Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 304 The weird boss Qi

Sister-in-law Qi chased after her like crazy: "What did you say? If you have the surname Qi, please say it again."

Boss Qi seemed determined and closed the door with a bang.

Sister-in-law Qi was so angry that she yelled and cursed at the door like a shrew, but it was of no use and Boss Qi ignored her at all.

My brows were furrowed, and an ominous premonition emerged in my mind. Boss Qi looks so abnormal. As we all know, although Boss Qi is a cunning businessman, he takes great care of his wife and rarely scolds his wife. What kind of nerve is wrong with Boss Qi today? Why is this happening? Beat and scold your wife?

Sister-in-law Qi was still crying hard: "Brother Zhang, why do you think my life is so miserable? It's so late at night, I don't even have a place to live, and my wallet is in the house."

I was stunned for a moment, and then quickly said: "I'll go and persuade Boss Qi."

But Sister-in-law Qi grabbed my arm and said, "Brother Zhang, don't go. I've completely given up on him. I won't live with him anymore."

I had no choice but to play the role of a good old man and enlighten me with sincerity.

But Sister-in-law Qi has already given up on her boss, and it’s useless no matter how much I try to persuade her.

In the end, even I didn’t know what to do.

"Brother Zhang, let me sleep in your shop tonight." Sister-in-law Qi said, "Just think you pity me."

My heart skipped a beat. Are you kidding me? You want to sleep in my store? Looking at the charming and longing eyes of my sister-in-law, I knew exactly what she was thinking.

This woman is a complete vixen, how dare I provoke her? He waved his hands repeatedly: "No, sister-in-law, Xinyue is in my store, it's a bit inconvenient."

Sister-in-law Qi smiled even more charmingly: "Then let's go to the hotel."

"Okay." I nodded: "The Home Inn opposite is pretty good. Go ahead! It's too late, I have to go back."

"But...but I didn't bring any money or ID card. Brother Zhang, please do your best and help me get a room, can you?" Sister-in-law Qi begged, holding on to my arm. open.

I'm really speechless. I can't get rid of this hot potato today. I had no choice but to bite the bullet and nod: "Okay then, I'll book a room for you."

Sister-in-law Qi smiled happily, took my arm and walked towards Home Inn.

I got goosebumps all over. I still understand that a friend's wife should not be bullied, not to mention that I have no interest in her at all. So I finally broke away from Mrs. Qi's arm.

Instead of being angry, she looked at me with a smile and said, "You haven't experienced any women, have you?" Why are you still blushing?

I was speechless, not knowing how to deal with this ambiguous scene.

Finally, I took Sister-in-law Qi into Home Inn, used my ID card to book a room for her, turned around and wanted to leave.

However, Sister-in-law Qi grabbed my arm and said, "Brother Zhang, can you talk to me for a while? I feel so aggrieved and panicked, so I beg you."

Sister-in-law Qi was crying, and the waiter next to me looked at me with strange eyes, which made me feel embarrassed, so I could only nod my head.

Following Sister Qi into the room, the atmosphere suddenly became awkward for a man and a woman alone.

I want to ask about Boss Qi. Judging from Boss Qi’s behavior, I suspect that he is entangled in dirty things.

But before I asked, Sister-in-law Qi poured out her bitter words to me.

"Hey, Brother Zhang, why is it so difficult to be a woman? I valued Lao Qi's character at the beginning, so I married him. After I got married, I have been working hard to fulfill my obligations as a wife, but What about him? He doesn’t deserve to be a man at all.”

I sneered in my heart, you value Fu’s character because you are clearly interested in Boss Qi’s money.

She continued to cry: "Lao Qi, it's okay if he doesn't care about hygiene, and it's okay if he shows off, but what I can't tolerate the most is his skills in bed, which lasts less than thirty seconds, and often I don't even feel it. Well, he's already done, you don't even know how I got here all these years..."

"I am also a woman, and I also want to taste what it's like to be a woman. Is this wrong? I really can't stand Lao Qi. He has never satisfied me even once."

Sister-in-law Qi was crying hard, with runny nose and tears pouring out her bitter tears.

But I know better than anyone else that Sister-in-law Qi is clearly a drunkard who doesn't care about drinking. She complains on the surface and teasing me is the real purpose.

I said helplessly: "Sister-in-law, the age difference between you two is too big. When you married him, you should have considered Lao Qi's physical fitness. But if you really want to divorce, then divorce and find another one." !I can’t help you with anything.”

Sister-in-law Qi was dumbfounded and looked at me in disbelief. She probably didn't expect that I would be indifferent to her temptation, right?

However, she looked unwilling, lying on the bed with her legs spread out, and her little pink panties suddenly came into view, which made people speechless.

Sister-in-law Qi simply got straight to the point: "Brother from the Zhang family, let's open the skylight and speak frankly! I need a man, and you are also delicate, let's do it! It's a matter of mutual benefit, I promise I will never tell anyone about it, From now on, you and I will become strangers."

I'm really convinced by this bitch, I really don't have any shame at all. He simply stood up and rolled his eyes at Sister-in-law Qi: "Sister-in-law, I hope you respect yourself. You know that Boss Qi and I are neighbors. I can't do such an unscrupulous thing."

With that said, I turned around and left.

But Sister-in-law Qi rushed up and hugged me: "Brother Zhang, why are you so cruel? Do you know how lonely and scared I am now? Lao Qi has already treated me like this, how dare you be so cruel and heartless."

I smiled helplessly: "Sister-in-law, let's do this. As long as you are well, I can stay here with you for one night and chat about Boss Qi. Don't you think Boss Qi is a bit weird?"

Sister-in-law Qi was startled for a moment, and her voice was trembling: "Brother Zhang, are you saying that Lao Qi is... entangled?"

I nodded: "This possibility is still very high, Lao Qi has changed too much."

After hesitating for a moment, Sister-in-law Qi was a little scared and said okay, in fact, she still had feelings for Lao Qi. If Lao Qi really had his shortcomings, she wouldn't be able to survive the rest of her life.

I know in my heart that Sister-in-law Qi regards Boss Qi as a money-making machine. She only cares about the money that Boss Qi makes and doesn't care about Boss Qi's life or death.

I sat down again and asked Sister Qi to talk to me about Boss Qi.

Sister-in-law Qi started crying again and told me about the past few days.

Sister-in-law Qi took Boss Qi back to her parents' home some time ago. Sister-in-law Qi is from Hunan, which is far away from us. Because she was pregnant, Boss Qi was worried about her going back alone, so he drove Sister-in-law Qi back.

Hearing this, I felt a chill in my heart, and I felt lucky that I had controlled it just now, otherwise it would have been a sin to abort Sister Qi's child.

Damn it, I didn’t expect Sister-in-law Qi to be so daring to play.

Boss Qi lived in Sister-in-law Qi’s hometown for a while. He was a restless person. Whenever he had the chance, he would run around and collect antiques everywhere. When I encounter an antique that I like, I will buy it despite all the hard work.

That inkstone was also bought at Sister-in-law Qi’s hometown.

The inkstone only cost 1,000 yuan, but was actually worth more than 100,000 yuan. Boss Qi was afraid that he would regret it, so after buying the inkstone, he came back alone.

Sister-in-law Qi stayed in her hometown for about a week. She was bored in every possible way, so she came back.

As the saying goes, a break is better than a wedding. Sister-in-law Qi is at a wolf-like age. She hasn't been touched by a man for a few days, and her heart is naturally itchy. After she comes back, she wants to have a close and affectionate relationship with Boss Qi. Although it only lasts for thirty seconds, but It can also satisfy cravings.

But after she came back, Sister-in-law Qi found that the house was in a mess. There were scattered rice papers everywhere. There were calligraphy on the paper, and there were some lifelike pictures of beautiful women. The ink on them hadn't dried yet. They should have been painted recently. of.

And looking at Boss Qi, he was completely immersed in calligraphy and painting. The return of Sister-in-law Qi did not surprise Boss Qi. On the contrary, she was painting an ancient beauty with vigour, which looked very strange!

Sister-in-law Qi was very surprised. He knew that Boss Qi's education level was just that he had not graduated from junior high school. He wrote crookedly like an earthworm, let alone painting. He had no artistic skills at all. How could he possibly draw such a master-level traditional Chinese painting?

Sister-in-law Qi was surprised and quickly asked Boss Qi what was going on? However, Boss Qi ignored her at all and just continued painting.

Sister-in-law Qi asked several times, but Boss Qi just responded casually. Sister-in-law Qi didn't bother to ask again and just assumed that Boss Qi was in a cram school.

She was still thinking about tonight's passionate night, so she prepared exquisite side dishes and red wine for a romantic candlelight dinner to stir up the atmosphere.

Boss Qi seems to be very interested in fine wine. He writes poems while drinking, just like an ancient literary man. Even Sister-in-law Qi was attracted by Boss Qi's literary aura and developed feelings for him.

But when the two went to bed, Sister Qi realized that things were not that simple.

Sister-in-law Qi tried her best to seduce Boss Qi, but Boss Qi not only didn't understand the style, but even scolded Sister-in-law Qi, saying that she was shameless and didn't know how to respect herself, and then went back to writing and painting.

Sister-in-law Qi was so angry that she immediately started scolding Boss Qi.

The two of them were arguing, so I came, and I naturally knew what happened next.

After listening to Sister Qi's words, I nodded thoughtfully. There is no doubt that from what Sister-in-law Qi described, Boss Qi is probably really entangled in dirty things!

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