Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 307 Smart Yin Xinyue

I asked Li Mazi to go back and tell Ruxue and Li Xiaomeng that they should take a good rest and meet again in the afternoon.

I also returned to the antique store and found Yin Xinyue making breakfast in the kitchen.

Looking at Yin Xinyue who was busy early in the morning, my mood immediately improved a lot, and I walked up and hugged Yin Xinyue.

Yin Xinyue smiled and asked me to stop making trouble and wait at the table.

Soon, a simple breakfast was served, a pile of side dishes, two poached eggs and two fried dough sticks.

After struggling all night, I was starving and started gobbling it down.

As I was eating, I noticed something was wrong. Yin Xinyue didn't eat and looked at me strangely. I raised my head suspiciously and met her eyes.

I was stunned for a moment, and then asked Yin Xinyue what happened? Why don't you eat?

She smiled lightly at me and said, "You went out early this morning? I thought you wouldn't come back for breakfast, so you just made your own."

I said, "It's okay, I don't want to disturb your rest."

After that, I fell silent.

I want to tell Yin Xinyue what happened last night, but when she thinks of Sister-in-law Qi and I going to book a room, no matter how innocent I am, Yin Xinyue will have a knot in her heart and she will be suspicious, right?

I was wondering whether to tell this white lie. I didn't even feel like eating anymore, so I finished my meal in a state of despair, and then watched Yin Xinyue clearing the dishes.

After thinking about it, in the end I couldn't stand the condemnation in my heart. I felt that this white lie was really stupid. I obviously didn't do anything, so why did I keep it secret from Yin Xinyue? If she knew it, she would probably be even more sad.

So I finally mustered up the courage to catch up, put the bowl in Yin Xinyue's hand into the pool, and said, "Xinyue, listen to me, actually I went out last night."

Yin Xinyue looked at me in surprise: "Last night? What were you going out for?"

"I was just worried about Boss Qi, so I went to visit Boss Qi's house." I said, " know Boss Qi has a pretty beautiful wife, Sister-in-law Qi, then Sister-in-law Qi..."

It was hard for me to talk about some things, so I had to brush them off and tell Yin Xinyue everything about taking her to check out a room last night.

Yin Xinyue burst into laughter and said, "I don't see that you are quite honest. Aren't you worried that I don't believe you? Only a ghost can believe that you followed her into the hotel but remained indifferent."

I smiled helplessly: "You can't help me if you don't believe me, silly girl. You don't even know how tempting you are. How can I bear to let you down?"

Yin Xinyue smiled and hugged me and said, "Don't call me a fool, I know everything about last night."

"What?" I broke into a cold sweat and looked at Yin Xinyue dumbfounded: "How do you know? You are not following me."

Yin Xinyue shook her head: "I'm not that boring. Only stupid women would use this way to capture a man's heart."

So she told me the whole story of the incident.

It turned out that last night, Li Mazi and Ruxue couldn't sleep, so they got up in the middle of the night and wandered around. Unexpectedly, they saw Sister Qi and I going to the hotel together.

Ruxue knew that there was something fishy about this matter, so she called Yin Xinyue and told Yin Xinyue about it.

However, Yin Xinyue believed that I must have my own purpose for doing this. She still trusted me and felt that I would not do anything to regret her. Instead, she was worried that something would happen to me alone, so she asked Li Mazi to call me and ask Ask if you want help.

At the same time, she told Li Mazi not to tell me that she knew about this matter. If I had not done anything sorry for her, I would definitely take the initiative to confess.

After listening to Yin Xinyue's words, I broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, I am an honest person, otherwise I would definitely break Yin Xinyue's heart this time.

I explained my helplessness to her again, for fear that Yin Xinyue would have a grudge against her. But Yin Xinyue smiled and told me that I didn't need to explain, she could trust me.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

Yin Xinyue asked me again what happened to Boss Qi?

So I told Yin Xinyue exactly what happened to Boss Qi. After hearing this, Yin Xinyue frowned: "It turns out that the person possessed by Boss Qi is a great poet from ancient times! I really want to meet this great poet. I'll go with you tonight."

I refused without hesitation. Although the undead possessing Boss Qi was relatively benign, it was still undead and inhumane. If I hurt Yin Xinyue, I would have uneasy conscience for the rest of my life.

She has taken risks for me several times before. This time I will never let Yin Xinyue suffer for me again.

But Yin Xinyue is a stubborn girl, how can I persuade her with just a few words? In the end, I was really helpless and could only nod my head and agreed.

So I went to the room to prepare the things I would use tonight, including the Sirius Whip, the Yin-Pang Umbrella, the Peach Soul Flower, the Talisman, etc., which were all the usual things.

After everything was packed and ready to set off, I was stopped by Yin Xinyue: "Looking at you, you seem to be going to fight with the other party?"

I said that if I don’t fight hard with the other party, do I still have to reason with the other party?

Yin Xinyue said with a smile: "Since the other party is a scholar, he should be well-educated and reasonable. Although it is possible to defeat the other party by fighting hard, we may also be injured, which is unfair to him. I will hurt the enemy by one thousand and hurt myself by eight hundred." Not coming out.”

I frowned, wondering what Yin Xinyue meant by saying this. Could it be that she had some good ideas?

Yin Xinyue continued: "We are all high-quality people in the new century. When something happens, we can't just think about fighting and killing, so as to convince others with virtue."

I couldn't help but laugh with a puff: "Those undead are all bitches. If you don't show them how powerful they are, they will slap their noses in their faces and convince others with their virtues. Do you think you can win with just a few words?" Can you solve everything? Don't kid me."

Yin Xinyue said: "Don't worry! Leave this matter to me. As long as I know his unfulfilled wish and help him complete it, won't he be able to leave with peace of mind?"

I nodded: "That's right, but that guy is just a scumbag. He can't even do anything with his pole. Do you think you can convince people with your virtue just by opening your mouth? Don't be kidding me."

Yin Xinyue smiled and said, "Well, I'll let you see how powerful I am tonight."

I scratched my head and couldn't help but feel a headache. Yin Xinyue is good at everything, her only flaw is her stubbornness. It is difficult for others to change what she decides. If she wants to take action herself, I can't stop her.

I had no choice but to ask Yin Xinyue what good idea she had!

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