Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 303 Picking up leaks

For the next few days, I was recovering from my injuries in the hospital. Senior Shu finally woke up after taking countless miraculous medicines from the Jiangbei Zhang Family. I feel relieved to be able to wake up, and then I just need to cultivate myself well.

But ever since I was taken advantage of by the Zhang family in Jiangbei, there has always been a knot in my heart that I can't resolve. Although the Zhang family in Jiangbei often gave me gifts here and there and took the initiative to get closer to me, they still couldn't make up for the grudge in my heart.

Because the man in the t-shirt joined our camp, Longquan Villa actually restrained himself a lot during these days and did not launch any more attacks on us.

Brother T-Shirt told me that Longquan Villa was heartbroken because the Wordless Heavenly Book was destroyed, and there was no time to deal with me for a while. Let me continue to open the store as usual during this period, take on more femininity business, and improve my experience.

If Longquan Villa attacks again, I can protect myself.

I nodded in agreement and left with Li Mazi. Senior Shu has now regained his consciousness and is basically fine. However, after learning that he was being used by the Jiangbei Zhang family, he actually vomited a mouthful of old blood!

I think if he could stand up, he would have rushed to the Zhang family in Jiangbei to settle accounts.

The location of my antique shop actually falls within the sphere of influence of Longquan Villa. However, due to the remaining power of the Zhang family in Jiangbei, Longquan Villa did not dare to do anything to me at will.

It’s just that the business of femininity has become less and less recently, and almost no one comes to see me. I know that it must be the people from Longquan Villa who are causing trouble in secret, but I don’t bother to pay attention to them. It's a good time when there's no business, so I can have a good rest and spend time with Yin Xinyue.

For two whole months, I didn't receive a single business deal, and my life was always tepid. When I had time, I took Yin Xinyue out for dinner and travel. Yin Xinyue smiled and said that she could support me for the rest of my life, as long as I no longer Go on an adventure.

But I feel very sorry for myself. I can’t eat women for the rest of my life, right? I am a man with a strong self-esteem, so why am I so embarrassed to be idle all the time?

I don’t know that firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive, my savings are being depleted rapidly, and the antique shop is not profitable. I had no choice but to ask Li Mazi to ask if he could find any profitable business selling negative things?

Li Mazi was more anxious than I was. He also had to provide for his son, so the expenses were naturally not as high as that. He asked everywhere, but he couldn't find anything at all.

I'm so depressed. If I really can't do it, I might as well move to the Zhang family's sphere of influence in Jiangbei to make a living!

Just when I was worrying about my livelihood, the owner of an antique shop next door suddenly came to me and asked me to help him appraise an antique.

Of course, it was a free appraisal, so I didn’t know what to say, so I helped the owner of the antique shop take a look at it.

This is an inkstone, square and square, with a broken mark on the corner. Generally speaking, it's pretty good. A strong fragrance of ink emitted from the inkstone, and the color seemed to be almost a thousand years old.

I picked up a magnifying glass and observed it carefully, and finally concluded that the inkstone was from the Tang Dynasty, so I asked, "Boss Qi, how much did it cost to buy this thing?"

Boss Qi smiled mysteriously at me, as if he had taken advantage of me: "One thousand yuan."

I am speechless. This thief Boss Qi must have picked up something from an unskilled farmer again.

Boss Qi is a shrewd businessman who is best at picking things up from outsiders. Regardless of whether he is a wealthy tycoon or a poor farmer, as long as he has good things in his hands, he can make a living out of the dead with just two pieces He used his words to deceive things.

Therefore, Boss Qi's business is the best in the antique street.

The irony is that Boss Qi has not graduated from junior high school and is basically semi-illiterate, but his monthly income is more than that of a small boss of a medium-sized company.

Boss Qi often said that if he had really gone to college, he would have been working as a civil servant in his hometown in the small county, working hard for mortgage and car loans, and he would probably not even be able to find a wife. Therefore, his mantra is: Knowledge changes destiny. !

In the next few days, I didn’t meet Boss Qi again.

This is a bit abnormal, because Boss Qi is a show-off person. When he has nothing to do during the day, he often plays with walnuts in his left hand and walks down the street with a teapot in his right hand, bragging with men and flirting with women.

That evening, I was lying on a chair as usual, chatting and farting with the owners of several shops next door.

"It's strange, I haven't seen Boss Qi for several days!" said the 'White Jade Xishi' opposite, "There's something wrong."

"Xiao Xishi, don't you think about the boss? If you like him, just chase him. It's not fun to sneak around all day long."

"Lao Ma, are you full of food, right? I will fall in love with that ugly guy. I'm serious, don't you think it's strange that Boss Qi stays behind closed doors?"

"Yeah, it's quite strange. Could it be that Boss Qi died at home?" Everyone started talking.

"Boss Qi collects some weird stuff all day long. Maybe he got caught in the dirty stuff..."

"How can there be so much dirty stuff? It seems to me that the enemy is here. This grandson dares to cheat anyone for money, and there are many enemies in the underworld."

Everyone said something to each other, making things more and more bizarre. In the end, everyone unanimously recommended me to go to Boss Qi's house to have a look.

I smiled bitterly and said impatiently: "I'm so full that I have nothing to do. I don't take good care of my own shop, and I still have time to mind other people's business! I think Boss Qi probably made a lot of money, no?" If you know where to go, you will be happy."

Everyone laughed and laughed, and the incident passed.

But the speaker has no intention of listening, and the listener has the intention. When they said this, I couldn't fall asleep tossing and turning. Thinking again about the last time I met Boss Qi, the inkstone he was holding, even if he didn’t know how to do it, he wouldn’t sell it at a low price of 1,000 yuan.

Could it be that the inkstone is really a hidden object and someone wants to trick Boss Qi?

After thinking about it, I became more and more uneasy, and finally decided to go and check out the situation.

Yin Xinyue asked me vaguely why I was going? I said we should go for a walk, and Yin Xinyue continued to sleep. I kissed her forehead gently.

The bright moon is high, the air is cool, and the world is rarely so quiet. The ethereal sound of cicadas is the only melody in the world, making people's restless hearts calm down involuntarily.

I walked step by step towards Boss Qi's home.

A burst of crying and cursing from a woman broke the silence. I frowned hard and followed the sound.

That voice came from Boss Qi's house. Under the hazy moonlight, I seemed to see two people fighting together in the small courtyard of Boss Qi's house.

Let me go, isn’t that Boss Qi and his wife? What are these two doing in the middle of the night?

I was so shocked that I ran up in a hurry and called the boss's door.

The two finally stopped fighting, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the two people again, he suddenly burst into laughter.

Boss Qi and Sister-in-law Qi’s bodies were torn to pieces and their clothes were not covered. Boss Qi was already fat, with all his fat exposed, making him extremely ugly.

Sister-in-law Qi, however, was in sharp contrast to him. Sister-in-law Qi pays great attention to makeup and skin care on weekdays. She looks like she is in her early thirties. She is still charming at her wolf-like age. This embarrassed look is even sexier than usual, and I am a little attracted to it. .

Damn it, this woman is simply a vixen, so I quickly shook my head and forced myself to calm down.

"Brother Zhang, you must make the decision for me." Sister-in-law Qi burst into tears when she saw me: "The guy named Qi is having a mistress outside, is he still a man?"

I couldn't help laughing. Boss Qi is really good. He has such a beautiful wife at home, and he still has the heart to cheat.

I looked at Boss Qi: "Boss Qi, you..."

"Alas." Boss Qi sighed and interrupted me: "Since ancient times, only villains and women have been difficult to raise! It doesn't matter if you don't want such a shrew, I will divorce you today."

After saying that, Boss Qi turned around and walked back to the room.

Why do I feel that Boss Qi is weird? Isn't he illiterate? When did you speak so politely?

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