Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 302: Burning books and trapping scholars

"Spare my life, spare your life." Amidst the miserable and desolate cries, I heard many undead souls kneeling down and begging for mercy.

The man in the T-shirt snorted coldly, knowing that these undead souls had been tortured to death by the Thunderbolt Sky Fire Array. If you give them a step, they will definitely follow the step.

The man in the T-shirt didn't hesitate at that moment. He muttered something again, took out a magic talisman, threw it away, and said lightly: "Open!"

A bolt of thunder fell from the sky, and I actually saw a hole opening in the space. The evil wind came in waves, and the undead souls were sucked in by the evil wind. They disappeared in the blink of an eye. The scene was peaceful again, as if nothing happened. happened before.

My nerves also relaxed.

But it didn't matter once I relaxed like this, my consciousness suddenly blurred, and then everything went dark, and I didn't know anything anymore.

When I woke up, I found myself lying in a hospital with tubes inserted all over my body. I had no strength at all and my mouth was extremely dry.

I reluctantly opened my eyes and shouted for water, and then I heard Zhang Xiaoai hurriedly pouring me water.

After taking a sip of water, I finally felt better. I looked around and saw that the men in T-shirts, Li Mazi, Zhang Xiaoai, and even Da Jinya were all in my ward.

I breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that I was really an invincible little strong man. I could survive such a situation.

I looked at Li Mazi with a wry smile: "Are you both okay?"

Li Mazi sighed: "You should take care of yourself first. Do you know that you have been lying in the hospital bed for a whole week, and I doubt you will survive."

I was stunned for a while. I didn't expect that I would lie down for a week.

I immediately struggled to sit up. Li Mazi asked me to lie down, and he shook the bed.

This is the VIP ward, quite luxurious. I searched around but couldn't find Senior Mouse, so I immediately asked Li Mazi where Senior Mouse was.

Li Mazi's expression dimmed instantly, and my heart suddenly beat wildly: "Senior Shu, wouldn't he already..."

"No, no." Li Mazi explained immediately: "It's just that he hasn't woken up yet. The doctor said whether he can wake up depends on his physical fitness. He may become a vegetative state."

My heart skipped a beat, and I felt uncomfortable.

Da Jinya quickly ran up and comforted us: "Don't worry too much, both of you. Our Zhang family will definitely do our best and use all the miraculous medicines to treat Senior Shu. Even if Senior Shu dies, our Zhang family will still let Senior Shu die." Senior came back to life..."

At this time, the man in the T-shirt suddenly showed a chill on his face, and his brows were full of anger. He grabbed Da Jinya by the collar and said, "If anything happens to the two of them, I will let the entire Jiangbei Zhang family be buried with them!"

Da Jinya was frightened and broke out in cold sweat: "First Chief Chu, don't worry, our Zhang family will do our best and will not hide anything."

"It's best this way." The man in the T-shirt snorted coldly: "While I haven't changed my mind yet, call the person in charge of the Zhang family here immediately."

Da Jinya nodded immediately and left dejectedly.

I was surprised. In my memory, no matter how complicated the situation was, the man in the T-shirt had never been as angry as he was today. What happened to him today?

I knew there must be something hidden, so I tentatively asked the man in the T-shirt if the big gold tooth was hiding something from us?

The man in the T-shirt said coldly: "You have been taken advantage of by the Jiangbei Zhang family."

"Taking advantage of it?" I was shocked and looked at the man in the T-shirt in confusion: "That's not the case, is it? Is there a misunderstanding? After all, we are still very clear about the current situation of the Zhang family, and we should have no time to start fighting among ourselves."

"He is using you to force me to intervene in this matter." The man in the T-shirt said: "They know that you are no match, but they still let you solve the Wordless Book. They just hope that when you are dying, I will intervene. This way Longquan Villa and I are on opposite sides."

"What." After hearing this, I felt something sweet in my throat, and I was so angry that I spit out a mouthful of blood: "Fuck you, bastard, bastard, despicable..."

I'm really angry. I wish I could tear down the Jiangbei Zhang family. It's so annoying that they used us to drag down the T-shirt man.

After the anger, I felt guilty towards the T-shirt man. This matter originally had nothing to do with the T-shirt man, but now that the T-shirt man is involved, how can I feel at ease?

Li Mazi and Zhang Xiaoai were also furious. Li Mazi even wanted to chase Da Jin Ya out and beat him up, but he was stopped by the man in the T-shirt.

The man in the T-shirt told us that even if what happened today had not happened, he would have intervened sooner or later. He could not just watch Senior Rat and I die.

I sighed and looked at the man in the T-shirt, feeling moved in my heart.

The T-shirt man has always been helping me voluntarily, but I have not given the T-shirt man anything in return. Now he is involved in the struggle between two families for me. I feel that I can't help the T-shirt man. .

But at the same time, I was also confused, why did the man in the T-shirt help me so selflessly? I really can't figure it out.

Asked the man in the T-shirt, the man in the T-shirt didn't answer, so he had to give up.

Li Mazi asked the man in the T-shirt again if he knew anything about the Wordless Bible? That wordless heavenly book is really strange, it is actually made of human skin.

The man in the T-shirt nodded and said that the Wordless Heavenly Book was also sold to Longquan Villa through his own hands.

The wordless heavenly book is a cultural relic of the Qin Dynasty. The paper is all made of compressed and air-dried human skin, and was made using a series of the most advanced anti-corrosion techniques at the time.

The person who wrote this book was none other than Li Si, the Prime Minister of the Qin Dynasty who advocated "burning books and humiliating Confucians" at that time.

As we all know, Qin Shihuang advocated tyranny, so he hated those scholars who made irresponsible remarks about him behind his back, so he conspired with Prime Minister Li Si to create the most tragic case in history of burning books and entrapping Confucian scholars, killing tens of thousands of Confucian scholars, and even The Confucian scholars were burned together with bundles of books.

In order to claim credit from Qin Shihuang, Li Si found an executioner and cut off the human skin of a hundred Confucian scholars to make this wordless heavenly book, and then burned these Confucian scholars to death.

Those Confucian scholars were subjected to inhuman insults before they died, and their anger was naturally very strong. After their death, their souls were attached to this wordless book, which has been passed down for thousands of years.

Qin Shihuang burned books and harassed Confucian scholars in order to strengthen the country's rule and make future generations emperors.

But who would have thought that the so-called burning of books and humiliation of Confucians not only failed to silence the people, but actually made the world hate the Qin Dynasty even more! A few decades later, the Qin Dynasty was overthrown by angry people.

The quality of a king and the quality of a country has its own history to judge. Using killing to silence the people of the world is the stupidest way.

This is an eternal truth, and it still applies even today.

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