another? Could it be that Longquan Villa has changed its mind? Or is it that the Yin spirit attacks the target immediately?

After arriving at the police station, we first went to the morgue to take a look at the bodies. As expected, the body was burnt to char, and was completely black. A big hole was burnt out of the belly, revealing the scorched internal organs, all of which had been wrapped in ice shards.

I paid special attention to the fingers of the corpse. The ten fingers of the corpse were indeed well preserved, full of elasticity, even bloody, and full of toughness.

On the surface, this does look like spontaneous combustion of the human body. Spontaneous combustion of the human body starts from within the human body and will completely burn the entire person without leaving any residue.

So there are still ten fingers here that are not burned, which is indeed a bit abnormal.

At this time, Li Mazi suddenly noticed something and asked in surprise what it was?

I saw Li Mazi squatting down, looking at something fascinated. There was only one incandescent lamp in the morgue, and the light was very dim, so I squatted down with Li Mazi to see what was going on.

Unexpectedly, under the bed in the morgue, there was a small memorial hall and a fruit plate with tributes placed inside. Behind the tribute is a small incense burner containing freshly burned incense ashes.

The distance was too far just now, and the smell of fragrance was covered by the formalin. Now I squatted down and smelled the incense. Apparently the sandalwood had just burned out not long ago.

While I was looking at it, a rude voice suddenly came from behind me, which scared me so much that I couldn't help but tremble all over.

It was an old man, holding three sticks of incense in his hand. His face was very pale under the illumination of incandescent lamps. He walked with a limp and had a sneer on his lips, which was very scary.

"Who are you?" I asked subconsciously.

The old man ignored me. When he got closer, I discovered that his face was full of wrinkles and he had a goatee.

The old man looked at Zhang Xiaoai with a dissatisfied look on his face: "Officer Zhang, you finally showed up. I've been looking for you for several days and haven't seen you."

Zhang Xiaoai smiled bitterly: "Uncle Liu, what do you want from me?"

"You know what you're doing," Uncle Liu said, "How many times have I told you to take that burnt corpse away and cremate it as soon as possible, or find me a companion. You're looking at how long my old man will live. It’s too long, are you impatient?”

Zhang Xiaoai immediately said in embarrassment: "Uncle Liu, look at what you said. I am watching this case very closely and I don't dare to be vague at all. Don't worry, I will definitely give you an explanation as soon as possible!"

"Don't try to lie to me." Uncle Liu said: "Anyway, if we don't get rid of this body today, I will go on strike..."

Zhang Xiaoai hurriedly explained, but Uncle Liu ignored Zhang Xiaoai. He just held three sticks of incense respectfully, walked to the incense burner, inserted three sticks of incense in his mouth, and muttered: "Come in without invitation. It's so offensive, don't do it." Don’t blame me.”

Senior Rat carefully watched what Uncle Liu had done, then walked up and asked, "Uncle, who asked you to place the incense burner here?"

Uncle Liu glanced at Senior Shu: "What, is it against the law?"

"No, no." Senior Mouse immediately explained: "You have violated a taboo. Not only will this not calm the anger of the dead soul, it will actually make it more violent and want to harm others. Look at the smoke, is it a pillar of smoke rising into the sky? This cigarette has been eaten by the God of Death. It can't eat it and can only be anxious. Do you think it can stop getting angry?"

Uncle Liu obviously believed what Senior Shu said and was ready to step forward and put out the incense.

Senior Rat stopped Uncle Liu dumbfounded: "Don't worry, what you did is even more inappropriate. The God of Death ate well, but you took away his tribute. If the God of Death is angry, it will probably be more troublesome."

Uncle Liu was immediately dumbfounded and quickly asked Senior Shu what to do?

Uncle Liu is so superstitious, and Senior Rat convinced him with just a few words. No wonder he is afraid of the corpse. I am afraid that psychological effects are also at play.

Senior Shu smiled and said: "Don't worry about it, leave this mess to us. Until the body is taken away, we will guard the morgue for you."

Uncle Liu was overjoyed and quickly said that if he wanted it, he would trouble you.

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