Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 306 Picture of beautiful woman taking a bath

All the blood from the tip of his heart was spit into the inkstone.

The inkstone is exactly the one Boss Qi asked me to identify a few days ago!

The remaining ink in the inkstone and the blood from the apex of the heart were mixed together, and the blood from the apex of the heart floated on the remaining ink. Boss Qi immediately started grinding, and soon the blood from the apex of the heart and the ink were all mixed together. The ball of ink also turned into a very strange color. I couldn't tell what color it was, but it just gave me a very strange feeling.

While doing this, Boss Qi was very energetic and highly unified. He didn't even look at us, as if we didn't exist at all.

After grinding like this for a while, until the blood and ink were all integrated, Boss Qi picked up the brush and started writing calligraphy.

The brush calligraphy is free and easy, vigorous and powerful, much better than some calligraphy masters nowadays. It is really unimaginable that such meaningful words were written by the semi-literate Boss Qi!

That line of small regular script occupies a small part of the entire paper, leaving most of the blank space. However, Boss Qi was not ready to continue. He put down the pen, picked up the paper, and began to read.

"Last year, when did you say goodbye to my concubine? Butterflies were flying on the green grass in the south garden. When will I remember you this year? When the white snow on the west mountain darkened the clouds. I traveled three thousand miles from Yuguan, and if you want to send a message, you can hear it."

Boss Qi's voice has its own magnetism, and his words are straight and round, just like an announcer. Paired with this rhyming ancient poem, people can't help but be immersed in it.

Li Mazi was puzzled that his son was broken, and asked me inexplicably that my grandson, who was engaged in knitting, must have been a great poet during his lifetime, right?

I shook my head, indicating that I wasn't sure.

The next step was to see Boss Qi put the paper down again, pick up the brush and start writing and drawing on it again.

The ink was stained with blood and turned into a strange dark red. The ancient poem revealed desolation and misery everywhere, and the scenes he painted also gave people a sense of desolation and misery.

After the painting was completed, I realized that it was actually a picture of a beautiful woman taking a bath.

A slender woman with green silk hair, plump body, fair skin, and eyes with a look of awe. The private parts of the body are also vividly depicted, and one can't help but feel a throbbing feeling at a glance.

Probably because the woman in the painting is so elegant and vivid!

Boss Qi picked up the painting and looked at it carefully, and it was not difficult to see the admiration between his eyebrows.

"Rogue." Li Mazi looked at the picture of the beautiful woman and couldn't help but cursed.

I laughed loudly: "Is there any picture of a beautiful woman in this world that a gangster like you can't stand?"

Li Mazi smiled awkwardly and said: "It's just that the woman is too beautiful. Except for the Zhang family's younger brother, a man as qualified as you is qualified to appreciate her. How can that old hozen, Boss Qi, be qualified?"

I asked Li Mazi to stop talking and watch carefully. I wanted to see what Boss Qi was going to do.

"Alas." Boss Qi sighed in disappointment, and suddenly rolled the painting into a ball and tore it into pieces. His whole face was distorted with annoyance: "I can't draw your beauty, but I can describe your temperament. I can't even describe your charm, your bewitchment, and your smile..."

Boss Qi grabbed his hair angrily and began to go crazy, beating his chest and feet, as if he was crazy.

Li Mazi asked me tremblingly if I should go up and stop Boss Qi. Boss Qi looked like he was about to harm himself.

I shook my head. Who knows if we rushing up to him when he was mad would anger him? No matter what you say, once we anger him, it will not be a good thing for us.

After Boss Qi beat his chest for a while, he suddenly started painting and writing poems again.

In this way, the whole night, Boss Qi did not stop, and kept painting. The beauty was taking a bath, picking flowers, admiring the moon, and being drunk... Every painting was wonderful, and the woman in the painting seemed to have a powerful power. Charming, people can't help but be attracted at first glance.

But every time he finished the painting, Boss Qi was not satisfied. He scolded himself for not being able to show the beauty of a woman in his pen, and for not being able to depict the beauty of a woman... It can be seen from the words that this infatuated man's love for the woman has reached the point of madness. .

Throughout the night, the room that Mrs. Qi finally cleaned up turned into a mess again, with messy shredded paper all over the floor, and ink splattering everywhere in the study, making it a mess.

When I was worried about when Boss Qi would stop, Boss Qi suddenly rolled his eyes, his body went limp, and he collapsed straight on the ground.

I immediately ran up and checked on Boss Qi. Fortunately, Boss Qi probably just fainted and was not seriously injured.

This shows that the undead has left Boss Qi.

I have to go back and get ready, but Boss Qi looks like he cannot do without someone to take care of him. So after much deliberation, I finally called Mrs. Qi and asked her to come back and take care of Boss Qi.

I wonder if Sister Qi will come back after what happened last night. Fortunately, Sister Qi's anger was mostly gone, and she agreed to come back.

Seeing the chaos in the room, Sister Qi was very angry, but she had no choice but to do so. I had no choice but to put in a good word for Boss Qi, saying that this was not Boss Qi’s original intention, so don’t blame him too much.

Sister-in-law Qi smiled and said it didn't matter. Since we were husband and wife, we had to share joys and sorrows together, and she would help Boss Qi get through this difficulty.

I smiled and said that was fine.

Sister-in-law Qi suddenly dragged me into her bedroom and asked Li Mazi to wait outside. I was shocked and thought that Sister-in-law Qi would not take the opportunity to do anything to me. This would be too heartless.

I was just about to reject her righteously, but Sister-in-law Qi suddenly blushed and apologized to me, saying that she had drunk some wine last night and was in a bad mood, so she did something drastic, and asked me not to take it to heart. , and asked me if I would tell this matter?

I smiled and said, don't worry, I can completely understand her excessive behavior.

Sister-in-law Qi breathed a sigh of relief and said with emotion that she just hoped to vent her frustrations with a man who had substance. Boss Qi is a rough guy who never understands romance. After getting married, Sister-in-law Qi has not enjoyed the romance and passion she deserves for a long time.

But now she has figured it out. If you marry a chicken, you can marry a dog. This is the kind of person Boss Qi is, and she doesn't expect Boss Qi to become a romantic.

After I went out, Li Mazi kept asking me what exactly we said in the bedroom. Was it some shameful thing?

After hearing this, I couldn't laugh or cry. I really wanted to beat up Mazi Li. This kid clearly judged a gentleman with a villain's heart. In his imagination, a man and a woman alone in the same room would definitely do that kind of thing. Bar.

Originally, I wanted Li Mazi to stay here with Sister-in-law Qi, but after thinking about it, I was still a little worried about Li Mazi. This Li Mazi is a coquettish master. No matter how many times he has experienced unforgettable love, he is still coquettish in his bones. Jin can't be changed. If he gets involved with Sister Qi, wouldn't he feel sorry for Ruxue?

So after much deliberation, I finally left with Li Mazi.

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