Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 305 Heart Blood

Sister-in-law Qi asked me if I could tell anything?

So I told Sister-in-law Qi my true thoughts. The culprit this time was most likely the inkstone purchased by Boss Qi at a low price.

I asked Sister-in-law Qi if she knew the origin of the inkstone? For example, where it was purchased from, and whether there was anything weird about the original owner of the inkstone.

Sister-in-law Qi shook her head repeatedly and said that she still knew the original owner of the inkstone. He was a neighbor in her hometown. The neighbor seemed normal, and his son had always used the inkstone. Although it was passed down from ancestors, it was not unusual for almost every household in his hometown to have something passed down from ancestors.

I nodded thoughtfully and said, "It seems that I have to go to your house tonight! I saw that my boss had thick dark circles under his eyes and a sallow complexion. He must be almost unable to hold on, right?"

Sister-in-law Qi immediately became nervous and told me to save Boss Qi. After that, she took out a key and gave it to me, saying it was the key to her house.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It seemed that Sister-in-law Qi had been plotting against me for a long time, so she didn't take out the key.

I asked Sister Qi to wait at the hotel while I hurried to Boss Qi's house.

Unexpectedly, I received a call from Li Mazi on the way. Li Mazi asked me why I was not in the store?

I said that I was on the way to Boss Qi's house. Li Mazi was a little surprised and asked me if something really happened to Boss Qi?

I sighed and said that judging from the clues I had so far, Boss Qi had indeed encountered something dirty, but I couldn’t tell for a while.

I asked Li Mazi to meet me at Boss Qi’s house, and Li Mazi immediately agreed.

The reason why I dared to go to Boss Qi's house without any preparation was because I felt that the undead spirit attached to the inkstone should be a man of letters. Since he was a man of letters, he would naturally disdain to hurt others.

This can be seen from Boss Qi's bizarre performance. The ghost creatures we encountered before all took pleasure in killing people, but the ghost creature we encountered only wrote and drew. Boss Qi only lost a lot of weight, so it was nothing serious.

I think if it can be solved with words, it's better to try not to use force.

When I arrived at Boss Qi's house, Li Mazi was squatting in front of Boss Qi's house. After seeing me, he immediately ran up and asked me why I didn't bring the magic weapon?

I repeatedly told Li Mazi not to confront others head-on, but to convince others with virtue. If he angered the other party, we would run away and he probably wouldn't hurt us.

Li Mazi was still worried, so why not prepare some backup plans? I helplessly said, "Don't be prepared. What are you afraid of when I'm here?"

We went up and knocked on the door, but Boss Qi didn't open the door and ignored us at all. I had no choice but to use the key to open the door.

Li Mazi looked at the key and was so shocked that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear and asked me, "Aren't I afraid that Yin Xinyue will be jealous?"

I laughed dumbly and cursed: "Sister-in-law Qi and I have nothing to do with each other, so don't think so wildly."

Li Mazi shrugged and said okay, I believe you.

The lights in the room were turned off, and there was only a faint light coming from the bedroom. However, the light was very weak. It didn't look like the light from an electric lamp, but like candlelight.

Is there a power outage at home? I took a look at the power indicator light. The power indicator light was still on, and there was no power outage. This is really weird for Boss Qi.

We cautiously moved closer and looked through the crack in the study door. Boss Qi was sitting at his desk with a frown on his face, a white candle burning brightly.

His eyes were bright and unblinking, and he remained motionless, occasionally sighing.

Li Mazi wanted to go up and say hello to Boss Qi, but I stopped him. Boss Qi must be possessed by evil spirits. If we disturb him, we will both suffer!

When I was thinking about how to test whether Boss Qi was possessed by evil spirits, I found that Boss Qi had raised his head and stared at us with his eyes.

Those eyes were arrogant, aloof, but full of disdain, and seemed a little disgusted with our arrival.

My heart was beating wildly, but I was still discovered!

The look in his eyes was very strange and did not match the wretched Boss Qi at all. I knew it must be the evil spirit looking at us.

Now that he has been discovered, there is no need to hide. My sixth sense tells me that he will not hurt us.

So I took a deep breath and walked up with a smile: "Hello."

"Traffickers and lackeys, driven by profit, you have no right to talk to me." He said coldly, stood up, and walked straight towards us.

My heart suddenly beat wildly. Does he dislike us? Want to teach us a lesson? I only regret that I was careless and didn't bring a weapon.

Li Mazi was also a little panicked and asked me quickly what should I do? Do you want to beat him up?

I waved my hand, telling Li Mazi not to panic and to see what he was going to do first.

Boss Qi also walked very elegantly. He walked slowly with his hands behind his back, taking long steps, as if the emperor was inspecting the palace.

I forced myself to calm down and watched Boss Qi walk up to us.

Unexpectedly, when Boss Qi walked up, he just gave us a contemptuous look, ignored us, and continued to pace forward.

I breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't seem to mean any harm.

He passed us by, and finally got into the bathroom without closing the bathroom door. He just lay in the bathtub with his clothes on, filled with water, and closed his eyes to enjoy it.

This scene made me dumbfounded. Whose evil spirit is this? He really knows how to enjoy it. He washed other people's bodies and still enjoyed the fun of taking a bath.

Li Mazi asked me what to do? Just watching people take a shower like this?

I scratched my head and felt a little overwhelmed. This grandson doesn't act according to common sense, and I don't know how to deal with it.

But now that I'm here, it's really not worth it to leave before I find any bullshit clues, so I decided to endure it.

After taking a shower, Boss Qi took off all his clothes, walked to the desk, and stared at the candlelight again for a while.

After staying there for a short while, we saw Boss Qi make an action that stunned us.

He made a fist with his left hand and slapped his chest hard.

The force of this blow was very strong, and there was a dull thumping sound on my chest. I couldn't help but feel pain in my chest.

Is this the beginning of self-harm? Normally, after being possessed by evil spirits, there will be this process of self-mutilation.

Li Mazi took a breath: "Brother Zhang, what should we do? Boss Qi will beat himself to death if this continues."

I asked Li Mazi to stop talking and watch carefully.

Just like that, Boss Qi was patting his chest, and I was anxiously thinking about countermeasures.

Before I could think of a countermeasure, Boss Qi let out a slight snort, then bulged his cheeks and vomited a mouthful of blood.

This is blood from the heart!

I was shocked.

The blood at the tip of the heart is the purest blood in the human body, and has more yang energy than the blood at the fingertips. Therefore, Taoist priests generally like to use the blood of their fingertips when setting up formations or drawing talismans to ward off demons. When they encounter some difficult problems that cannot be solved, they will use the blood of their heart.

Generally, the undead are afraid of blood from the apex of his heart, but why does this evil spirit want Boss Qi to vomit out the blood from his heart? No wonder Boss Qi's whole body turned white, and his face was even more pale. His emotions were caused by frequent bathing and vomiting blood.

The blood in the apex of a person's heart is limited, and the blood in the apex is where most of the essence of the human body is located. If the essence is lost, the person will inevitably become physically weak and sickly.

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