Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 301 T-shirt man rescue

And at this moment, a bolt of lightning suddenly surged out from a hidden corner, hitting the undead soul that jumped out. The undead screamed, and in an instant, his soul disappeared and turned into a black mist.

I tried to concentrate and looked, and found that it was the rat-senpai who was hiding in the dark who launched the attack. My heart instantly relaxed a lot. It seemed that Senior Rat's method of defeating them one by one had indeed worked.

I just hope I can stick to it until the end!

More and more undead sporadically jumped out of the formation circle, but as soon as they jumped out, they were attacked by Senior Rat.

Although these undead souls had lost their minds, they still had some intelligence. Seeing that their companions were instantly wiped out as soon as they jumped out, they all stopped hesitantly and did not blindly jump out again.

When the undead broke through the formation circle just now, I was already weak from the impact. It was extremely difficult to even move a finger. Being able to support the operation of the Thunderbolt Heavenly Fire Formation with my own spiritual power has already consumed almost all my strength.

While he was thinking about it, the undead people all rushed towards the periphery of the Thunderbolt Heavenly Fire Formation. In an instant, electric sparks flashed continuously, green flames shot straight into the sky, and explosions continued to occur on the undead people, like thunder falling from the sky.

My body is also suffering from tearing pain at this moment.

Finally, with a roar, a hole opened in the formation. If it weren't for my strong self-control, I might have gone into shock...

Looking at the formation again, it had been completely destroyed, the blue flames were gone, and the ghosts surged out like a tidal wave, attacking directly in the direction of Senior Rat.

not good!

I'm desperate. This Thunderbolt Heavenly Fire Formation has been destroyed before half of the undead have been extinguished. The remaining half of the undead are fighting more and more fiercely. We are doomed.

I looked at Senior Mouse, and his expression was so wonderful. Looking at these undead, his face turned green and black for a while, but in the end he rushed forward without hesitation, holding a magic talisman and pinching his fingers constantly, trying to stop the raging of evil spirits.

Although Senior Rat's attacks are very effective, each attack can knock out a soul, but there are too many opponents, and the way they attack is also very special, directly penetrating Senior Rat's body, and every time Senior Rat feels like he is suffering He was severely injured, and his movements gradually became stiff...

He swallowed the spiritual power pills one by one to support his long-emptied body, but what was the use of it? The opponent's numerical advantage was huge, and Senior Rat's body had long been like a walking zombie. His face was pale and expressionless, and he was just attacking mechanically.

Moreover, the power of his attacks became weaker and weaker, until finally they were completely ineffective, and finally he collapsed like a tall building.

My eyes showed despair. Senior Rat used spiritual power pills to forcefully support his body. I'm afraid that even if the gang of dead souls didn't take away his life, he wouldn't be able to survive, right?

After all, a person's energy is limited. If you squander it all at once, there will be no chance of regeneration.

Even so, Senior Shu was still looking at me, opening and closing his mouth, as if he was saying to me: "Run away!"

escape? I smiled bitterly in my heart, could I escape? In my current condition, it is difficult to even stand up, let alone escape.

In this way, Senior Rat and I looked at each other, and I was shocked by Senior Rat's disregard for death.

At this time, someone behind me suddenly tapped my shoulder. I immediately turned around and found that it was Li Mazi and Zhang Xiaoai.

Damn it, I cursed in my heart, why did these two guys escape?

"Stop talking." Li Mazi, an old man, was actually crying. "I will rescue you right now."

After saying that, Li Mazi turned over, successfully carried me on his back, turned around and ran towards the morgue.

I was shocked, why is this damn Li Mazi so disobedient? The undead are eager to find a substitute at the moment. It's a good thing that this guy came to the door on his own initiative and exposed his yang. The undead will definitely find Li Mazi.

Sure enough, the undead who were originally planning to wreak havoc everywhere in search of living substitutes stopped after Li Mazi ran out, turned around and looked at Li Mazi, and then quickly attacked Li Mazi and Zhang Xiaoai like gusts of evil wind.

I was shocked in my heart. Although my body was weak and I had no strength at all, I still said with difficulty: "!"

However, it was too late. The dark wind had already surrounded us, forming a small whirlwind. The flying sand and rocks made it impossible for me to see anything clearly. Immediately afterwards, I felt Li Mazi's body tremble and he rolled to the ground with me.

I was already weak as hell, but being thrown down by Li Mazi made my condition even worse. I almost burped on the spot.

I ignored the pain coming from my body and immediately looked at Li Mazi.

Li Mazi and Zhang Xiaoai closed their eyes slightly and stood on tiptoes with painful expressions. Around me, a group of undead had already surrounded me. Their bodies were ignited with flames, completely surrounding them, and their ferocious expressions could be vaguely seen.

"Why burn us to death!" Li Mazi and Zhang Xiaoai shouted in unison, almost heart-rending roars. This powerful sound wave made my eardrums itch.

I didn't even have the strength to speak, so I could only watch as Li Mazi and Zhang Xiaoai pressed forward step by step.

"Why burn us to death..." The two of them kept repeating this sentence, approaching us step by step, and the circle of the undead became smaller and smaller. The flames on their bodies exuded a cold and icy breath, which penetrated into the bone marrow. The cold made me gradually lose consciousness and I was about to go into shock.

And at this critical moment, an ethereal and deep voice seemed to come from the distant sky.

"There is fire in the North Ming Dynasty, coming from the sky, with golden light, and thunderbolts to subdue demons!"

This voice, this tone, even this word, are all so familiar.

T-shirt man is the voice of T-shirt man. He actually knows how to use the Thunderbolt and Heavenly Fire Technique.

I was overjoyed, and my chaotic consciousness immediately sobered up a lot, and I looked in the direction of the sound.

At the door of the police station, a man with long bangs wearing a yellow robe and carrying a sword was walking slowly towards our direction. That ethereal voice seemed to be able to cleanse people's souls. The fear and despair in my heart disappeared, and I was filled with hope for the world again.

The group of undead were all panicked, gave up attacking me, turned around and wanted to escape.

However, it was too late. Before they could escape from the Thunderbolt Heavenly Fire Formation, a thunderbolt instantly penetrated the air and hit the Thunderbolt Heavenly Fire Formation hard.

The Thunderbolt Heavenly Fire Array was reactivated, the flames shot into the sky, the thunder continued, the explosion caused the undead to run away holding their heads, and the sounds of ghosts crying and wolf howling continued one after another.

The man in the T-shirt stopped chanting the incantation and let the Thunderbolt Heavenly Fire Formation activate on its own. Then he walked up to me, squatted down, touched my face and asked, "Are you okay?"

I was moved in my heart and shook my head quickly.

Li Mazi coughed twice with difficulty and said, "Brother, kill these grandsons."

The man in the T-shirt shook his head slightly: "They are also the victims, why bother to kill them all?"

After saying that, the man in the T-shirt stood proudly outside the Thunderbolt Heavenly Fire Formation, looking coldly at the group of undead scurrying about with their heads in their hands: "You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me. There are only two ways to go now, or you will die." , or be sent to reincarnation by me!"

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